The Confusing and Twisted Love Life of Skye Silver

Remind Me Never to Get Married

Derek's P.O.V. (Point of View)

Remind me never to get married. The moment we got into the ballroom dining thing, Courtney was kind enough to shout to everyone:

"Skye and Derek got married!"

Never in my life had I seen people move that quickly. Skye grabbed onto me; if she was going down, I was coming down with her. Since this was Courtney's dinner, all of Skye's family was here as were my parents. We got congratulations but mostly scoldings for not inviting them to the wedding, that neither of us could even remember.

We eventually ended up at our own little table in the very back corner, thankfully. My parents had decided to join us, seeing as Skye's parents were with Courtney and Connor. Which meant for me and Skye, we had to act like a lovey dovey couple. We had to sit next to each other and, much to her horror, I had my arm around her shoulders, making us look like an all-American-family.

"Well, Skye," my mother said, taking another sip of her drink. "I'm not sure how you managed to get Derek to settle down."

"Neither do I," Skye replied, truthfully. I stiffled a laugh by taking a drink of my water; I had put off any form of alcohol for a while.

"May I see the ring?" my mother asked. Skye put her hand over the table nervouslly and I wouldn't blame her; her family nearly ripped her arm out of her socket.

"Oh my Lord!" my mother said, putting her other hand on her heart. "This is stunning!"

I leaned over closely to Skye, my lips brushing against her ear. "I picked out a nice ring, even though I was drunk."

Skye tried to hold in her laughter as my parents gushed about the ring and, well, us. It was strange being married to Skye, if you could even call us married. I mean, I could have imagioned us dating but marriage? No way.

Skye's cell phone rang, since her hand was being examined by my parents, I reached into her purse and gave it to her.

"Hello? What? Are you serious? But! Agh!" she said, putting the phone back into her purse. My parents had left to go talk to Connor's parents, leaving us alone.

"Who was that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes. "Courtney. She wants my apartment tonight."

"Why?" I asked but she gave me a look that made me understand. "Oh, nevermind."

"Connor's parents are staying at his place so she asked for mine so they could do Lord only knows what," she explained, brushing a stray piece of hair out of her face.

"Why didn't you tell her no?" I suggested, twirling a piece of her hair around my finger.

"I did but they just left, see?" she said, gesturing over to the door, where sure enough, Connor and Courtney were sneaking out.

"You can stay at my place," I told her, still playing with her hair. "After all, we are married."

Skye's P.O.V. (Point of View)

I've loved Connor for about a year now and I still do, but Derek was...Derek. He was handsome and funny. Did I like him? Perhaps. I couldn't help but think of Connor but then I realized that Connor wanted Courtney. He chose her, not me. So why couldn't I like Derek?

Derek and I left an hour later, secretly of course. His parents weren't bad, but my family was a nightmare. We got into his car and began to drive to his apartment when I realized I didn't have any clothes to change into.

"I grabbed clothes for you," Derek said, interrupting my thoughts.

"What?" I asked, turning my focus on him.

"When we were at your house, I grabbed clothes for you, just in case they pulled something like this," he explained.

"Thank you," I said, somewhat confused. Derek was being... sweet?

We arrived at his apartment a few minutes later, thankfully. I slipped off my heels and carried them in my hand; my feet were killing me. We took the elevator up to this floor and entered his apartment. It looked the same as it did this morning.

"I hate parties," Derek said, tossing his car keys on the counter. I tossed my heels to the floor and ran a hand though my hair.

"I know," I said, looking down at my ring finger. It was a pretty ring, better looking than the one Connor got Courtney. I assumed that Derek had a lot of money, since his mother was decked in jewals and his father seemed well-known.

"Told you I picked out a good ring," Derek said, coming up from behind me, scaring me.

"Yeah, well," I said, running out of things to say. Before I could stop myself, I turned around and kissed him, surprising myself more than him. He kissed me back, sliding his hands onto my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck. Why was I kissing him? I have no idea, it just felt... right.

"You're welcome?" Derek said once we had pulled apart. He handed me my bag of clothes, which consisted of a pair of checkered shorts and a white tank-top. I went into the bathroom and quickly changed into them before coming back out.

Derek and I stayed up a little later, watching old re-runs of Grey's Anatomy until it was about midnight, then we decided to go to bed. Derek climbed in and I followed him, too tired to care if I was sleeping in the same bed as him.

"Stop stealing all the blanket," he said, as I rolled myself up in more than ahfl of it.

"Make me," I responded and before I could do anything, Derek pulled on the blanket, causing me to land on his chest.

"There," he said, obviously not as uncomfortable as I was. Rather than worrying about it, I fell asleep quickly, resting peacefully on Derek's chest, his arms wrapped arm my waist.
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