When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter Fifteen – Am I The Sacrifice?

I woke the next morning with a small kiss on my forehead, “what was that for” I mumbled trying to pull the blanket over my head.
“Nothing you just looked so peaceful I had to” opening one eye I saw the smiling image of Pete, the room was pretty dark from the closed blinds but it was still easy to see. Sighing heavily like I always seem to do I slowly rose up and dressed.
“I need coffee… now.” I said the emphasis on the ‘now’.

All of us seemed sat in silence I kept my gaze solely on the coffee placed before me, my head span and although none of us were arguing I couldn’t help but wonder what that raw nerve I had hit yesterday was I’d never seen anyone act like they did, and maybe this wasn’t such a good idea anyway.
“Huh!?” which ever one of them called me it startled me catching my attention.
“Weren’t you listening?” joe asked
“Of course I was,” looking back to my coffee I carefully sipped the hot liquid
“What was said?”
“Even though I’d be sacrificed, you won’t try for me, not now,” I muttered quoting a song I loved.
“No… that’s catchy pretty cool.”

“I’m sure that it’s nothing,” a small smile crept across my face and yet I doubted every word
“I thought you’d go… ‘your not living in a horror movie Stacey' grow up,” the sound of laughter filled my head
“Maybe not little sis, maybe you are ooooo,” I laughed a little I missed Bob and he didn’t take the piss out of my concern “I wouldn’t worry about it he does love you,”
“I thought you didn’t like him, you said he was icky,”
“That’s because he’s stealing my baby siste,r”
“I’m not baby bitch… its just they are so spaced out so much more odd than I thought,”
“Well they are your friends,”
“That isn’t what I mean.” I didn’t know how to put it but lately I felt like I was acting in a horror film and like I’d forgotten my lines to… an unexplained emptiness.