To Find a Little Piece of Heaven You Must First Go Through Hell

The Party

*that night at the party*
“Looking good Bella” said Rayne, giving me a hug. She was a vampiress. “I like your costume too” I said. “So, what’s going on with you and Matt?” she asked me. “What do you mean?” I asked her back. “Nothing, just nothing” she said. She turned around and walked off to talk to Joel Madden from Good Charlotte. Matt then came up; wearing Synyster’s clothes and one of his fedoras. “Nice Matt” I said. “Thanks” he murmured. I think he was still going googoo-gaga over my costume. “Where’s Syn? I mean, Matt?” I asked while giggling. “Coming” he said. Brian then stood next to Matt, and started laughing. They looked almost exactly like the other one normally would. I took a picture of them and then sat down on one of the chairs. “I like your costume Bella. Are you a sexy punk school girl?” he asked. I nodded and he smiled. “Cool”. Then Michelle walked up in a sexy Nurse’s outfit. “Hey babe” said Brian. “Hey baby” she said to him. I almost threw up in my mouth when they kissed. Michelle was definitely a slut. “Hi Michelle” I said; trying to be nice. We had gotten into it a couple weeks ago, with me punching her in the throat and almost damaging her vocal cords, but I was over it, and so was Brian. “So Matt, when is the dancing going to start?” asked Jimmy, approaching us. He was dressed as Johnny. “Nice costume Rev” I said. Johnny was not too far behind, dressed as the Rev. “Same to you Johnny” I said. “So what’s Zacky dressed as? All five band members put together?” asked Michelle. I couldn’t help but laugh at that one. “No, he’s a vampire” said Brian. I looked around to find Zacky; he and Gena were by the punch bowl laughing. It almost made me sick. I still sort of had feelings for Zacky, even though we weren’t even on speaking terms. “I’ll go turn on the music” said Jimmy. He went over to the stereo on the side of the hottub and turned it on – “Pray for Me” by Sixx: AM was on, and everyone started dancing to it. Then the Rev changed the radio station and the end of “Crushcrushcrush” was on, followed by “You and Me” by Lifehouse. Brian and Michelle went out onto the ‘dance floor’ (the patio) and started slow dancing. They were succeeded by Gena and Zacky, and then The Rev and a girl named Leana. A bunch of other pairs went out and started dancing, and then something caught my eye – Rayne and Tobin dancing. I had to take a double take and then shook it off. “What?” Matt asked. I pointed to Rayne and Tobin and his mouth fell open. “Oh, wow” he said. I wasn’t looking at Matt, but I felt someone grab my hand. I turned around to see Matt smile at me. “Want to dance?” he asked. “Sure” I said. We went out into the middle and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I rested my arms on his shoulders and then his eyes pulled me into a gazing lock – my eyes and his staring right at each other. “Some day it’s been, huh?” I asked. He nodded and I put my head on his shoulder. We were silent until the song was over, and was followed by “Pour Some Sugar on Me” by Def Lepard. “Still want to dance?” he asked, unwrapping his arms from around me. I gave him a playfully seducing look. “Sure” I said, and started dirty dancing all over him. “You’re giving me a hard” he growled in my ear. I giggled and he rolled his eyes. He grabbed my hips and pulled me to him, and I started moving up and down his body again. “Are you okay with this?” I asked. “Yep” he said. I did my thing until the song was over. “Damn it Bella” he said, sitting down and laughing. “What?” I asked. He got back up again. “Come with me, we’re going to have a talk in the bathroom” he said. He saw the Rev give him a thumb up and then I nodded confusedly and we walked into the house and into the downstairs bathroom. He shut the door behind him. “I can’t stay just friends with you when you do stuff like that Bella, everything you do, it just makes me want to say it even more” he said. “What do you mean by that?” I asked. “Exactly what I just said” he said. We were both silent for a moment. “Bella, I...I love you” he said. My heart came up into my throat and I was choking up. “I love you too” I said. He grabbed my face and kissed me forcefully. I kissed him back and my mouth immediately fell surrender. He slipped his tongue in mouth and started rolling it around fast. He slowly