To Find a Little Piece of Heaven You Must First Go Through Hell

Road Trip!

I woke up with an arm around my waist and drool running down my chin – drool that wasn’t mine. I opened my eyes to see that Zacky had a pool of drool beneath his head, and some of it had gotten on me overnight. I slowly unwrapped his arm from around my waist and grabbed the clock off of the end table – 10:30. I heard a beep and looked at my cell phone to see that I had one new text message. I read
“Be home in 1 hour. Hope you didn’t run down the place too badly lol. See you soon, xoxo, Coby”
I freaked; the message was from 45 minutes ago. I grabbed the stereo remote and turned it on to half blast. One by one the boys slowly woke up. “What gives? I was having a good dream” Synyster said. “Sorry Syn” I said. “Call me Brian” he said. “Fine, Brian” I replied. Matt sat up. “What time is it?” he asked. “10:30, and the boys and Skanky McSkankskank will be home soon” I said. “So do we need to leave?” Rev asked. “Yeah” I said. “Alright then. Say goodbye to your lover Zachary” Johnny said jokingly. “Shut up Marshmallow” he said. He kissed me lightly and all you could hear was Brian, Matt, Rev, and Johnny in a chant of “awe”. I rolled my eyes. “See you later then, alright? If Blake shows up you better call me” he said. “I will” I said. He smiled at me and sat up. “Bye Bells” he said. I said goodbye to all of them and they left out the door and got into Matt’s black Ferrari. I then went upstairs to take a shower. I went into my bathroom and stripped down into nothing, and then got in the shower. 15 minutes later, I got out and wrapped up in a towel – I heard movement downstairs and decided to go check it out. I walked down the stairs and Jacoby, Tobin, and Jerry were in the kitchen. “Where’s your girlfriend?” I asked Coby. “She’s at home” he said politely. “I think Bella here doesn’t approve” Jerry said. “You don’t approve of Janae?” Coby asked. I just decided to tell him how I felt. “No, I don’t. Actually, I think she’s a bit of a whore. I don’t want you to get hurt Coby” I said. “A whore?” he asked. “Don’t take it personally Coby” I said, walking past him towards the laundry room. “A whore?” I heard from a distance. Tobin followed. “He’s going to take it personally, isn’t he?” I asked. “Yeah. I can’t believe you actually spoke up to him for once” said Tobin. “Look Tobes, let me get dressed and go to your room – I need to talk to you about something” I said. “Okay” he said in a concerned voice. He passed me and walked towards his room. I went into the laundry room and shut the door, and found my black and green trip pants and a white tank top with an airbrushed cartoon of Motley Crue on it. I put them on and walked down to Tobin’s room, entering without knocking. He came out of his bathroom and sat down on the bed. “What’s going on?” he asked. “Well, last night, the A7X boys came over after Zacky and I got our lip rings caught” I said. He started laughing. “That’s my Bella” he said. “Anyways, we were talking, and then Blake showed up. He said some really mean things, and then Matt punched him and a brawl broke out” I said. “I wondered why there was blood on the driveway” he said. I continued on. “Anyways, Matt, Brian and Zacky beat the heck out of him and locked him in his car. We then relaxed and kicked back and then later I went upstairs to change, and he had broken into my room and snuck up on me” I said. “Did he hurt you?” he asked. “No, thank gosh Zacky came up and saved me before anything did happen. But, he did kiss me and told me that he loved me” I said. “Do you still feel the same way?” he asked me. “No” I said. This wasn’t completely true, and I think Tobin saw that in my eyes, but he understood. “Thank goodness you weren’t alone” he said to me. “I know” I said. “Well, Janae invited us all, even you, over for dinner tonight. Coby would love if you came” he said. “I’m not going anywhere near her” I said. “You’re going to break your brother’s heart Bells” he said. “Well, I’m sorry, but I’m not having a thing to do with her, because I know that she’s the one that’s going to hurt him, not me” I said. I stood up and he followed. “It would make him happy Bella” he said. “No Tobin” I said, shaking my head. I left Tobin’s room and walked down the hall to see Jerry standing there. “I don’t want to hear it Jer, I just heard the lecture from Tobes” I said. He gave me a smirk and I rolled my eyes and walked out the door. Coby opened it and shouted out to me. “Where are you going?” he asked. “To see Rayne” I said. I pulled my keys out of my pants pocket and unlocked my car. “Are you going to dinner with us tonight?” he asked. “No” I said. He gave me a hurt look and went back inside. I got into my car and drove off to Rayne’s house. Fifteen minutes later I was there. I got out of the car and ran up to the house – banging on the door when I reached the front stoop. “Hold your horses” said Rayne from inside the house. She answered the door a few seconds later. “Bells! Are you alright?” she asked. “No, honestly” I said. “Come in” she said. I stepped inside her one-bedroom house and sat down on the couch. “So fess up. What’s wrong?” Rayne asked, sitting down next to me. “Blake’s back” I said. Rayne gasped and put a hand to her mouth. “It has to be April Fools or something, right?” she asked. “Unfortunately it isn’t” I said. “Oh Bella” she said. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. “It’ll be okay” she said. “He came to the house last night and the A7X boys beat the living shit out of him. Then about two hours later I went upstairs to change and he had broken into my bedroom. And he kissed me and cupped me” I said. “He KISSED you?” she asked in an angry tone. “Yeah” I said. “Well did you kiss back?” she asked. “Just a little” I said. That was the truth, I mean, I did kiss him back, just not that much. “Does Zacky know about this?” Rayne asked. “No, he doesn’t” I said. “Bella” she said. “He said that he was going to take him out” I said. “Take him out? As in kill him?” Rayne asked. “I don’t know. But this morning Coby asked if I wanted to go have dinner with him and the boys at Janae’s house” I said. “Uck, Janae?” she said. “Yeah, and I told Coby that I thought she was a whore” I said. “Well, what did he have to say about that?” she asked. “He was baffled” I said. “Well, I can’t talk long. I have to work today” she said. Rayne worked down at a CD shop near the beach. “Oh, then I guess I’ll leave. I just needed to get out” I said. “Why don’t you go visit your boyfriend?” she asked. “Because they’re recording today. Plus, I don’t want to spend too much time with them – they could get sick of me fast” I said. “What about Tobin? You guys used to go to the mall and stuff all the time” said Rayne. “He’s busy today too – you know that they’re leaving to go on Cruefest soon” I said. “I totally forgot about that” she said. “Yeah, and with Blake back, I don’t know if Coby’s going to let me have the house alone. God I hope he doesn’t send me off to live with Mom” I said. I and my mom didn’t get along too well – she was an alcoholic that always threw stuff at me and treated me like shit. She had always been nice to Coby though - I think it was because he was a guy – and she went out to the bar and saw different guys all the time. “Coby wouldn’t do that” she said. “But with what I just said to him this morning – he probably wants to murder me” I said. “Coby loves you. Plus, you know Tobin wouldn’t let him do that” said Rayne. “You’re right. Well, I’ll figure out something. Have fun at work” I said. “Thanks” she said, pulling me into another hug. I pulled away and walked out the door to my car. I got in and pulled out to drive to the beach – I always was able to think there. 10 minutes later I was there, and I got out and went to go sit by the water. There were only a few families there – some playing catch and some lying on towels attempting to get some sun. I pulled my pant legs up and sat down by the water; wiggling my toes around in it. I thought about where I could go to clear my head. Zacky and the guys were recording today. Rayne was at work. Nathan didn’t want me around with Blake being next door. And I couldn’t be home with all the tension there. Tobin didn’t want me alone, either. I then decided to go visit my friend Jessica in LA. It would be a long drive, but at least no one would be able to find me. I texted Zacky first
Going to LA don’t know when I’ll be back. XOXO, Bella

