When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

Chapter seven – Happy Happy everyone XD

My head pounded, even though I hadn’t drunk anything I mean the day had only just began, nearly. Good old all hallows eve. Wearing a black corset with red ribbon on the back and down the sides with a matching tattered style red and black tutu, I finished applying my make-up I wanted to see what it looked like and now I stood in front of the full length mirror. I doubted everything. My skin was as white as a ghost, I had never tanned I hated the way I looked. My figure my appearance my stomach dropped as the door was knocked
“Hang on.” I screamed downstairs, quickly pulling some jeans on underneath the skirt and a hoodie over top in an attempt to hide what I wore.

“This is yours.” The postman turned up at 5pm passing me a parcel which I placed down, my heart thumping in my chest like a gun firing I had literally prayed it wasn’t the guys I was freaking out about the way I looked. I glanced up at the darkening sky, and down to the floor, in the distance across the street and to the end of it you could see people staring to go out and about for candy.
“Hey lookie lookie it’s Chris!" I looked down the street to were 5 figures came walking towards me, oh shit I thought to myself. Diving back into the house I pulled my hoodie to cover what I wore.
“Hey you aren’t ready,” Andy moaned, “oh yeah that’s Katie.” He motioned towards the girl that stood alongside all the guys. She had long red hair and wore a red cape.
“Hi!” I muttered in response before running off upstairs.
“Do you think she’s getting ready?” one of the boys shouted as I was half way up the stairs. I span round they smiled at me,
“No I’m going like that," I motioned down to how I was dressed, they all laughed from where they stood, I sighed heavily off my hoodie and trousers were I stood. They looked at me eyes fixed,
“Dude did you see that? she stripped!” Joe laughed his arm around Katie’s waist. They all burst out laughing as I walked back down the stairs throwing my clothes that I had wore to cover my costume in the front room and exiting the building.
“What exactly are we doing for the next few hours?” they shrugged
A “Thought it would be fun to crash the school disco seeing as were not really welcome.” It sounded like fun so I giving a small nod of my head we began to head towards the school campus. The gymnasium where the disco was held was brightly light up with fairy lights and stupid Halloween decor.
“wow this looks… tacky!” I said loudly and sarcastically. Pete put his arm across my shoulders and smiled
“I’ll never miss your sarcasm.”
“What about my cynicism.” I mumbled in return pushing Pete off me walked towards the door, I heard laughing behind me as I walked in.

People were everywhere some making out in the corners were smoke formed, the preps were shouting at people as they crashed the disco so much so they didn’t notice our existence. Fights were breaking out in some places and teachers had arrived to try and stop the chaos.
“Well looks like we didn’t get to crash it anyway.” I muttered glancing around for a few moments before turning around to see the guys doing exactly what I had a bare second ago.
“You know would be better if someone hijacked the music system!” Katie grinned looking at me. A small evil grin crept across my lips as I sneaked off towards the sound system. It wasn’t like a dj but a computer with a set up play list in media player.
“The problem with computers,” I muttered as I opened an Internet page and typed in a website “they only do what you tell them to.” so it wasn’t long before rock music was blasting out the speakers. I walked back to the group my hands behind my back.
“Did you do this?” Pete asked pointing to a speaker I nodded he looked at me carefully, “what’s behind your back?” I held my hands out and everyone laughed in my hand lying carefully was the kettle lead from the monitor, the only way to stop this music is to turn the pc off and they can’t exactly do anything blind.