When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter Thirteen – Maybe You’ll Make It Through

Patrick ran into the coffee shop where I worked screaming shortly followed by the rest of the boys smiling and lauging away. Pete came over towards the counter.
“Four coffees right?” he smiled and nodded leaning over the counter he kiss me lightly on the cheek he moved so his lips were next to my ear and whispered to me.
“You want to escape, we’ll were all going you won’t see this place for ages.” he pulled away looking at my expression, smiling he kissed me once again.
“Here’s the coffees." Sandra said passing them to me.
“I’m taking a break,” I muttered as I picked up the coffees taking them over to the boys and joining them. “So spill what do you mean.”
“We thought it would be fun to take a little road trip, I mean we got the van from the band anyway.” Joe muttered
“Except its properly stinking,” Andy said pulling a face as he burnt his tongue on the coffee. The rest of the boys laughed and talked but through everything I was still feeling spaced out and oh I don’t know.

Locking the door to the coffee shop I waved goodbye to Sandra and began the slow walk home… that’s a place I haven’t been in a while but I suppose more from fear than anything else. I saw the house from the moment I turned the corner it called out to me like a haunted house… the emptiness screaming.
“Ah fuck… so unfair,” mumbling I slowly unlocked the door “hello!” I called out but only in vain because who else would be here with Bob away and mother in a coma, the air was cold inside and that struck me first making the house seem more lonely than anything. Slowly I made my way through the dead rooms and began to make coffee not before switching on the TV just for the noise.
Throwing my self into the chair I couldn’t help but think something was about I had always had the problem of being too deep a thinker but I still couldn’t help it something seemed not right. A light tap on the door, shortly followed by a hello and two boys standing in the living room smiling weakly at me. Tears welled up in my eyes no idea why though.
“hey, we figured you could do with some company,” Andy muttered smiling and leaning in to hug me, sniffing I held tears back as I returned the hug.

“you know what, its so dead here,” tears slowly drifted back into my eyes making there escape down my cheek and landing softly on my shirt.
“you’ll make it through you’re a strong one.”
“you know what Peter, that sounded really stalkerish then,” Andy burst into laughter as Pete shot evils
“That was thou,” he argued
“And pretty creature of the night business,” everything went silent you could hear glass shatter.

“WTF! Why the hell do you all go so grr! Like that.” I shouted breaking the silence they both looked at me dumbstruck. Each face read confusion and most properly mine. Swallowing so hard you could see his throat move Andy spoke
“What d..do you mean,”
“You know fucking what… you guys are full of cryptic shit and I’ve put up with it since I got here its kind of wearing thin you know,” neither male could make eye contact with me and standing up Andy spoke once again.
“I…I cant say but were sorry that secrets are kept like this.” My eyes watered as I looked into Pete’s eyes wishing at least he could be honest yet he looked away to. I fell once again into my chair. Andy headed towards the door beaconing Peter. Looking back to me he leaned in kissing me softly on the cheek and whispering “sorry!” in my ear. If only I knew why and what the fuck.
“I’ll see you later okay babes.” He smiled yet that smile did nothing but look weak and feebly at an attempt to calm me.