To Find a Little Piece of Heaven You Must First Go Through Hell

Goddamn It

*the next morning*
“Morning sweets” said Zacky, kissing my cheek. “Morning” I said wearily. I got up and checked the time – almost 9 am. “Guys!” I shouted. One by one, they woke up and cursed at me. “Good morning starshines. It’s time to go visit Jimmy!” I said. They all then got up and started getting ready, in silence. Nobody talked to one another; it was weird. We then pulled the bus out of the arena parking lot and Matt took signs to the jail. “What happened to our driver?” I asked. “He had to go home on personal matters” said Johnny. “Wow Johnny, I didn’t know you knew such big words. That deserves a sticker” said Brian. “Fuck off” said Johnny. “Guys, don’t start” said Jenni. She sat next to Matt as he drove. They seriously did make a cute couple. We finally got to the prison and we all stepped out. “Okay. Who’s doing the talking?” asked Brian. “I vote Matt” said Tobin. “Alright then. Let’s go my fuckers” said Matt. I saw half of us, including me, roll our eyes. We all jogged up the steps to the main entrance and then went inside. For a prison, it looked…happy. Matt went up and talked to the secretary while the rest of us sat on benches. “I hope Jimmy’s okay” Tobin said. “I’m worried” I said, grabbing Zacky’s hand. He rubbed circles into my hand as we waited. “We all are” said Jenni. We all sat there for a good five minutes until Matt motioned for us to follow him and the guard. We were led down a number of confusing hallways with ugly perverts whistling and cat calling at all of us. I was kind of scared. Zacky sensed it, and took my hand. Matt did the same with Jenni. We finally got to Jimmy’s wing of the prison and he was led into a room where we could talk to him through a hole in a glass wall. “Hey guys” said Jimmy blankly. “Hey Jimmy” said Matt. I saw a bruise on his face. I swore he didn’t have that before he was dragged away last night. I was then pissed at the guards. “I’m going to be okay. I have a trial coming up soon. Are you guys going to testify for me?” Jimmy asked. Matt looked over at me. I nodded; I’d testify for Jimmy in a heartbeat. “Yeah, I think Bella and I are the only ones that really need to” said Matt. “Guys, what if I have to stay here?” Jimmy asked. He was scared, and he was starting to fail at hiding it. “Jimmy, you’re not going to stay here long. We’ll get you a good attorney, and then we’ll get you out” said Matt. He then motioned for me to come over. I sat where Matt had been sitting. “Jimmy” I said longingly. He took my hand. “Bella, I do not blame you for this. Blake’s a mother fucking cocksucker. And he deserved to die. That’s why I killed him. I know it was wrong. But it doesn’t feel wrong. It felt good to shoot him, you know? Just call Liana and tell her what’s going on” said Jimmy. I nodded. “Bella, you’re the little sister I never had. And I love you. That’s why I did it” he said. I nodded again. That’s all I could manage to do. A tear ran down my face. “I’ll be out soon” said Jimmy. I squeezed his hand. “You better fucking be” I said. He laughed. “I’ll get out of here soon. But not before terrorizing some unlucky bastards” he said. We all laughed at that one. “Well, guys, let’s go get us a good attorney and cancel some tour dates” said Matt. We all agreed, said our goodbyes and left. We hoped back on the bus and Matt pulled out a phone book and his cell phone. We spent the next two hours looking up attorneys, and finally found one with a good record and low pay. Then I decided to call Liana.
*phone conversation. B is Bella, L is Liana*
L: Bells?
B: Hey Li, I need to talk to you about something. Are you busy?
L: No. What’s going on sweetie?
B: It’s Jimmy
L: …What happened?
B: Well, last night, Blake showed up at the concert. And Jimmy lost it, and shot him. He got hauled off to jail last night.
L: Oh my God! Is he alright?
B: he’s got a bruise on his cheek, from one of the guards, I think, but other than that he’s fine.
L: Oh my gosh did you guys get him an attorney?
B: yes, a good one, too
L: wonderful! Okay. Do you guys need me to go up there?
B: No, we should be fine.
L: Okay. Love you
B: Love you too. Tell Rayne and Laura I love them too
L: Sure thing.
B: Bye
L: Bye
*end phone conversation*