I walked back over to my car and got in. I started it up and drove until I reached the interstate, and then put my Iron Maiden CD into the disc player, and pumped up the bass to full blast. It was going to be a fun day.
*2 hours later*
I pulled up to Jess’s house and got out to see her playing with her son Ash and the twins on their playground set. I got out and she looked up at me. “Bella?” she asked. I nodded and she stood up and ran over to me. “Hey Jess” I said. “Wow, it’s been a few months. How are you?” she asked. “Okay, I guess. I’m dating a guitarist from Avenged Sevenfold. But, then again, Blake is back in town and Coby’s dating a slut” I said. “Oh, that’s not good” she said. “How are the kids?” I asked. “Fine, as you can see” she said with a smile. “And Chris?” I asked. “Good. He’s up in Las Vegas right now, and he’s driving home tonight. So you’ll get to see him” she said. “That’s great” I said. “Yeah, it sure is” she said. Ash then came running over to me and clamped on to my leg. “Aunt Bella!” he shouted excitingly, and I patted his head. “Hey Ash, how’s it going little buddy?” I asked him. “Good” he said politely. I ruffled his hair and then looked back up at Jess. “He’s always liked you” she said. “Same with me – he’s a great kid” I said. “Well, why don’t you come inside?” She asked me. “That’d be great” I said. She walked back over to the twins and picked them both up and walked towards the door. I followed with Ash behind me. “They are adorable” I said. “Yes, they truly are” she said. I smiled at her and we went inside.
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