To Find a Little Piece of Heaven You Must First Go Through Hell

An Attempted Re-Connection

I was walked home by Zacky, our hands locked together. “So we’re going to tell Jacoby?” he asked. “Yes, we are” I said with a smile on my face. We were almost to my house, five hours or so after I had a half can of Mt. Dew dumped on my head. “He’s going to want to know what happened” Zacky said. “Yeah, I’ll explain” I said. We walked up my driveway and we went in my house. “Zacky?” Jerry asked. “Hey Jer” Zacky said with a weak smile. Jacoby walked in the living room. “Bella, what happened to you?” he asked. “Rev dumped pop on my head after I dumped pop on him” I said. He shook his head and laughed. “Coby, sit down please. Dave, Jerry, you too” I said. They all sat down on the couch and Zacky and I sat on the other couch. “Coby, Jerry, Dave, Zacky is my new boyfriend” I said. Jacoby smiled at me. “I approve” he said. I squealed and hugged Zacky. “He usually doesn’t approve, does he?” he asked. “Hello no” I said. “I’m happy for you Bells” Jerry said. “Me too” Dave agreed. “Thanks you guys” I said. “What about Tobin? Doesn’t he deserve to know?” Jacoby asked. “He already knew” I said. “Oh, figures” Jacoby said. I smiled and Zacky smiled at me again. Janae then came into the room. “Hello Bella” she said. I didn’t like Janae – I actually thought she was a bit of a whore. But I would never tell Jacoby that – he’d probably choke me. “Hi Janae” I said. Zacky looked at me weirdly, and I mouthed “I’ll explain” to him. He nodded. Janae came over and sat down next to Jacoby. He put his arm around her and smiled. “Are you two official?” I asked. “Yes” he said. I smiled at him, but on the inside I groaned – My brother deserved a whole lot better than her.
“Well, we’re going out Bella, so you two will have the house to yourselves” said Jacoby. He stood up and the others followed. Tobin appeared out of the right corner of my eye. “Have fun” I told him. He smiled at me and gave me a hug. “Make sure you’re never alone” he whispered into my ear. I nodded and they left out the front door. It was only me and Zacky now. “So, what do you want to do?” I asked. “I don’t know” he said. “Well, It’s six o’clock, so we could go get in the hottub” I said, noticing that Zacky still had his swimming trunks on. “Sure, but first you said that you’d explain” he said. “Oh yeah, well, I think that Jacoby’s girlfriend is a whore” I said. “So you don’t approve of his girlfriend?” he said. “No, I dont. It’s so unfair! I get no say in his relationships but he’s all over mine” I said. “That does seem a little unfair” he said. I sat back down on the couch and he sat down beside me. He pulled me onto his lap and started kissing my neck. “Is this okay?” he asked. “Perfect” I said. He continued and wrapped his arms around my waist. He moved his lips up my jaw line and then brushed his lips against mine. I hadn’t kissed a guy in over three years, so I had kind of needed a little reminder of how to kiss someone. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and slowly rubbed it against the sides of the inside of my cheek. I ran my fingers through his smooth black hair, and then felt a tug on my lip ring. I noticed that Zacky’s tongue was still in my mouth, and he retorted in pain. “Bella, our lips rings are caught!” he said. I could barely understand him. I brought my hands down and tried to untangle them. “Can we call Syn?” I asked. “I’ll text him” he said. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started texting away. We sat there waiting for 10 minutes and Syn came running through the door. “How did you manage to get your lip rings caught?” he asked, laughing. Rev and Matt followed with their digital cameras in hand. “I hate you guys” Zacky murmured, but no one could understand him. The boys raised their cameras and started taking pictures. Zacky grabbed my hand and raised my middle finger up, and then raised his other hand to flick the cameras off. “Okay, now we’ll help you” Syn said. He came over and started messing with our rings. “Man, you guys got them caught good” he said. “Well no fucking der” I said. He laughed and took the back off of my lip ring. He slipped Zacky’s lip ring off of mine and then put the back on again. “There you guys go. Next time, make sure you play nice with her Zachary” he said smugly. “Shut up” said Zacky. Then there was a knock on the door. “Matt, will you get that?” I asked. He nodded sweetly and answered the door. Blake was standing there. “Hi, is Bella there?” he asked. Rev came over and stood next to me. “Who’s this guy?” he asked. “Blake, the guy who raped me” I said. He grew angry and stormed off into the other room. I stood there wanting to go hide, but then I felt two arms wrap around me; Zacky’s arms. “Thanks” I said. Then I felt a sudden adrenaline rush. “She doesn’t want to see you” Matt said. I walked over to the door. “I beg to differ” I said. I raised my hand