The Confusing and Twisted Love Life of Skye Silver

Blush, Blush, Blush!

Derek's P.O.V. (Point of View)

I hated attention. The bad news was that I happened to get a lot of it, being an heir to millions, as some might refer to me as. So with all the attention, I had to actually act like I was married, which meant being closer to my wife.

Although it may sound like I'm complaining, I'm actually having a fun time doing it. Skye doesn't seem to be too happy with it; I'll probably get hell for it when we return home. Thankfully, in Skye's defense, she isn't the type of girl who likes to talk to everyone, which was good because we were currently hiding at a table in the far back.

"Okay," she said, wiggling out of my grasp. "Kiss my neck one more time and I will hurt you."

I tried to hide my forming grin, but it escape, causing Skye to blush and glare at me. "I'm just having fun."

Skye rolled her eyes. "I don't mind if you do but---"

I cut her off. "What?"


"What did you say?"


I grinned as she blushed. "You said you didn't mind if I did kiss your neck."

Skye sat there, her mouth opened as she tried to form words that could defend herself but wasn't having much luck. She decided that it would be best just to change the subject and, of course, glare at me.

"But I will be mauled by most of the girls here, taken or not."

I raised my eyebrows. "Really? I wasn't looking at them." But sure enough, mostly everyone's eyes were at our table, watching intensly what we might do next.

"How could you miss them? One girl has her bodice down so far that she's flashing people," Skye said, rolling her eyes at their desperateness.

"Come on, lets dance," I said, getting up out of my seat and pulling Skye along too. She protested but I ignored her, besides, if the people wanted to watch us, they might as well watch us while we are actually doing something.

There was a slow jazz song playing in the background, so it wasn't unusual to see a bunch of couples already dancing. I placed my hands on her hips, causing her to jump, as she put her arms around my neck, playing with a lock of my hair.

"Do girls have no pride anymore?" Skye asked, rolling her eyes as she saw girl lowering their bodice, trying to get my attention. I normally wouldn't mind those girls but I was starting to see things though her eyes and realized that they were a bit, okay, very desperate.

"Well, I have my eyes on someone else," I said, drawing my attention away from those girls and back to Skye, who was once again, blushing. I liked to see her blush, it made her look cute, not that I'd ever tell her that. But I also liked it because I was able to do it to her, and no one else. That was something to be proud of these days.

Skye's P.O.V. (Point of View)

We left about two hours for everyone else, claiming that we just had to spent some alone time together, which most of his friends believe for about ten minutes but by then we had already left.

"I have to go to work tomorrow," I muttered, slipping off my heels, which were death traps to every women who walked their way. Derek pulled out his tie and tossed his jacket on the kitchen chair.

"What do you do anyways?" he asked, un-tying his shoes.

"I'm a photographer," I replied, attempting to reach my zipper. It was a lot easier to pull up than down, since it kept getting stuck. Derek must have seen me struggling because he walked over and pushed my hands gently off the zipper so he could pull it down.

"Thank you," I said, holding the front of my dress so I couldn't flash him, seeing as this dress was strapless. I went into the bathroom and changed into a pair of shorts and a tank-top before taking off my dress and putting it back into the bag. I walked out of the bathroom and sat down on the sofa, just wanting this day to last forever.
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