To Find a Little Piece of Heaven You Must First Go Through Hell

Breaking The News

It was four days after the threesome in the shower. I still couldn’t believe that they did that to me – that they did that to me and Brian. I guess Jimmy and Brian had a little “fun” that night as well. I guess it was kind of a blessing though, because now Matt and I were talking like normal again – like actual friends. I was going to miss seeing the guys day in and day out. But at least I would still see Zacky. “You ready to tell them hun?” he asked me. We were having a cookout tonight to celebrate the end of the Avenged Sevenfold CD, and everyone was there; Coby, Tobin, Jerry, Tony, Michelle, Liana, Laura, Rayne, Nate, Jimmy, Johnny, Brian and Matt. Zacky and I were in the kitchen talking about how we were going to tell them. “I guess I’m ready, if you are” I said. He smiled at me and kissed me softly. “I love you Bella. I am so ready to move in with you” he said, looking straight into my eyes. He was really serious about this. I smiled at him and we locked hands and slid the glass door aside. “Well if it isn’t the couple of the hour. So, what’s the news? Is Bells knocked up?” Brian asked. Coby gave me a death glare and I laughed. “No, there are no children involved with what we have to tell you” I said. Coby looked me straight in the eyes; I could tell he was nervous. His only sister; his BABY sister, was branching out into the world without him. “Zacky, do you want to say it?” I asked. He smiled at me and cleared his throat. “Everyone, we invited you here tonight not only because of the end of our hard work, but because Bella and I wanted to tell you that we’re moving in together, in a house about two blocks away” said Zacky. Everyone smiled at us. A look of relief came over my brother’s sweaty and tense face. “Congrats!” yelled Brian. He came over to us and hugged us both. Matt smiled at me and gave me a thumb up. I was so happy that he now accepted our relationship. Coby came over to us and shook Zacky’s hand. “Take good care of her dude” said Coby. Zacky shook his head and then squeezed my hand tighter. “Woo hoo!” yelled Tobin. He came over to me and caught me in a bear hug. “Take good care of this girl Zack” said Tobin. He was dead serious. “Go Belly Boo-Boo!” yelled Jerry. I went beet red and everyone started laughing at me. “Goddamn you Horton!” I shouted. “21 years and it never gets old” he said. I went over to him and gave him a joking scowl. He started to fake-cry. “My, my little girl’s all grown up now. I can’t handle it!” he said, pulling me into a hug. “Dude, you’re pathetic” I said. He stopped and laughed. “Yeah, I know” he said smugly. I saw Zacky and Matt talking and laughing, but then Matt said something and the smile was wiped right off of Zacky’s face. I wondered what was going on. I shook my head and walked back over to Zacky, who looked like he was trying to cover up that something was wrong. “Hey hottie, can I have your number?” he asked. I started laughing my ass off at that one. “What? Don’t think I’m good enough?” he asked. I fell on the ground laughing and he pulled me back up. “You’re an idiot” I said. “Yeah, but I’m the sexiest idiot alive” he said. “Yeah” I said. He pecked me on the lips and then looked me in the eyes. “We’ll have to do some celebrating of our own later, but right now I have to tell you something” he said. He looked dead serious. I walked back into the house with him and into the laundry room, where he locked the door. “We’re going on tour soon Bella” he said. My heart sank. Zacky was going on tour? We had just gotten back together! “I’m guessing that I can’t go?” I asked. He slowly shook his head no. I nodded. “What’s going to happen with us Zack?” I said. “What do you mean?” he asked. “How do I know that I can trust you? I mean, you cheated on Gena. How do I know that you won’t slip in a few quickies during the tour?” I asked. He cupped my face in his hands and looked into my eyes. He had such beautiful green eyes. “I will never, ever cheat on you Isabelle” he said. He had never used my real name before. No one ever used my real name unless they were dead serious about something. I had to trust him now. “Okay Zacky, but if I find out that you’re sleeping around, I will be pissed” I said. “I won’t do a thing Bells” he said. He kissed me softly and then pulled away. “Let’s get back out there” he said. We walked back out to the party and Rev was making closing sentences. “Thanks for coming out tonight everyone. We appreciate it. We love you guys!” he said. I could tell that Rev was a little...DRUNK. I chuckled a little bit and Zacky looked down at me. “What?” he whispered. “Rev and his drunkenness” I said. Rev had finished saying what he had to say and everyone started to leave. I said my goodbyes and then headed upstairs. I was now very wary; I mean, Zacky wouldn’t cheat on me, would he?
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Well, hope ya likd it!
want me 2 add u in the story? msg me and give me a name for u and i will, cause i need a girlfriend 4 matt!