When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter Five – You don’t know a thing about me

12:56am I glanced at the clock the numbers bore on it brightly. I couldn’t sleep I suppose I did feel slightly awkward in a room totally of guys, everyone was sleeping. Slowly and quietly I got up and headed for the back door.
“Fuck”, I mumbled sparking up a ciggy, I was supposed to have quite but fail to do so yet.
“That’s bad for you, you know.” I heard a voice and looking back to the door saw Pete standing there
“No hoodie?” I asked sarcastically, he smiled and looked up at the sky
“Nope no hoodie no need for it.”
“Yeah it’s not cold.” I said obviously taking the piss of the situation. He sniggered a little sighing heavily. Pete leaned against the wall next to me, taking my cigarette from me.

What was going on, to be honest I couldn’t say, it’s the middle of the night and I just can’t sleep. Pete stood beside me, looking at the clouds travelling across the sky I leaned my head on his chest. With my action he wrapped an arm around me.
“It’s getting cold.” I muttered
“I can’t really feel it.” he whispered I watched my breath become visible in the air. He hugged me, “that better?” he asked holding me, I nodded a little looking at him in the eye. He wasn’t that much taller than me, an inch maybe.
He leaned his head into mine placing his lips against mine, before pulling away and looking in my eyes again. A small smile crept across my lips and he leaned in to kiss me once again.
We walked back inside the house, his arm round my waist. We lay down next to each other.
“So why do you live in hoodies?” I asked he sighed looking me straight in the eye
“I don’t know I just do feel comfortable like that.” he smiled causing me to smile, he was so cute is it such a bad thing that I was falling for a friend of mine.

He moved a little closer to me so his body was literally pressing up against mine, his nose touching mine and his hands on my waist. He gently kissed my nose, I giggled.
“Shhhh the guys will bitch.” he laughed himself placing my lips against mine. His tongue ran along my bottom lip then brushed against mine as the kiss deepened. His hand on my back pulled me closer to him he pulled away kissing along my cheek and then down my neck.
His kisses got placed along my skin, kissing along my collarbone. Once again he placed his lips on mine, he bit on my lip as he pulled away I let out a little moan he placed his lips quickly back to mine to smother the sound.
We laughed a little as he pulled away once again; looking behind him he checked that everyone was still sound asleep.
“You know I do really like you,” he smiled pushing a few strands if hair out of my face before kissing my neck.
“Peter, what are you doing?” Andy said looking over. Pete pulled away in shock and looked over to him.
“What’s going on?” mumbled a very sleepy Joe.