The World of Slash

Davey Havoks Sex Change Vol 1.

"Quick! The knife! Give me the God Damn knife nurse!" The doctor yelled at the nurse, making her - previously a him- nervous.

"What knife?! There's a bijllion of them!" He/she yelled.

"Just anyone! The one that looks like a butter knife! If we don't amputate the penis now, Mr Havok will never get his sex change!" The nurse picked up a knife and gave it to the doctor.

The doctor started to make the change...But soon, another complication arose.

"Oh my god! He's bleeding from the anus! Suction!"

We leave the operating room and into the waiting room.

We find Bert McCracken and his band among the other waiting males.

They all stood impatiently, wanting to get the first piece of Davey...Or soon to be, Miss Davey.

"Aw dude...Look at the line..." Bert said as he looked ahead.
30 men, all waiting. Waiting in line for satisfaction. Their need for orgasms growing stronger and strong with each growing moment.

Bert looked out to see who was first inline.

"What the fuck?! Jesse McCartney!?" Bert yelled out. Jesse McCartney heard his name, he turned around, giving his bleach blond hair a girly flick.

"Someone say my name?" Jesses' girly voice sprung out.
All the men groaned in frustration.

"I don't want to sex Davey after him!" Rhyn from Panic at the disco stated. But he looked up and down at Brandon. "But I will after you...Baby," he said, eying Brandon up and down.

"Ah...Rhyn and I...Are gonna go..." Brandon said, grabbing Rhyn by the hand and running into the bathroom that was close by.

"Davey?! Oh my god! Ew..." Jesse yelled out, running out of the hospital.

Next in line was Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy.

"Woohoo! Yeeeees!" Patrick proclaimed. He was happy to be first inline.

"Aw. What the fuck?!" Bert yelled out in frustration again.

"Why don't you and Gerard get together again...Give love that one more chance...We all know you two have fucked before!" Bert turned around to see who it was. It was Johny Rotten from the Sex Pistols.

"How about you make me!" Bert said looking back at Johny.

"Gladly!" All of the sudden, there was no line.
One fight had broken out, then another, then another...Then some started to have sex.

"Stop! Everyone stop!" The doctor yelled out as soon as he saw the bunch of men all stuck together...He could tell if they were having sex or fighting. "Haven't you people heard of condoms?!" He yelled out in disgust.

All the men stop punching or sexing...Some pulled the firsts back and some put their pants back on.

"Where's Davey?! I want sex. Now!" Avril Lavine yelled out.

"What the hell is she doing here?!" Tre Cool from the band Green Day yelled out.

"She ain't no she," Mikey from My chemical romance said.

"Who cares! We want sex!" Gerard butted in.

All of the sudden, all of the men started to chant 'We want sex! We want sex! Bring out Davey! He's a woman now! We want sex!'

"Calm down! Please calm down!" The doctor yelled out, hushing the riot. "I don't think Davey will be having sex...He has been badly bleeding from the anus. In fact, none of you should be having sex..."

"What do ya mean?!" Someone yelled out.

"Shut up!...Davey's operation has given us a conclusion as to why all the women have died out." All the men gasped.


"Someone has created their own sexual transmitted infection. It was past one from the person who created it, thus, all the males transmitting it onto women, then it got around like AIDS causing all the women to die out...And only the women could die from it..." There was a dead silence in the room.

"Who the hell created it?!" Billie Joe Armstrong yelled out.

All the men turned to Pete Wentz.

"What? Don't look at me! I don't have sex with women..."

"That's because he has sex with one eyed cats." Patrick Stumped stated. Causing all the men to laugh.

"Okay, okay..." The doctor stopped laughing and put his serious face on.

"Well...Who was it doc!"

"The man is in the room..." The doctor stated.


"The man who created his own sexually transmitted infection was..."

Please don't take offense to any of this. It's of course all not true and never has been. It's all a joke.