slipped his hands down my body until they were under my ass and set me up on the bathroom counter. I wrapped my arms around his neck and bit his lip, and a small growl came from his chest. Then Brian walked in the bathroom and we broke it off. “Oh, um...sorry” said Brian. He shut the door and we both looked at each other. “Wow” I said. “Yeah” he said, looking down at his hard. “So what does this mean?” I asked him. “Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked me. I kissed him again. “Good enough answer?” I said. “Good enough for me” he said. I pulled up the straps on my outfit and fixed myself up and then we left the bathroom hand-in-hand. We walked back outside and went looking for Brian. “Hopefully he hasn’t spilled the beans yet” said Matt. I nodded and he started rubbing shapes into my hand as we walked. “Matt!” yelled Rev. We walked up to him and let out hands go. “Where’d you two go?” he asked. “We went into the house to get more drinks” said Matt. “Where’s the drinks?” asked Rev. “On the table” said Matt. “Did Brian say anything to you?” Matt asked. “About what?” Rev asked. “Nothing Jimmy, where is he?” I asked. “He’s over there talking to Benji” he said. “Thanks” I said. Matt stayed behind to talk to Jimmy and I walked over to Benji and Brian. “Uh, Brian can I talk to you for a minute?” I asked. He looked at me awkwardly and then nodded. Benji smiled at me and then walked away. “What’s up?” he asked. “What you saw in the bathroom stays with you, okay?” I asked. “I already kind of told someone” he said. “Who?” I asked. “Rayne” said Brian. I shook my head in disgust. “She has the hugest blabbermouth on her in the entire world!” I said. “Look, you’re the one that was making out in the bathroom with Matt” he said, nudging me. “Oh stop it” I said. “So, are you two going out? And how long has this been going on for?” he asked. “Tonight was the first time it’s ever happened, and yes, we are dating as of two minutes ago” I said. “That’s great!” he said, giving me a hug. “Don’t tell anyone else. I’ve got to go talk to Rayne” I said. I left Brain where he stood and caught Rayne out of the corner of my eye. “Rayne!” I shouted. She saw me and walked over to me. “Where’s Matt?” she asked jokingly. “You haven’t told anyone, have you?” I asked. “Not a soul” she said. “Okay, please don’t tell anyone” I said. “I won’t. Bella, I learned how to keep secrets after I spilled the beans to Coby after you were raped” she said. “Right, well, have fun with Tobin” I put emphasis on his name and gave her a nudge. She rolled her eyes and I left to go back to Matt. “There you are” he said. I smiled at him seducing-like and he smirked back at me. “So what did you need to talk to Brian about?” Jimmy asked. “Oh, I told him to go check everything in the kitchen and bathroom to see if we needed anything when Johnny made a store trip tomorrow. “Oh” he said. “Yeah, well let’s hand out candy and call it a night – it’s almost 12:00” said the approaching Johnny. “Okay” said Jimmy. He shouted something and everything went silent. “Thank you all for coming tonight and I hope you’ve had a great time. Grab a bag of candy on the way out” said Jimmy. 5 minutes later, everyone was gone except for Tobin, Rayne, Nate, and Michelle (plus the band and me). “Great party Jimmy” said Michelle. “She knows who’s really the brains for this type of thing” said Brian. “Well, I’m going to head off. See you later Bells” said Nate. We hugged and then he left out the back gate. “See you Bells” said Rayne, also giving me a hug. She left and then Tobin came up and caught me in a bear hug. “How are things?” he asked. “Better then they ever was then when I lived with Coby” I said. “He broke up with Janae” said Tobin. “Good, I hope he’s up in his room crying like a baby” I said bitterly. “He never meant to hit you Bella” said Tobin. “I don’t care what he thinks Tobes, I’m through trying to be a sister to him” I said. “Okay then, but he misses you” he said. “Let him miss me” I said back. He kissed my forehead and then left out the back gate. I then felt two arms slither around my waist and I smiled and turned around to see Matt. “Hey Matt” I said, kissing him. “When are we going to tell the other three?” Matt asked. “I don’t care. Maybe let’s wait a few days” I said. “Sounds good to me” he said. We walked back into the house, up the stairs and into our room. “Well, are