When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter Seventeen – What have you done now?

Humans are only humans by there humanity, the true meaning of humanity has been lost through the ages… forgotten, like the other species that linger amongst us, living normal life’s born and death eventually come to all that is the law of the living.

Mutations in the blood separate out our species making us different in ways other than appearance and personality. Theses differences are confined to our blood. Not differences like blood type and defects in some senses. Three stand out, undetectable and forgotten to many most don’t even know about it them self anymore with blood and body fluids being mixed so readily in this modern age.

Vampire yes that’s what I said born a vampire you are till you die, but myths are right a sort after a while you stop ageing stay young forever as its put yet they die although their life span is a lot longer than average. Needing blood to sustain their life, they drink from humans. Like addicts blood is their drug and they need it. Able to set foot in sunlight at a young age, and beginning to change at puberty with a craving that worsens through time as they are able to set in direct sunlight for less and less periods of time.

A mutation also make some people, chosen by some and cursed by others, if they are bitten they change become the damned killer. Slowly over time they change cravings set in like that the vampire suffers they slowly change.

A balance must be kept so says the laws of nature and well anything. Of course another mutation means that if bitten the blood poisons and kills the vampire. An undetectable and unknown ‘thing’ kills the vampire in a rather nasty way, forcing any blood to become forced out of the body anyway it can.

My body jolted under the pressure like a dancer under flashing strobe lights. It didn’t seem to matter how much I squirmed I just couldn’t stop the screaming in my head. My neck felt hot and wet it seemed to be the only thing I did feel continuously a stabbing pain. Hot and cold flushes moved all over me and everything was black.

I saw everything

Everything I had seen it hundreds of time in my dreams twisting and moving but it felt like my life was drawn from me. In the darkness I saw the red, red blood everywhere I wanted to do something here an itching in my head told me that but what?

That screaming got loader and I realised it was me…