When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter Two – Friends and Alibis

Do you ever get that feeling that your stomach drops when you hear your name called, I did for some reason I still whished so hard to spin around and see all my old friends but they weren’t there, of course they wouldn’t be there. Why would they?
“Aww look at the little emo kid,” I was bursting with angry and laughing at the same time just because of my cocky attitude, I looked down at my misfits tee and burst into laughter.
“Ha this isn’t emo you fucking idiots.” I retaliated. I’ve never been very good at shutting the fuck up but I really should learn to do so.

I forced my hands against the cold metal thinking hard to myself, I’d never been locked in a locker before even at my old school, and to be blunt I didn’t like it. At least if it had happened to me in my old school my brother would have been about but not now not here. I pushed against the door once again harder this time in an effort to make the hinges give way. I stopped breathing heavily. Running my hand over the clip I worked out how to open it, from outside the locker you could hear the boys coming into the room to change for soccer.
It worked but as I fell out of the locker I stood finding myself in a room of stripping guys, pushing my glasses up my nose they all watched shocked,
“Hey guys,” I winked before pulling up my hood and walking out, from the corner of my eye I saw Patrick laughing at my expense.

I stood outside the school; I even sat on the wall and watched my bus drive away bit for some reason just didn’t want to go after it.
“Hey nice move in the locker room,” I glanced sideways to were Patrick stood with few other guys one of them talking to me “It’s always nice to have a little excitement,” he said, I looked back to my phone and finished sending my text.
“If you say so,” I muttered looking back to them; there were four of them.
“I’m Andy,” he said holding out his hand, I took it shaking it
“Chris.” they nodded
“That’s Joe and that Pete.” he pointed to a dark haired boy then to another dark haired guy but he had red streaks and wore a Dark hoodie, with the hood pulled high over his face. “You wanna hang or something?” I looked at each of them they generally seemed friendly I shrugged jumping down from the wall and following them.
“What we doing then?” Patrick muttered looking around at us all. Each one mumbled something or shrugged. To be blunt I was bored even if I was with people that didn’t want me six feet under.