To Find a Little Piece of Heaven You Must First Go Through Hell

Chasing After

After the funeral I rode back to my house with my parents. My dad kept trying to make light conversation, but my mom and I wouldn’t dare talk to each other. When we got home, I got out of the car and my mother slapped me across the face. “This is your entire fault!” she yelled at me. I could not believe what happened. My mother had never hit me before, never. She blamed me for Coby’s death, and I didn’t blame her. I was in mid-shock. I just handed my dad the house keys and looked at him. “I don’t know when I’ll be back. If you want to know where anything is, just call” I said. I ran into the house and started packing up some of my stuff. I was going to see Zacky, I just had to.
*six hours later*
Thank God that I had a tour schedule; the guys didn’t have a show tonight, and they were in San Diego, which wasn’t too far from Huntington. I was now at the hotel that they were staying at, and I quickly ran up to the lobbyist. “Excuse me, but I need a room number” I said, “For Avenged Sevenfold” I said. “Aren’t you Jacoby Shaddix’s sister?” asked a boy sitting in a chair in the lobby. “Yeah” I said. A single tear rolled down my face. “Room 466, miss” said the lobbyist. I just took the pair of keys that she handed me and ran to the elevator. I got up to the fourth floor and started looking around. I found the room soon, and I just started banging on the door frantically. Brian answered. “Bella, what the fuck?” he asked. I just threw my arms around him and squeezed. “I need to see Zack” I said. “No problem. Zacky! The strippers’ here!” Brian yelled jokingly. I sighed from relief. This was exactly what I needed right now. “Stripper?” I heard. Zacky came to the door. I just jumped from Brian’s arms to his. “Bella?” he asked. He lifted my face with his hand so that he could see my face. “You look like you’ve been bawling non stop. What’s going on?” he asked. “Can we go talk in your room?” I asked. “Sure, honey. I’ll be back in a little bit boys” he said. “Okay” I heard Jimmy say. Obviously the other three boys didn’t know that I was here. Zacky led me to his room three doors down and we went inside and sat down on his bed. “What’s going on hun?” he asked, kissing my forehead. “Alright, well three days ago, I had just gotten home from work, and there were fresh tire treads on our driveway” I said. He nodded, “And I got down and felt them. They were fresh. So I stood back up and felt two arms grab me. I just started screaming and then a hand muffled me. It was Blake Zacky” I said. Zacky’s fist clenched. “Anyway, he basically kidnapped me and drove me to his house. On the way there, I texted Coby telling him that I needed help. He was at Blake’s house within five minutes after we had gotten there. He pushed me behind him, and then, then” I said. I didn’t know if I would be able to go on. “Then what?” Zacky asked, caressing my cheek with his hand. “Then Blake pulled out a gun” I said. Zacky shook his head. “Coby whispered to run to his car on a count of three. I didn’t know if I could do it, because Blake was planning to shoot Coby” I said. He just nodded again. “Well, he counted to three, and I started running, and, and” I stopped. I just started bawling again and Zacky took me in his arms. “What happened?” he asked. “He shot Coby. Coby’s dead Zacky” I said. Zacky’s jaw dropped and then he just took me in his arms. “Is that why you haven’t been answering my phone calls?” he asked. I nodded into his shoulder. “Oh Bells” he said, rubbing my back. “I just needed to see you Zacky” I said. “Its fine hun, I” he stopped and started smiling big. That automatically made me stop crying. Damn, what a smile. “I’ll be right back” he said. He got up and darted out of the room. I just sat there, totally confused. He came back five minutes later. “Bells, how would you like to be our tour manager?” he asked. “Really?” I asked. “Yeah” he said. I squealed and leaped into his arms. “I’ll take that as a yes” he said. I kissed him passionately but then pulled away. “I love you” I said. “I love you more” he said. “Yeah right” I said. He smirked at me and then just brought his lips back to mine. We just stood there, kissing, for a good 15 minutes when there was a knock on the door. Zacky pulled away. “What?” he asked irritated. Obviously that was a “moment” for him, too. Jimmy then came in the room. “Zacky, I – Bells?” he asked. I nodded and he came over and hugged me. “Wow, didn’t think that’d I see you for a while. It’s only been two weeks” he said. “Yeah, and now I’m staying with you guys for the rest of the tour!” I said excitedly. This was the perfect thing to help take my mind off of the recent events. “I know! Zacky suggested that you became manager because our other one quit” he said. “Who was your other tour manager?” I asked. “Valerie” said Zacky. “Why the fuck did you guys hire her?” I asked. “Because, she’s experienced with us” said Jimmy. Zacky started chuckling. “What’s so funny?” I asked. “She’s also VERY experienced with Matt” said Zacky. We all started laughing. “Smooth, Mr. Vengeance” said Jimmy. “I know” he said smugly. I rolled my eyes at him and he smiled. “Well, I hope you don’t mind, Bells, but you’re going to be sharing a room with Zacky” said Jimmy. “Hell no I don’t” I said. Zacky smirked at me. “Well, I’ll leave you two alone. I’m sure that you guys have some catching up to do” said Jimmy. He smiled at us and then left the room. “I’ve missed you. It’s been torture Bella” he said. He came over and put his arms around me. “I missed you too” I said. “So, has anything else happened?” he asked. “Oh, my mom hit me” I said, pointing to a red slap mark on my face. “I hadn’t noticed that until now” he said. He moved my face to the side with his hand and looked at it. “She definitely hit you” he said. “She blames me for Coby’s death. So, I gave my dad the keys to my house and said to call if he needed anything” I said. “And then you drove to San Diego” he said. I nodded. “Poor thing” he said. He held me close and then plopped us both down on the bed. “I love you Zacky” I said. “I love you too” he said. We started making out again. I was exactly where I needed to be, and that was all that mattered.
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