When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter Twenty-Five – I Couldn’t Take The Pain Of

Chapter Twenty-Five – I Couldn’t Take The Pain Of Loneliness

A small gasp escaped my lips as I looked at him, his face didn’t read like it would if he’d stumbled in here accidentally. He looked concerned.

My back was right up against the sink still with my hands grasping the edge, my balance maintained mostly by that. Pete stepped forward, no space stood between us.

Swallowing hard my grip tightened.

He quickly without a word placed his lips to mine, kissing me.
I kissed him back.
The kiss deepened into something more passionate.

Why did I kiss him back…?

He smiled into that kiss as he pulled away.

My heart beat raced in those next few moments, questions raced… what the fuck was he doing? Was this a game? Or am I dreaming? My eyes searched his for answers his hazel eyes looking deeply into mine. He moved his lips next to my ear whispering
“I’m sorry.” A smile tugged at my lips as he moved back placing his lips once again against mine.

My heart fluttered.

I had needed that despite everything, me ‘hating’ him… no, that was never real, but we all knew that anyway.

Pete gently told hold of my hand lacing my fingers with his he headed out of the bathroom me following, quite happily actually. Slowly we walked away, by away I mean away from the party.
Happily we walked hand in hand down the streets

The grass smelt fresh still heavy with the morning dew the sky dark blues beginning to lighten as the sun began to rise at the horizons edge.
“The sun,” I muttered pointing out the clearly obvious.
“Yeah.” was the droned response I received.