you tired?” he asked. “Are you?” I asked back. “Not really” he said. “Neither am I” I said. I smirked at him playfully as he sat down on the bed and then mounted him. “You are a dirty school girl” he said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing me again. This time it was more gentle, and we sat making out for about 10 minutes when there was a knock on the door. I ran into the bathroom and Matt took his shirt off to make it look like he had been changing and we hadn’t been up to anything else. He opened the door and it was Zacky. “Hey Zacky” said Matt. “Hey. We haven’t really been talking much, and Matt, I miss you” said Zacky. “I miss you too bro, but things are different now, with Bella and all” said Matt. “I know, and I feel really bad for how I ended it. It’s just Gena and everything” said Zacky, starting to trail off. “Look man, she understands, and so does everyone else. I’m not the one you should be talking to though, it should be Bells” he said. I then walked out of the bathroom in a red tank top and some black Harley-Davidson short shorts and Matt gawked at me. “Someone needed to talk to me?” I asked. Zacky nodded and I walked out into the hallway with Zacky. “Bella, I’m so sorry” said Zacky. “I know. I guess it just wasn’t going to work. I mean, she obviously came back for a reason, and you wanted her back, and I completely understand” I said. “Really?” he asked. “Yes Zacky and I miss talking to you. Everything’s so awkward now between everyone because of what happened almost 4 months ago” I said. He pulled me into a hug. “Friends?” he asked. “Friends” I said. He let go. “So, how are you doing in the relationship department?” he asked. “Good, I have a boyfriend” I said. “Do I know him?” he asked. “Yes” I said. “Tell me!” he said. “Promise you won’t get angry?” I asked. “Of course not” he said. “Matt” I said. “You and Matt?” he asked. “Just happened tonight” I said. “Wow” he said. “Yeah, I know” I said. “Do the others know?” he asked. “Syn and Rayne do, that’s it” I said. “Well, good luck” he said. “You too. With Gena, I mean” I said. He walked to his room down the hall and was out of sight, and then I felt Matt pick me up and throw me over his shoulder. I screamed and he started laughing. “Did I scare you?” he asked. “A little” I said. He started laughing again and plopped me down on the bed. “Ready to rumble?” he asked. I giggled and our lips crashed together again. “You’re a horndog” I said. “Yeah, but you love me anyway” he said. “Yeah” I said. We started kissing again and The Rev and Johnny came in. “We heard someone...” said Rev, shocked. Matt got off of me and sat beside me. “How long has this been going on?” asked Johnny. “Jimmy, remember when I said that Bella and I went to go get pop?” Matt asked. “You weren’t getting pop, were you?” he asked. “Nope” said Matt, smiling at me. “Rayne told me that Brian caught them all over each other in the bathroom” said Johnny. “I’m going to kill her” I said jokingly. “Face it Bells, we would’ve found out one way or another anyway” said Jimmy. “Well, now that you know, can you go away?” asked Matt. “I suppose” said Jimmy. He and Johnny left the room and shut the door behind them. Matt then got up and locked the door. “Now we won’t be interrupted” he said. He got back up on top of me and started kissing me rough. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pinched his ass with one of my hands. He pulled away and raised his eyebrows. “Do you really want to get rough?” he asked. “Ooh, I’m so scared” I said, raising my hands and shaking them in fake alarm. He smirked and started biting my neck. I giggled and he started running his hand up and down my leg. He trickled his fingers gently and slowly up and down my thigh and I giggled again. He found the sweet spot on my neck and started sucking on it, and I moaned in satisfaction. He growled again and I decided to get a little dirtier by running my hand on the inside of his upper leg. He pulled off of my neck. “I left my mark” he said. I rolled my eyes and he rolled me over so I was on top of him and planted his hands on my ass. “I like this better” he said. “I bet you do” I said sarcastically. “I love you Bella” he said. “I love you too” I said back, and kissed him gently. I was in love again, and this time I wouldn’t let that person go.
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