Nobody's Home

Caden has been breaking into the recording studio to record her music, since she doesn't have her own personal recording equipment or the cash to rent out a recording room. She has snuck into the studio a few times, but one night she gets busted when she goes back to get something she left behind. Caden is sure that she's going to get handed over to the cops, but someone decides to cover for her on one condition; she has to help them in the studio and on occasion around the home (a sort of community service if you will). And who is this someone you ask? Well it's none other than the Jonas family! Over time she becomes close with the Jonas's and starts to hang out with them on a regular basis, particularly Kevin. But when things start to act up at home, Caden starts to distance herself form everyone, including the Jonas family. When Kevin tried to figure out what's wrong she pushes farther away. What will happen to Caden? Will Kevin and Caden be together? What is going on at Caden's house? You'll have to read to find out! Hope you like it!
  1. Chapter 1
    Breaking and entering, without the breaking part!