When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Three – I’m Jaded Whatever That Means

Katie was just who I needed someone whom I could speak with knowing I could trust her as well, without her knowing exactly what was going on… I wasn’t very good at making new friends. The show tonight would be the best option knowing that she would be there to see Joe again.

There it was again that stench of stale sweat lingering thick in the air, even thou I had avoided large crowds because of my intoned senses I found myself rather than sickened used to the smell or maybe sickly used to the smell. Like smells that fill the air everyday you never notice them, like they aren’t there yet you know they are.

Confusing I know… but I was still getting used to be well the ‘new’ me.

Scanning the darkish room I spotted Katie, but that was only because she was quite close by anyway. As she saw me approach a warming smile spilled across her face, jumping at me, she wrapped her legs around my waist hugging me.
“Chrisss Chris Chrissyyy!” She beamed “missed you babe”.

Our eyes settled on the four guys setting up instruments whilst quietly cursing to themselves, or that’s what Katie gathered from lip reading. Sighing I took a sip of the brightly coloured alcho-pop I drank and looked away from the stage setup.
Katie stared at me, you all know that feeling I’m sure. I glanced over to her, her face sympathetic.
“Is everything okay?” I sighed… what was I supposed to say
“Yeahh,” even I was surprised by how much my voice seemed droned out.
“Sure,” she muttered obviously not believing me. “Want to go see the guys when the finish?” My eyes were fixed on the floor quickly I took another sip of my drink whilst shaking my head.
Katie looked at me her hands on her hips lips pursed. “What’s happening? And you better tell me”.
“We split,” I said whilst holding my breath, then I realised a long sigh and looked back to the floor “we’re just not talking anymore.”

Katie looked at me her mouth forming a small ‘o’. I think she got the point as that issues was dropped or was up until the guys finished their set.

I felt my face flush as a feeling washed over me, I don’t know what but I had that… that you know, I just felt it. Four sweaty boys slowly made their way through the crowd obviously heading in this direction.

sorry bout the driftyness... mental block, cant remember what i had written