The Confusing and Twisted Love Life of Skye Silver

Character Info

Skye Silver

Age- 23
Hair- Dark brown that falls to the middle of her back.
Eyes- Icy blue eyes
Personality- Isn't scared to fight back, loves romance and horror, kind and caring, very different but in a good way. She has a bad temper and isn't scared to tell you what she thinks. She believes in love but marriage has never been her plan in life. She loves photography since she is, in fact, a photographer. She helps out Mrs. Johnson, the old libarian, when she has free time.


Courtney Silver

Age- 22
Hair- Blonde waves
Eyes- Light green
Personality- Could be called a prep, beautiful, she is sometimes kind but when it's something she wants she is mean, the girl everyone wants to be. She was a cheerleader in highschool and has no job currently since she doesn't want to "work". She is obcessed with herself and loves the spotlight attention


Connor Smith

Age- 24
Hair- Black
Eyes- Light brown
Personality- Very nice, loves to read and a very smart boy. He works with Derek and is his best friend, even though they have their differences. He is your typical guy that loves sports and bars. He likes everyone but he's pretty shallow when it comes to girls.


Derek Matthews

Age- 23
Hair- Shaggy, blond
Eyes- Light brown
Personality- Is very misunderstood, but if you get him to open up he's a very nice guy. He doesn't like the spotlight attention, even though he is well known though out New York. He gets any girl he wants, although he hasn't found the girl for him. He doesn't think marriage is important.

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this is the character info, chapter 1 will be out soon!