To Find a Little Piece of Heaven You Must First Go Through Hell

Bar Fight

We arrived at Club Element five minutes later and we all climbed out of the car. “I think that’s the most people I’ve ever fit in my vehicle” said Brian, starting to walk towards the front doors. “You’re telling me” said Matt. He was the one who sat in the middle, so I bet he was squished. He grabbed my hand and the other four band mates rolled their eyes. “Oh stop it you two” said Rev. “It’s called being a couple. Maybe you should try it sometime with Liana” said Matt. Rev gave him a scowl and I looked up to Matt; he smiled down at me. “So are we going inside or not?” asked Michelle. “Yes” said Brian. He led her inside and Jimmy and Liana followed. “Ready to go in?” asked Matt. “Yeah” I said. We walked in and Zacky and Gena followed us, and then Laura who was seceded by Johnny. “I’m going to go find us all a table” said Johnny. He walked off and Laura came up to me. “He keeps giving me eyes” she said. I smiled at her. “That must mean he likes you” I said. “I like him” she said. “I know that much Laur” I said. Johnny came back over. “Table for ten” he said. We all went over and sat down. “I’m going to go get us some drinks” said Matt. “First round” said Brian. “Oh no!” I said. “What?” he asked. I pictured in my mind of all the times Brian had gotten drunk. “You and alcohol” I said to him. He smirked at me. Matt then came back with a tray full of Jack Daniels. “Who’s drinking?” he asked. He put his arm around me as he sat down and everyone else besides me and Laur took a Jack off of the tray. “You don’t drink?” Johnny asked Laura. “No” she said. I gave him a smirk and he blushed a little. I knew that he already liked her. “I’m going to go up and suggest a song to the DJ” I said. Everyone else nodded at me and I got up and walked over to the DJ. “Excuse me?” I asked. This guy was sitting back in his chair with his legs propped up on one of the tables He looked to have a cigarette in his hand, and was wearing a wife-beater and some ripped jeans, and a black and blue baseball cap turned backwards. “Yeah?” he said. He gave me a smirk as he looked me up and down. “I was going to ask if I could put in a suggestion for a song?” I asked. “Fine with me honey. What song?” he asked. “‘I don’t want to miss a thing’ by Aerosmith” I said. He nodded and wrote it down. “I’ll play it in the next five minutes, DJ’s honor” he said. “Thanks” I said. I gave him a weird look and then walked back to my table. “I saw that DJ guy hitting on you” said Matt. “I handled it fine Matt” I said. “Are you sure?” he asked. “Yes hun” I said. ‘Low’ by Florida and T-Pain then came on and Liana pulled me up to my feet. “Dance with me?” she asked. “Sure” I said sweetly. Liana was the nicest person on the planet, not to mention beautiful. We walked out on the floor and started dancing. I could tell that Rev and Matt were gawking at us; I didn’t care because most of the guys in the club were. We danced until the song was over and then came and sat back down. “Wonderful performance ladies” said Jimmy. “Thanks Jimmers” I said. He shook his head – I knew that he didn’t like that nickname. “So, what song did you request?” Johnny asked. “You’ll fine out” I said. Then ‘I don’t want to miss a thing’ came on and I smirked. “Oh” said Johnny. Brian and Michelle were already out on the floor, and Zacky and Gena were heading there. “Lee?” Jimmy asked. “Yes James” she said. They then headed to the floor to slow dance and Johnny was scratching the back of his head. “Johnny?” asked Laura. “Hmm?” he replied. “Do you want to dance?” she asked sweetly. He shook his head and I could tell he was nervous – his hands were slightly shaking as he put them on her waist out on the dance floor. “Let’s head out there” said Matt. We got up and went out on the floor to start dancing. Occasionally I would look over at Johnny, who was sweating badly. “Poor Johnny, he’s so nervous” I said. “He’s always nervous when it comes to girls” said Matt. “Wow. Were you like that ever?” I asked. “The night of the Halloween party I was sweating pretty badly, because I didn’t know if I would get as good of a response as I did when I told you I loved you” he said. I looked back on it and did remember that he was pretty shaky and sweaty, not to mention stuttery. I smiled at him sweetly. “I love you Bella” he said. “I love you too” I said. The music then switched over to ‘Dance Floor Anthem’ by Good Charlotte, and Laura looked over at me. We walked to each other and started dancing.
I could see the guys one by one going back to the table, except for Jimmy and Brian; they were dancing over with Liana and Michelle. I laughed knowing that neither of them were the best at dancing. A few minutes later the song was over and Laura and I went over to the bar to get drinks. The bartender (who was a female) looked up as she was scooting drinks left and right across the table to thirsty clubbers. “Can I have a Pepsi please?” I asked. “And can I have a Mountain Dew?” Laura asked. The bartender grabbed two glasses, filled them up and handed them to us. “$2.00” she said. I gave her two ones and she nodded at me. We walked back over to the table and sat down. “Nice moves out there” said Matt, kissing me on the forehead. “Thanks” I said. I took a sip of my Pepsi and smiled at him. “Can you believe that we’ve already been here almost an hour?” Matt asked. “Really?” I asked; amazed. It seemed like we’d only been there about 15 minutes. “Yeah. It’s 10:00 now. We’ll probably head back around midnight” said Matt. “Cool” I said. “You having a good time?” Matt asked. “Yeah” I said. “Me too, probably because you’re here” said Matt. I kissed him quickly and then pulled away. “I love you” he said. “I love you too” I replied. We then looked over at Johnny and Laura on the other side of the table. We could tell that they hadn’t been paying any attention to us since Laura and I had sat down; it looked like they were in deep conversation. I decided to get up and dance again – Gena looked lonely. I wondered then where Zacky was. I decided to go looking for him instead. “Matt I’m going to go look for Zacky” I said. He noticed then that Gena was alone and he nodded. I knew that Zacky had only had two bottles of Jack tonight, so I started looking around for him – table to table. I found nothing, so I crept over to the bathroom (for both genders). I went in and then got on the floor crawling slowly to see if Zacky was in there. I saw his shoes and heard suspicious noises and looked under and what I saw freaked me out. It was Zacky and a red-headed girl with a small bust and some tacky clothes (a purple athletic tank top and some blue jean corduroys) that seemed to be having sex. He had her pushed up to the wall and both of their pants were slightly pulled down. I sat down outside the stall until I heard talking again.
“So I’ll see you again?” Zacky asked.
“Of course babe” said the red-head.
“I’ll be looking forward to it” he said.
“Me as well” she replied.
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oh boy! poor Gena =(
thanx 4 tha comments!