When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter Four – Clear skies and XxX

I didn’t quite understand the fuss surrounding the fact we lay on the grass pissed, kissing its not like he’s gay oh my god please don’t let him be gay damn I fall for far too many gay guys. Bitch.
I stumbled inside after the guys with the assistance of Andy damn I’m such a spaz.
Andy sat me in a chair my first reaction was to try and get more alcohol
“No, hang on I’ll get you some water.” he disappeared off into the crowd. I couldn’t be arsed to do as he told me to so standing up I managed to stumble upwards. By this time people were beginning to filter out-wards and elsewhere, so it didn’t take long before I spotted the rest of the guys talking, it looked as thought they were arguing.

“Did you Pete I don’t care how pissed you are did you?” one of them shouted my sight was a little blurry so I couldn’t say who it was but my guess it’s Patrick
“We should have kept a better eye on him,” another one of them said
“Yeah and know were going to have to watch her,”
“She’s hot," I heard Pete slur.
“She is a friend but she can’t know this is crazy him being… oh hey!” suddenly someone helped me stand as I fell crashing cold out.

Thank god it’s a Saturday I thought falling out of bed the next day. I was one of these lucky people that didn’t suffer hangovers unless it was straight vodka and nothing else.
“STACEYYYY mom wants you now!” Bob Screamed from downstairs his voice shaking every bone in my body.
“What mom?” I mumbled dragging my feet into the kitchen and helping myself to some coffee.
“Were going away get your stuff.” she said, I looked at her shocked I didn’t want to go anywhere by the door there were a few packed cases
“We just moved in,” I argued
“Yes and now where going I need a break your fathers meeting us there.” I swallowed my coffee thinking, for a start family ‘get together’ just annoy me like everything else ha.
“Hurry up were going now!” my mother shouted I snapped out of my trace realising that for the past five minutes I hadn’t moved.
“Can’t I stay here?” my mom nodded taking a card from her bag and throwing it down on the chair, Bob stared at me his blue eyes like mine caught on the light, ‘don’t fuck up’ he mouthed to me.
“Be good I’ll put money on your key card for you, love you.”
“Love you to mom!” I muttered finishing off the coffee and picking up the card.

The door opened not a few moments after it had closed
“Hey your mom said to walk in,” a male voice muttered, I looked up realising that all four guys stood in the door to the front room.
“Your lacking cloths and at this time.” Pete laughed his dark hoodie pulled up over his face again, I looked at the clock 4:00 pm
“FUCK!!” I swore looking down at the long black band-tee and small shorts I wore before quickly rushing off to my room and pulling on jeans and putting on eyeliner.

“Thanks for the warning,” I mumbled to myself literally falling down the stairs
“So your mom’s selling your brother,” Joe mumbled, WTF I burst into laughter
“I wish, they are going on holiday and I’m not.”
“So home alone.” I nodded they looked at one another and grinned
“Its only Saturday… house party?” I shook my head and swung my arms emphasising the NO.
“You guys could crash but NO party… pizza yeah though.” I smiled

They grinned, at each other
“Round robin again I suppose.” Patrick mumbled taking out his cell phone,
“Round robin?” I looked blankly at them, they sighed
“We phone our parents saying we are at each others.” that made sense.
“So what we going to be doing?” Andy asked I shrugged
“House party?”
“NO” I shook my head smiling.
“okay so no party but pizza sounds good,” Pete smiled