When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter Ten – Let it enfold you

I knew I was dreaming because it was all too good to be true. I was with my family as it had stood before back a few years ago before the move, my parents together like I had believed them to be last year. My friends were there so unlike now I wasn’t venerable to the world and best of all Alex my boyfriend was there with me. I knew it was to good to be true because well face it like I said it was a dream and soon there was a shaking on my arm brings me back to reality.
“Hey Chris your brothers downstairs.” I opened my eyes as Pete finished speaking he smiled at me as I sat up and nodded before jumping up and heading out towards the stairs.
Bob looked as though he hadn’t yet slept at all he pulled a weak smile onto his lips as he said thank you to Pete’s mom for looking after me and we left. Bob’s van as usual for him was full of rubbish, well like a man who lives in his van. He didn’t say a word just drove on carefully towards the hospital, I knew that’s where he was heading I mean where else would he go. A few times I opened my mouth to speak but found no words could form between my quivering lips.

Eventually we stopped but it wasn’t as I had expected outside the hospital. He stepped out of the car and as normal for me I dumbly followed. It did strike me how he never said anything about what the hell was going on.
Bob sat opposite me in the ice-cream parlour, his face long and depressive. He passed over an ice cream and sat playing with his. I watched him as he sighed heavily.
“I’m going away soon a day or so… Mom will be fine,” He muttered I didn’t believe him he’s so see through
“What is it really bob I’m older enough to look after myself,”
“She’s in a coma.” My mouth dropped I may be 19 and so therefore technically able to look after myself, but a part-time job in hot topic didn’t mean I was able to look after myself. I was speechless truly speechless my lip quivered as I attempted to form words none coming to at all. Standing up I walked away without a word said.

Leaving my feet just to lead me to where ever it was I was going I walked through the dank streets until finally I stopped and rang the buzzer of a small house. It didn’t take long and Joe answered beckoning me into to the front room where the rest of the boys sat, talking music most properly. When they noticed I was standing there they all stopped and silence hang in the air, a deathly silence. Pete stood and hugged me causing my emotions to run out I broke down into tears falling to the floor crying him still holding me tight whispering “it’ll be okay” in my ear continually. I cried of course I did I couldn’t help it I mean my mother was just found out to be in a coma if I was a year younger I would o had to disturbed my fathers lovely new family and gone there, but no my mother was in a coma so I cried without any control over it.
I sniffed as I stopped Petes grip around me loosened, as we pulled apart, He kissed me genially on the forehead and wiped a stray tear away from my cheek. I stood up and from a quick look about the room it was evident that they already knew about it.
“Here,” Patrick muttered as he passed me some tissues as I wiped my face I realised how much my eyeliner had ran. I tried to laugh at it but the sound was heavily dripped in sobs.