To Find a Little Piece of Heaven You Must First Go Through Hell

Homeward Bound

I was in Jimmy’s car. “You’ll be home later?” he asked. I nodded. “Are you sure you don’t want to be with Matt anymore?” he asked. “I don’t know Jimmy! I didn’t even mean to say it! It just popped out!” I said. He gave me two Tylenol as he pulled in to Coby’s driveway. “Stop crying Bells” said Jimmy. “I told myself that I was through being a sister to him Jimmy” I said. “You’re going back on your word” he said. “I just can’t be away from him anymore” I said. He carried me into the house (I was still in my pajamas and my blanket). Tobin answered the door and had the biggest grin on his face. “How’d Cruefest go?” I asked between sniffles. He took me out of Jimmy’s arms and squeezed me until I thought I couldn’t breathe anymore. “Tobin” I managed to say. He let me go and then nodded at Jimmy. “I’ll have her home later” he said. Jimmy nodded and shut the door behind him. Tobin then walked into the kitchen and sat me down on a chair. A guy walked into the room that I had never seen before. He had blonde hair and a Cubs baseball cap, a black tank top and some camouflage pants on. “Hey” he said casually. “Don’t mind me but, who are you?” I asked. “Tony Palermo, the new drummer for Papa Roach” he said. My jaw fell open. “Dave had some drug problems a month or so before the tour, so we sent him home to his family and brought in Tony. He doesn’t live here, but he should” said Tobin. I nodded a few times and then Tobin picked me up again. “Where are you taking me?” I asked. “Up to see your brother. He’ll be thrilled to see you. He never meant to hit you Bells. Speaking of which, what in the hell happened to the side of your face?” he asked. “I’ll spill later. Take me to Coby” I said. I could feel the warm tears on my face again before we got to the top of the stairs. “Cobes?” Tobin asked. “What?” he said. “I have something for you. Close your eyes” said Tobin. “Okay, come in” he said. Tobin opened the door and then gently sat me down on Coby’s lap. “What is this?” he asked. “I’m going to leave the room. 5 seconds after you hear the door shut, open your eyes” said Tobin. He kissed my forehead and then left the room with a loud shutting of the door. Five seconds later, Coby opened his eyes. “B-B-B-Bella” he said. He squeezed me tightly and started kissing my forehead like it was the first day I was born (I had seen videos of it when I was littler and with my dad). “Coby” I said. “What happened to you?” he asked. “Well, I’ll have to explain the whole story, since we haven’t talked for a while” I said. “Bells, I’m so sorry about that. And about two weeks after you left the house, I dumped Janae” he said. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you Coby” I said. “I love you too” he said.
I then took the next two hours and explained to him (in detail) the past four months; up to that morning. By the end of my story Coby had his jaw dropped and his fists were shaking. “No one hits my baby sister” he said. “Coby, I’ve got it handled. I actually kind of told Matt that it was over this morning” I said. The tears about started to come out again. “Bells” he said. He rubbed my back and I laid there whimpering. “Bells it’s going to be okay” he said. “How do I know that? Every time something good happens to me in my life it just comes right back to bite me in the ass” I said bitterly. “That’s not true. Avenged Sevenfold cares about you very much. Well, at least Zacky, Brian, Jimmy and Johnny do” said Coby. “I know. I love each and every one of them. But I wish that things would be going better with me and Matt” I said. “Look, go back home. Talk to Zacky and see what he thinks is better for you to do. Then look back on your relationships with both Zacky and Matt. Who were you happier with?” he asked. “Zacky” I said. “Then I think you may have your answer” he said. I nodded. “I love him Cobes” I said. “Then go tell him that before it’s too late” he said. I nodded and got up. “Thanks Cobes. I’ll call you everyday” I said. “I’ll look forward to that. I missed you Bells” he said. He hugged me tightly again. “Have Tobin run you home. I’ll tell him everything you told me, alright? And Bella?” he asked. “Yeah Coby?” I said. “Let’s be more honest with each other from now on” he said. I smiled at him and walked out the door. When I got downstairs, Jerry was in the kitchen. “Well I’ll be damned. It’s Bella” he said. He came over and hugged me. “How are you Belly-boo?” he asked. I half smiled half scowled. “Good Hairy Jerry. Yourself?” I said. “Great. I missed you around here. There’s no one that’ll watch old KISS tours with me anymore” he said. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “Well, I’ve got to go. I’ll call you sometime” I said. He smirked and kissed me on the forehead. “See you” he said. I walked down to Tobin’s room and knocked – he opened the door shortly. “Ready to go?” he asked. I nodded and we went out to the garage. “So are you and Coby alright now?” he asked. “Yeah, we’re cool again” I said. “Great!” he said. “I missed you Tobin” I said. “Me too” he said, “Now spill. What in the hell happened to your face?” he asked. “Matt punched me last night” I said. He froze and his arms shook a little. “He...hit you? Why?” he asked. “Because I stood in between him and Zacky. He beat the crap out of him Tobes, I couldn’t take it anymore. And I paid for it” I said. “What’s Matt’s deal?” he asked. “He has...anger issues” I said. “I guess. I don’t know if I want you living with someone like that” he said. “Want to known what’s the kicker? Matt was my boyfriend” I said. “I thought you were with Zacky?” he asked. “Zacky dumped me for Gena Paulhus” I said. “Oh. Wait, that’s Coby’s hairdresser! Oh my goodness But anyway, you say that you love Zacky?” he asked. “You heard?” I asked. “I stood outside the door for a while” he said smugly. I smiled at him. “Yeah, I do love Zacky” I said. I sat back in Tobin’s truck as we drove onto Huntington Drive. “If anything like that happens again...” he said. “I’ll be fine Tobes. I’m a big girl” I said. He nodded and hugged me one more time. “Bye Bells” he said. “Bye Tobes” I said. I kissed him on the cheek and hopped out of the truck to see him pull away seconds later. I waved and then went inside. “Belly!” said Brian. He ran over to me and gave me a big hug. “Are you alright hun?” he asked. “I’m fine Bri” I said. “You look...horrible” he said. “I bet. Lead me to the shower and I bet I won’t in a few minutes” I said. “Matt’s awfully sorry Bells” said Jimmy. “Where is he?” I asked. “In his room” he said. “Great. Oh well” I said. I marched up the stairs and into our room. “Bella” said Matt. He got up by I lifted up my hand to tell him to stay where he was. “Bells, please let me say I’m sorry” he said. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the radio and got into the shower and stayed there for 20 minutes. I got out then and wrapped up in a towel and then walked back out to see Zacky standing there instead of Matt.
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*gasps*shocker! lol
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