The Confusing and Twisted Love Life of Skye Silver

The Ball

Skye's P.O.V.

I woke up around twelve the next day, still at Derek's apartment. I had stolen some clothes from my apartment while Courtney and Connor were gone but it was still bad enough. I sat up and realized that Derek wasn't here, but a note was left on his pillow.

"Dear Skye," I read outloud, "sorry, I had to go into work earlier and didn't want to wake you up. The ball is at seven o'clock sharp so I'll be home around five thirty to six. Love, Derek."

That reminded me that I needed to go and get a dress. I changed quickly out of my PJs and changed into a pair of jeans and a halter top with a pair of simple heels. I left my hair down and grabbed the spare key from the side drawer, putting it into my pocket. It was some insanely big ball so it was obvious that I would need a pretty damn good dress.

I took a cab to this small dress shop where I had gone a couple of times in the past. I knew the owner well so she always insisted on giving me the best dresses there were, and trust me, there were some pretty good ones. I entered the shop, only to be mauled by the owner, and my best friend, Foxie.

"Skye! God, where have you been!?" Foxie asked, putting her hands on her hips. She was taller than me, but still pretty short. She had her hair styled in a big, puffy afro because she was one for the dramatics. Her mocha skin shined from under her big, brown eyes.

"I need a dress," I said, giving her a hug.

"Yeah, I got that. Oh my God, is that a ring!?" Foxie said, grabbing my left hand. "When did you get married?!"

I shrugged. "It was a drunken accident with a hot guy."

"Ah," she said, understanding. "So what brings you to my shop?"

"The accidental husband's company is having a huge ball tonight and I need a dress," I explained tossing my bag on the seat.

"Wait," she said, stopping me. "You mean the Matthews Ball?"

"Yeah, that's the one, why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Who excatlly is your accidental husband?"

"Uh, Derek Matthews?"

"What!?" Foxie screamed, jumping up and down. "You mean the heir to millions? That Derek Matthews?!"

"Yes, that's him," I said, rolling my eyes. I knew Derek was rich, I mean everyone in the state of New York knew about the Matthews family. They were rich, high society.

"Oh my God! You are sooo lucky that I happen to have the perfect dress for you held up in the back! This is amazing! Oh, we will look sooo good!" Foxie said, smiling widely.

"You're going?" I asked, looking though a rack of dresses.

"Yep, some guy asked me. Now, follow me!" Foxie said, leading me into the back room.

This has been a hell of a week.


"Have I ever mentioned that I hate ties?" Derek said, attempting to tie his once again. I came out from the bathroom, having just fixed my hair and laughed.

"Let me get it," I said, untangling the knot.

"Did you get a dress?" he asked while I tied his tie.

"Yes, done," I said, admiring my work.

"Thank you," he said before going on a hunt for his shoes. I went into the closet and pulled out my dress, still in its bag before going into the bathroom to change. The dress was, as Foxie said, perfect in every way. It was long and had somewhat of a train. It was a dark bue with no straps. I slide it on and made sure it looked perfect before exiting the bathroom to get my matching heels.

I grabbed my shoes from the closet and slipped them on, getting used to the change in height. I clipped on a bracelet of my mothers and made sure my wedding ring was on before grabbing my silver clutch and walking into the living room.

Derek was still searching for his shoes, which I had learned was the one thing he had always forgotten. He was wearing a tux, which made him look more handsome than he usually was. While most of the men there would probably be wearing bowties, Derek chose a tie because he said that he'd feeling like a clown.

"I have three pairs of these shoes and I can't find them anywhere!" he muttered to himself as he searched the closet.

"Did you check in the kitchen?" I asked, making him turn around. He saw me, then the dress, then me in the dress and his jaw dropped.

"You look beautiful," he said, trying to regain his normal self.

"Thank you," I said, ignoring the butterflies that erupted in my body. Derek finally found his shoes after about ten minutes of searching so we were finally ready to go. We got into his car and began to drive to this huge ballroom up in the city, where everyone was. I hated parties and so did Derek but I figured at least we'd hate it together.

"Ready?" he asked, holding out his hand.

I sighed. "This is going to be a long night."

Derek laughed and grabbed my hand as we exited the car. There was a lot of people waiting on the sidewalks, watching people walk in and screaming for whatever rich person came by. Needless to say, it was screams after screams when Derek came into view.

We arrived inside safely, which meant none of his fan girls attemtped to maul him or me, and I nearly died when I saw the inside. It was like, full out ball theme. People were dancing and chatting and flirting. It felt like prom all over again.

There was a man with a microphone announcing the couples as they walked into the room, there was the big business men with the beautiful women, your normal stuff.

"I have a feeling that I'll be sticking by you the whole night," Derek said into my ear so the couple in front of us couldn't hear us.

"Why is that?" I said, smiling.

"Well, if I don't, I have a feeling most of the people here will hit on you," he said, grinning. The couple in front of us had been anncounced, leaving us next in line. I'm not going to lie and say that this was exciting, it was actually very nerve racking.

"Presenting Mr. Derek Matthews and his wife, Mrs. Skye Matthews," the man said. I had almost forgotten that we were married and only remembered when the name used my "new" name, Skye Matthews.

There was a lot of clapping and cheering from the people when we entered the room, which was a bit embarassing. True to his word, Derek didn't leave me, even when everyone was calling his name for him to come over. He'd just wave them off as we continued our search for an open table towards the back.

"That sucked," he said, sitting down in the seat next to me, his arm drapped over my shoulder.

"I have a feeling that it is only going to get worse," I said, laughing.

Skye's hairstyle:
Skye's dress:
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