and slapped Blake across the face. “I guess I deserved that” he said. “You guess? Blake, you fucking raped me! And you GUESS that you deserved a slap across the face? You deserve a fucking bullet to your skull!” I screamed at him angrily. “I’m sorry Bells” he said. “Yeah? Well it’s too late. I don’t want you in my life. I’ve gotten along fine without you for three years, and I’m getting along without you now” I said, looking over at Zacky. “I haven’t. I want to kill myself for what I did Bella” he said. He rose his hand up to feel my face but I slapped it away. “Get the fuck away from her before I beat your ass in” Matt said. “Ooh, I’m so scared of the big buff rockstar. This isn’t any of your business” Blake said. “I beg to differ. Bella’s my friend” he said. “The only reason Bella would ever want to be your friend is so she could get all over you” he said. “So you’re saying I’m easy?” I asked. “You were that way with me; Hell, you couldn’t keep your hands off of me” he said. “Look you fucking asshole, my girlfriend doesn’t need this” Zacky said. “Ah, a guitarist. She probably can’t wait to play your strings” Blake said. Matt then landed a right hook across Blake’s face and Synyster tackled him. Zacky followed out the door and Rev shut it behind them. I reached out to open the door to run after them, but Rev caught my wrist and flung it back. “Stay in here Bella; if the cops come by, neither of us is in any danger” he said. “I can’t believe he said that to me” I said, sitting down on the couch and running my fingers through my hair. “I’m sorry that happened Bella” he said, coming over and hugging me. We sat there for five minutes and then I finally spoke. “Jimmy, I was going to ask why you smirked last night when I said that Zacky had invited me over” I said. “Oh, well after the first time you and I had met, I told the boys all about it. Zacky formed some kind of a crush on you, and then I showed him a picture – he thought you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen” he said. I blushed; I had never thought of myself as pretty. “So yesterday when you and P-Roach came down to the recording studio, I told him to make a move, and he did. I was just shocked that he took my advice” Jimmy said. “So he’s had a crush on me for a while now?” I asked. “Yes. Do you have a crush on him?” Rev asked. “I do now, but before I actually...had the hugest crush on Matt” I said. “Really? Wow. Are there any feelings left?” Rev asked. His eyes were filled with curiosity. “Well, a little bit” I said. “Wow” Jimmy said. “Don’t tell anyone though” I said. “I swear I won’t” he said.
Matt then came in, running through the house. His shirt was off and he had a bloody nose and a gash in his chest. “Matt? What’s going on?” I asked. “Synyster’s beating the living shit out of Blake, and Zacky’s out helping. I got punted in the nose” he said. “Sit down. Rev, please go outside and make sure Zacky’s okay” I said. “Okay” he said. He shot me a look and then went outside. “Sit down” I said. He did as told and I grabbed a towel and ran it under water. “I sure hope Coby doesn’t find out about this. I won’t be able to have people over while the boys are out ever again” I said. “Is Coby protective of you?” he asked. “Yeah” I said. I sat down on the chair next to him and handed him the towel. “Need pain killers?” I asked. He shook his head no and I sighed, looking at his perfectly sculpted body. Zacky was a little on the chubby side; Matt on the other hand... “Sorry I kind of caused a scene” he said. “Thanks for sticking up for me” I said, smiling at him a little. He returned it. “Don’t sweat it” he said. Rev then walked in. “Zacky’s fine, Synyster got busted open, and Blake is unconscious” he said. “Great” I said, “Is Syn okay?” I asked. “He should be fine. Zacky’s trying to stop the bleeding and then they’ll be in” Jimmy said. “This is my entire fault. Matt, it’s my fault you’re hurt” I said. “Bella, this isn’t your fault. It’s Blake’s; he was the one who showed up here to face your three friends and your boyfriend” Matt said. “I’ve known you, Zacky, Syn and Johnny for two days, and I already feel as if I’ve known you for years” I said. “We have that affect on people” Jimmy said. I laughed and looked back over at Matt. He stared into my eyes and I stared back. He was so gorgeous; I was trying to resist his charm. I looked away – hiding my blush, and then Zacky walked in, supporting Synyster. “He’s alive!” Jimmy said, mocking the mad scientist from the Frankenstein movies. Matt and I started laughing, but the other two rolled their eyes. I took this opportunity to rub peroxide on the gash in Matt’s chest and he recoiled. “Yow!” he screamed. “Almost done” I said. I put a band aid over it and then patted it down lightly. “Yes, he’s okay” Zacky said, setting Synyster down on the couch. “I’m going to call Coby, to try and keep him away longer” I said. I dialed Coby’s number and it started ringing.