“How’d she take it?” Matt asked. “She’s fine. A little shaken by it, but fine otherwise” I said. “Good. So, the trail’s tomorrow. What should we do until then?” asked Matt. “I would suggest getting hammered, but that’s not a good idea considering we have a trial at 10:00 am tomorrow morning” said Brian. “Good sense, Bri” said Tobin. “So then, what should we do?” asked Matt. “I vote we go get some lunch” said Jenni. Everyone agreed and we walked across the street to a Subway. We had a big day tomorrow; no one was denying it. And Matt and I especially. What we say tomorrow affects Jimmy, and the verdict. I was scared. We all were.
*next update*

We were all getting ready to go to trial. Matt and I were the only ones that really had to look presentable. We both pouted when we found out that we had to take our face piercings out, but other than that, we were okay. I was wearing a black dress with 1-inch studded heels and a red cardigan. Matt had on a gray suit with a black tie. “You guys look very nice” said Brian. “Thanks Bri” I said, kissing his cheek. “You look hot” said Zacky, stepping out of the bathroom and kissing my cheek. Brian glared at us. “Sorry” said Zacky, stepping back. “Well then, we all ready to go?” asked Tobin. “Sure” said Jenni. “Yeah” said Brian and Johnny. Matt and I both nodded. “Okay then, let’s go” said Zacky. We all walked out into the bright sunlight and walked across the parking lot to the courthouse. Matt and I had an arm each around each other’s shoulders, for moral support. Zacky’s hand was in my other hand. We walked into the courtroom and a wave of nervousness came over me. Matt must’ve felt it too, because he gripped my shoulders tighter. He pecked Jenni on the lips and I pecked Zacky and then the rest of the group went and sat down. Matt, the attorney, Jimmy, and I sat on one side, and Blake’s attorney and a security guard from the show two nights ago were on the other side. The judge then came in. “All rise for the honorable Judge Kernigan” said the bailiff. The judge, who was a middle aged man, came in and sat down in her seat. “Order” she said, and everyone sat down. The opening statements were said, and as it got closer and closer to me speaking, I got more and more nervous. It looked to be going in Jimmy’s favor. Then, it was my turn to speak. I stood up, flattened out my dress, and then walked up to the podium. I sat, did the promise, and then the menacing attorney stepped up. “Did you know Mr. Matthews?” the attorney asked. “Yes” I said. “And how long did you know him?” he asked. “Since I was two years old. We went to school together” I said. “Is it true that you had a relationship with Mr. Matthews?” he asked. “Yes, for three years” I said. “And how did the relationship end?” he asked. “He had taken me into a pool house while it was storming outside, and raped me” I said. “And do you have any proof of this?” he asked. “Yes, a security tape of the pool house” I said. I pulled it out of my purse and handed it to him. “May I have permission to watch this video?” he asked the judge. “Yes” the judge said. He slipped it in a DVD player and I covered my eyes as it all relived itself on screen. “Okay then” the attorney said. I nodded. “So, after you were raped, how long was it until you saw him again?” he asked. “Another three years” I said. “And what happened after he had came back?” he asked. “He broke into my house, picked a fight on my property, and murdered my brother, Jacoby Shaddix” I said. The attorney looked at the jury, and they all nodded. They knew what had happened. “No further questions. The plaintiff calls Matt Sanders to the stand” he said. Matt got up and then was questioned about two nights ago, and then Jimmy was questioned. It looked to be going to Jimmy. The nervousness started to go away as the closing statements were made. Then the jury stood up. “The jury finds Mr. James Sullivan…”
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Love 2 all my subscribers!
there should be about 3 more updates =)