When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter Twenty-two – Look at me now

Pete slowly made his way over to an empty chair which was opposite where I sat comfortable on the floor; quickly he and Patrick were engaged into conversation. I couldn’t help it my eyes just settled on his face easily. He looked tired out like he hadn’t slept much he’s not the only one, his hair fell over his face a little where he wore that cheeky smile that made everyone woo. His glanced moved to me and quickly I moved to look at my coffee.
I couldn’t make eye contact with him. I just wanted to hate him.
But knew to well I couldn’t.

The dark brown liquid sloshed gently around the bottom of the card cup, more than likely stone cold by now. A heavy sigh slipped through my lips as I moved glancing over towards the window. Pale blue curtains covered them preventing any of the direct sunlight entering the room. Thou looking towards that window it were easy to tell that soon the sun would be at its brightest.

“Chris?” Patrick said getting my attention; he wore that warm smile as always.
“Yeahh,” my voice came out in monotone, droning.
“Did we tell you that Katie’s coming down for a few weeks from Uni,” I felt a smile tug at the edges of my pale lips as I shake my head lightly.
“That’s great.” I said my voice returning to its normal glory. I missed having Katie around from practically the moment she went.
These guys were hermits, well not actually seeing as the whole Fallout Boy thing but they didn’t really date much and to be honest most of the girls I knew otherwise I had a particular disliking for.

Time passed by a while as I stared into nothingness dwelling on my thoughts… I need to be a lot less cynical at times.
Slowly I rose, pulling up the dark hood of my jacket I headed towards the door. They wouldn’t argue I knew, or hoped not… I wouldn’t burn out being so ‘young’ as it was put my skin was still changing and if I remained covered and moved quickly I should be okay.

A hand landed gently on my shoulder, shaking I shrugged it off. Once again I felt that hand on my shoulder.
“Please,” his voice rang out sending shivers down my spine. I kept my face forward ignoring him “Chris, I’m sorry talk to me.” I could hear his voice shaking as he spoke.
Tears pricked in my eyes.
“ever little pat on the shoulder fails to mention I still hate you!” I say so silently it came as a whisper, but obviously he heard me as the grip loosened and his hand slid away from my shoulder as I stepped out into the bright sunlight. I made my way briskly away wishing he would chase me, but I knew he could that was partly the reason I left when I did.

*Shock pov Peter*

The room hit silent, I heard nothing except those words echoing in my mind. She hates me…
I needed to follower her no matter what.
I hissed in pain as I forced myself outside only the hand out in the bright light the pain almost unbearable but I had an inner strength that said nothing was impossible even Death.
“Fuck!” The word escaped my lips as I felt a force pulling me backwards back into the dimmed safe room. Faces loomed over me as I sighed tears watering up and glossing over my eyes.
“she doesn’t mean it…”
“don’t do it, she loves you.”

but even though I heard them I never believed the words.

"sorry for the delay but its awkward trying to rewrite... sort of confusing to ¬¬"