The Confusing and Twisted Love Life of Skye Silver

Everyone Hates Work

Derek's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning with extra weight on my chest. I opened my eyes fully only to see a head of dark brown hair right in front of me. It was Skye, that's strange. I remember rolling her on top of me last night in an attempt to get the blanket, but I assumed she would have rolled off rather than lay on me. Not that I minded.

I rolled Skye gently off of me, hopeing that she didn't wake up. I got out of bed and ran a hand though my now messy hair. It was Thursday, which meant that I'd have to go to work and, surprisingly, worst of all, leave Skye. I went into the bathroom to take a shower, seeing how I hadn't taken one in a while.

I finished showering quickly and exited the bathroom to find some clothes. I pulled out a pair of jeans and a button down shirt----my usual outfit. I pulled on my jeans and then went in search for my shoes, which were hidden under my bed. As I was pulling them on, I heard movement from the bed and turned around to see a fully awake Skye staring at me.

"What are you doing?" she asked, every so often her eyes would roam my chest but quickly came back up to my face.

"I have to go to work."


It occured to me that I had forgotten to put on my shirt when I went looking for my shoes. I got up and grabbed my button down and slide my arms though the sleeves then began the annoying process of the buttons.

"Better?" I asked, grabbing my phone from the side table. I could see her biting her lip, as if to respond in a way that would flatter me and embarass herself.

"I'll be back later," I said, looking for my car keys. "There's a spare in the side drawer, if you want it."

"A spare? You'd trust me?" Skye asked, raising an eyebrow.

I scoffed. "What are you going to do? Rearrange my furniture? Put my whites with colors?"

She rolled her eyes but resisted the urge to smile. "Shut up."

"As you wish," I said, giving her a swift kiss on the cheek, although I'm not sure why. "Call me if you need me, but don't need me."


"Derek!" one of my many co-workers said. I turned around to see Josh, one of my friends, waving me down. "Hey man! Where have you been? I couldn't get a hold of you all weekend!"

I rolled my eyes, he didn't call. "Some things came up." Such as becoming married to my best friend's soon-to-be-wife's sister. That's a mouthful.

"Yeah, I know how that is," he said, laughing. "So, did you hear about the huge compnay ball tomorrow?"

I nearly choked on my coffee. "What?"

Josh didn't notice my shock, so he continued on. "Yeah, it's this huge ball thing with, like, tuxes and girls in long gowns. Everyone here is expected to go or else, we have to bring a date too!"

"Why didn't you tell me eariler?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Like I said, I couldn't get a hold of you!" he said, patting me on the back.

"We have to bring a date?"

"Yes, don't worry dude, I could show you some girls." He acts like he's a ladies man when the only woman who has kissed him is his mother.

"I have someone," I said, taking a sip of my coffee.


"His wife!" Connor said, jumping into the convocation. I could have killed him right now, seeing as the whole room went quiet at the newly found knowledge of my wife.

"Thanks Connor," I said, rolling my eyes.

"A wife?!" Josh said, choking on his muffin. "When'd you get married!? Dude, why wasn't I invited?!"

I tossed away my coffee into the nearby trashcan. "Like you said, man, I couldn't get a hold of you."


I arrived home around five o'clock and wasn't surprised to see Skye half asleep on the sofa.

"Hey," I said, sliding off my shoes and tossing my keys on the counter. "You look like crap."

She groaned. "I had to go wedding dress shopping with Courtney."

"Connor annocunced to everyone I work with that I had a wife," I said, trying to beat her in who-had-the-worst-day but I think she won.

"Wonderful," she said, closing her eyes again. I sat down next to her, trying to tell her about the ball without her totally freaking on me. "What is it?"

"What's what?"

"You're trying to tell me something. What is it?"

"What are you doing tomorrow night?"

"Nothing, why?"

I took a deep breath before blurting out. "Tomorrow night there is this company ball, yes a ball and I need a date."

"...I don't have a dress," she said. That's good, she didn't reject the idea.

"Can't you get one?"

"I guess," she said, stiffling a yawn. "But you better not ditch me once we get there."

I laughed. "Trust me, some of the people I work with are strange. I think I'll be staying close to you the whole time."

"Fair enough," she said, smiling.
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Thanks for the comments, but I could use some more! Subcribe also! Pretty please with summer vaction on top?!