When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter Twenty-Eight - Bombshells and Buttercups

It was like a bomb falling yet silence hung so deeply in my ears. His eyes looked so sincere, “wh..w…what?”. I finally stuttered out.
“I know what’s happened to you and its cool I know people like that.”
What how could he that was not even really possible let alone plausible.

Everyone in the small ice-cream parlour tuned to gaze at me as I shrunk back into my chair whilst bob giggled at me. I raised my voice a little less when I finished the sentence “Do you mean?”

Bob shock his head and smiled at me
“Its not stereotypical, you don’t sleep in a coffin and I bet your not trying to drink blood yet,”
My jaw dropped as I tried to stutter out words knowing I wouldn’t be able to speak them.
“D…D…don’tttt be stupppidd,” Each word stuck like old chewing gum in the back of my throat and failed to come out as convincing as I had hoped. I glanced away from his eyes I knew the moment I looked into the those icy blue eyes that were so like mine I would not be able to lie.
Bob sighed just like he had that time I had broken mothers vase that had apparently ment a lot to her. I remembered that sigh because he had taken the blame for it and only sighed at me when I tried to say sorry.

“What do you mean you know others?” I finial said my voice barely above a whisper as I glanced into his eyes once again. I hadn’t him to have a face like that it reeked of sympathy.
“I’m worried that I’ll lose you if you’re here I understand your relationship but it can’t be as brilliant as your making out.”

I held my breath until I choked it out in one long sigh. I had always hated how he read me like a book no trouble what so ever. I had never understood how I could ignore everything said by everyone but as soon as the words left his mouth I took them so deeply to heart.

“Come back to New Jersey with me Chris, I’ve got an apartment and there’s enough room for you,”
“I don’t know.”

Why did I say that ‘I don’t know’ why couldn’t I just come out straight and say no to him like any normal human… Ha human that’s funny… stupid brain.

The ice-cream was complete liquid and I didn’t even feel like eating that as I swished it about the bottom of the bowl so carelessly. I felt my hair being ruffled as he tapped my head in the way he used to do reassure me when I was five or so.