(Be= Bella, C- Coby)
C: “Hello?”
Be: “Coby, hi”
C: “Hey sis. What’s up?”
Be: “When are you guys coming home?”
C: “Actually, we’re not until tomorrow morning. We’re in Los Angeles and we’ll be back in the morning”
Be: “Oh, alright”
C: “Do you need me there?”
Be: “No, I’ll be fine”
C: “If you have the nightmares again, call me”
Be: “Okay”
C: “See you tomorrow. I love you sissy”
Be: “I love you too. See you”

I hung up the phone and smiled. “What’s going on?” Zacky asked. “They’re in LA and won’t be back until tomorrow. So you guys can stay here if you want” I said, “Syn, let me see your head”. “. I sat down next to Synyster and started going through his silky smooth hair to find where he was cut at. I took out the bottle of peroxide and started dabbing. “God damn!” he screamed in pain. “Sorry. Gosh, I feel like a fucking nurse from the civil war” I said. All the guys started laughing. I took a band-aid and put it over the cut. “What about Johnny?” Jimmy asked. “Tell him to come over” I said. “Alright” Brian said. He texted Johnny and then put his phone in his pocket. “He knows where I live, right?” I asked. “Yeah” he said. “Well, what do you guys want to do?” I asked. “Well, you did say something about a hottub, and I’ve been dying to see you in a bikini” Zacky said, smirking. “Alright” I said. I noticed that the other boys had trunks on as well. “We were going to go swimming anyway today, but then you showed up” Jimmy said. “Well, we have a pool too” I said. “Sweet!” Brian said. “If you boys will excuse me for a minute, I have to go change” I said. I heard a cat call from behind me – I knew it was Zacky. I hadn’t put on a bikini since that day at the pool house, but as long as no one had alcohol I should be safe. I reached into my dresser drawer for a black, pink and white bikini with pirate skulls all over it and slipped out of my clothes. I slipped on the bottoms and thought I heard a knock. I ignored it and continued to change. Zacky then walked in and I screamed at the top of my lungs. “I’m sorry Bells” Zacky said. “That’s, it’s fine Zacky” I said. “No. I should have knocked again” Zacky said. I thanked myself for facing the other side of my room – that way Zacky couldn’t see my boobs. “I was going to ask for help with my top anyway” I said. “Oh. Well, come over here then” he said. “I can’t do that” I said. “Fine then, I’ll come over there” he said. I rolled my eyes as came up behind me. I handed him the two bottom strings and he started tying. “So is Blake still out on my front lawn?” I asked. “No, we threw him in his car and locked the doors” Zacky said. “Smart” I said, smiling a little. “I’m sorry Bella” he said. I handed him the top strings and he started tying again. “It’s not your fault” I said. “But I feel bad because he said mean things to you” he said. My top was on now, and I threw my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. “What are you doing?” I asked. “Taking you down to the hottub” he said. I giggled and he smiled at me. I could’ve died for that smile. He carried me down the stairs. “Jeez Zacky what did you do to her to make her scream?” Brian asked. “Walked in on her while she changed” Zacky said. The boys started whooping and I rolled my eyes. “Jimmy got the hottub started” Johnny said. “Oh, hi Johnny” I said. He smiled at me. “Hi” he said back. I looked back to Zacky, who was still holding me up. “Hottub?” he asked. “Yes” I said. Brian and Johnny walked out onto the deck while Jimmy locked the front door. “Just in case” he said. “Thank you” I said. He followed Brian out, and then Matt, Zacky and I went out. “Nice deck” Matt said. “Tobin built it” I said. “He must be really good at stuff like that” Matt said. “Yeah” I said. Jimmy took off his shirt and got into the hottub. “Perfect” he said. One by one we all got into the hottub and sat back. This was the life.
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once again, hope ya likeed it!