When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter Three – Early Sunsets over Monroville

I sat on the roof of my house I was lucky having the attic room ment I could easliy climb onto the roof, the air was warm and although I could see the sun setting in the horizon it stayed warm enough to sit there. I hated day light quite a bit but that wasn’t suprising really.
Breathing heavly I lent over the egde of my roof to were two people approched to the door.
“Hi?” I shouted, they looked up noticing me and waved, from where I was I could make out the outlines of Patrick and Pete.
“Yeah so there’s a gig on like err soonish we wanted to know if you wanted to come with?” Patrick mumbled, I looked at each of the two boys and nodded.

I glanced around the room as the guys filtered away to various other people they must have knew.
“Just mingle you’ll be okay,” I looked up to see the grinning face of Pete, yes I can see his face for the first time his hood had been pushed down. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, “Want a drink?” he asked pointing over to were someone was selling bottles. It was only a local gig of local bands.
“Yeah please.” I answered he signalled for me to follow him over, we picked up our drinks and headed off to a corner.

“Your new round here aren’t you?” he asked, did I even need to say well duh he smiled and shook his head he must of got the answer from my facial expression. A smile crept across my face, “where you from?”
“Elsewhere.” I muttered taking a swig of my drink, did I forget to say I'm a sarcastic bitch. He smiled laughing a little more.
“Okay,” he turned away from me looking around the room, “I’ll be back in a moment.” he muttered walking off into the crowd.
It suddenly hit me out of place I was, I hadn’t look that bad standing next to Pete or any of the other guys, seeing as they dressed a little like me and well hello hoodies, I glanced down at my clothes and sighed heavily I didn’t fit in. Dragging my feet I headed out side grabbing another bottle on the way. People lay about the floor looking at the sky or making out, picking my way through the crowd I sat on the garden wall downing my first bottle and opening and downing the next.

The sky was pretty much clear all except a few clouds that drifted covering up most of the moon, it was still warm in the air I didn’t get it and I was lead to believe it would be cold here. “There you are,” I looked up a rather pissed Pete stood there with Patrick
“Heya guys.” I slurred a little, I supposed I had drunk a little to much as well but I really didn’t care. I tried jumping down but instead just stumbled and fell. I burst into a fit of laughter
“your trashed!” Patrick laughter drinking a little more himself, him and Pete helped me stand, Patrick looked upwards “Pete we better be going soon.” Peter laughed and fell over me falling to.
“I’ll be back with the guys in a moment don’t go anywhere.” Patrick said he sounded a little worried. He took one last look up at the sky biting on his lip and ran into the house.
“It’s a full moon.” I muttered looking at the clear night sky, Pete lay drunk next to me rolling over he placed his lips softly against mine.
“Peter.” one of the guys shouted he carried on kissing me his hands travelling up my waist.
“Peter!” they said again he pulled away.