To Find a Little Piece of Heaven You Must First Go Through Hell

Six Months Later

Zacky and I were doing great in a house by ourselves. We saw the guys every day; they’d either come over or we’d get invited over there, so it wasn’t much different. Otherwise I'd spend my time with the P-Roach dudes. Coby and I were as close as ever now. I now had a job at the CD store with Rayne. Speaking of Rayne, Syn and Michelle called it quits after he found Michelle cheating on him with the lead singer of Atreyu when they were in town, so now he and Rayne are dating. They make a totally cute couple. Laura and Johnny are going strong, and Rev and Liana are getting married as soon as Avenged gets back from tour. I’m going to miss Zacky so much. He’s my world now, and I love him very much. They’re leaving today.
“Baby, I’m going to miss seeing your beautiful face every day” said Zacky. He caressed my cheek and then pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back tightly; almost refusing to let go. I was going to miss him terribly. “I love you” I said. “I love you too. I’ll call every chance I get” he said. “Okay” I said. I was still wary about Zacky keeping his panties on. Very wary. “Baby, I’m not going to cheat on you” he said. He could read my mind now. It kind of sucked. He kissed me passionately for about 30 seconds and hen pulled away. The guys were waiting on the bus; I had already said good bye to all of them. Rayne, Laura and Liana were not too far from us, sitting on the sidewalk waiting for the guys to leave. I kissed Zacky one more time and then let go. “Bye” I said. “Bye” he said. He smiled at me and then walked on to the bus. At least I’ll have that smile to see inside my head every time I get lonely. The bus pulled out and the other girls and I started hugging. “I’m going to miss them” said Rayne. “Me too” I replied. It was going to be a long fucking four months. There was one thing I had forgotten to worry about though as I let go of Rayne, Laura and Liana and got into my car; and that thing would be waiting for me when I got home from work one day soon. For today, I was going to visit Nate.
*one hour later*
“So, the guys went on tour?” Nathan asked. “Yeah, for four months. Damn, it’s going to drag on forever” I said. “We’ll hang out all the time Bells, it’ll be fine” he said. “Yeah, I’m just going to be as lonely as hell until Rayne moves in temporarily in three weeks” I said. “She’s going to stay with you until the guys get back?” he asked. “Yep, that’s the plan” I said. “That’s cool” he said. It was five thirty at night now; I was getting hungry. “Nate, can we go out to eat?” I asked. “Sure” he said. We got up from our spots on the couch and walked out into his car. “Where do you want to go?” he asked. “Oh, I don’t know. How about Arby’s?” I asked. I had always loved that restaurant. “Figures” he said with a few chuckles in between. We both sat back and drove to Arby’s.
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hope ya like it! still need a girlfriend 4 matt! if u want 2 b in tha story, let me know!