When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter Twelve – Only Wishful Thinking

Time passed and it seemed that the guys were weirder than I believed them to be when I had met them. Not including the locker incidents because those made me look more peculiar than I possibly am.
“Chris, your phone’s ringing!” a voice rang out I scrunched my face up as I slowly woke up. A hand held my phone out to me
“Morning Andy,” I mumbled as I take my phone from him.
“Hello,” I muttered into the phone answering it without even thinking of checking the caller ID.
“Hey Chris,” Bob’s voice rang out in head, “I only phoned because I’m going today okay… oh shit the planes taking off in a bit see ya.” The line went dead without me being able to get a word in sides ways, I thought he was going to stay because of mom but I suppose as per usual I was blindly wrong. But maybe this is his way of copeing to black everything out… some way that is.

Rolling over until I feel from the bed I dragged my upset corpse towards the stairs and towards the salvation of coffee. Sipping quickly at the hot liquid hoping it wouldn’t burn my tongue anymore than it already had, Andy watched me carefully from the other side of the table. He smiled in return for the smile I just sent him.
“Are you okay?” he muttered, I nodded weakly lip-syncing ‘yeah’. He pulled a smile across his face. Thumping upstairs alerted the house that everyone else was now awake.
I watched the Dark black liquid pour into the cup once again in a trance as it did. Why was everything so complicated I wanted to run away like Bob. I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist as a light kiss was placed gently against my neck.
“Run away?” I muttered to myself
“Huh?!” Pete replied
“Run away I said I just want to change,” I heard him sigh and kiss the side of my neck again.
In a second moment a black image full of red and yet darkness filled my mind as I saw my reflection in the clean tiles of the kitchen wall. A shock pain filled my body and inside my head I felt my body change as white sunk deep into the flesh on my neck.
Gasping slightly, Pete stopped kissing my neck. “What’s up babe?” my face had shock written or more carved deep into it yet I slowly shock my head in denial.
“It’s nothing I thought I saw something…”
“What?” I had to think fast turning to face Pete I smiled
“A spider nothing really!” he laughed slightly and smiled at my believed stupidity then kissed me.