The Confusing and Twisted Love Life of Skye Silver

Table for...Six?

Skye's P.O.V. (Point of View)

There are many reasons why I dislike Derek, most annoying being his lack of patience. If you aren't going fast enough or taking too long, he'll make sure to fix it. For example, this morning.

"Skye! Come on, I have to go to the bathroom!" Derek complained from the other side of the bathroom door. I was currently taking a shower and cursed Derek, as rich as he was, for getting an apartment with only one bathroom.

"I'm taking a shower!" I called back, pointing out the obvious.

"That's it," he muttered. I heard the door open and I could see his shadow from inside the shower.

"What the hell!?" I shrieked, cursing him once more for getting a bathroom without any locks.

"I had to go," he said simply, taking his time.

I threw my soapy hands in the air and let out a frustrated sigh. "You couldn't have waited?!"

"Nope," he said, ignoring the annoyance in my voice. I could see his shower and it looked like he was checking himself out in the mirror. Idiot. "I have to take a shower too, so if you don't hurry, I'll get in with you."

I pulled my head out from the shower door, making sure the other half of me was covered by the shower door. "You wouldn't dare."

Derek turned to face me, toothbrush in his mouth. "Watch me."

As if that wasn't a brilliant way to start my morning, Courtney also called and asked if she and Connor could stay at my apartment for the rest of the week, which I told her to get the hell out of my apartment and rent a hotel room (which, I later found out that she did).

Then, at work, I was attacked by questions about Derek; it would seem like the statement of our marriage had somehow made it's way though the city by a mere hours. Even some of my clients asked me about, which was a risk, seeing as I was already fuming with rage.

Which leaves me at my current state, where I am at Derek's house preparing for Connor and Courtney's dinner party with their friends. I didn't want to go but Derek said that if he was going to be forced to go, then I'd be going too. I was already in my outfit for the dinner party and was putting on my make-up while Derek tried to find his shoes.

I had learned quite a few things about Derek while living with him for about four days. First, he could never find his shoes, easily. It takes him a good five minutes to find them, when they are usually under the bed. Second, he can't cook which means that I usually eat on my way home, so does he. He also has no patience, which we already knew, and had a freaky obcession with James Bond. He thought my romance moives were stupid, one of the reasons why I made him watch so many of them, and thought his left ear was bigger than his right.

"Why must you take forever to get ready?" Derek called from the living room.

"I have to put my make-up on!" I pointed out, trying to apply my eyeliner.

"You are so beautiful you don't need make-up," he replied.

"Nice try," I said, applying my lipstick. I heard a dramatic sigh and then the bathroom door opened, revealing an annoyed Derek.

"We are leaving," he said before tossing me over his should. I'm glad I had decided to wear jeans to this or else I probably would have killed him.

"Derek! Let me go!" I said, trying to wiggle out of his grasp, but he was too strong. Yeah, yet another thing I've learned about Derek. He is freakin' strong. He works out too much for a normal man and yet doesn't look like he's on steriods, he looks, I'm sad to say, really hot.

He carried me until we got to the elevator, then he put me down. I glared at him but he only replied with a sly grin and pressed the lobby button.

Derek's P.O.V. (Point of View)

We finally arrived at the stupid resturant that Courtney and Connor insisted we go to tonight because all their other friends were there. After having to carry Skye out of the apartment, she continued to glare at me until I had finally apologized to her amusement.

"We leave before the bill gets here?" Skye asked, eyeing the expensive decorations of the resturant.

"We'll say that we want to be alone," I said, causing her to blush again. Mission accomplish.

The over-the-top flirty waitress led us to Courtney and Connors table, which had to be the biggest shock of my life, so much I nearly burst out laughing.

"Skye," I said, my lips brushing against her ear. "Is there seriously only four people, including the love birds, at that table?"

"Oh my God," she said, trying her hardest now not to laugh, but it was true. Besides Courtney and Connor, there was two blond chicks and that was it. I checked my watch only to see that we were fifteen minutes late, either these "tons of friends" were not showing, very late or didn't exsist.

"Skye! Derek! So nice to see you!" Courtney said, finally seeing us. We walked over, Skye in a frantic attempt to calm herself down. I don't know what was more disappointing: that Courtney was such a bitch she only had two friends or that I was appearently Connor's only friend, but both were enough to send me into uncontrolable laughter.

"Oh my God," one of the blonds said to the other, looking straight at me. Oh this isn't going to end well.

"Skye you can sit right here," Courtney said, pointing to a seat next to Connor, "and you can sit over there Derek." She was pointing to the open seat inbetween Skye and one of the blonds. Great.

"Derek, Skye, this is Tiffany," Connor said, pointing to the blond sitting next to me, "and this is Nikki."

"Are you the Derek Matthews?" the one sitting next to me, Tiffany, asked, batting her over size eyelashes at me.

"The one and only," I said, flashing her a smile that caused her to erupt into a fit of giggles. Skye mumbled something under her breath while she looked at the menu but I couldn't hear her, all I knew was that I'd probably get hell for this afterwards.

"So," the other blond, Nikki, said, twirling a lock of her hair. "Are you single?"

I could feel the rage fuming off of Skye and figured that it was a good thing that she wasn't sitting next to these girls, or else she would have hurt them by now.

"Actually," I said, trying to think of a decent answer when someone's cell phone rang. Everyone looked at each other until Skye realized that it was her phone.

"Excuse me," she said, answering the phone and walking towards the front door. Tiffany and Nikki didn't even glance at her, their whole focus was on me. There was another beep from someone's cell phoen this time, it was Courtney's.

"Oh," she said, scanning her newest text message.

"What is it baby?" Connor asked, glancing at her cell phone.

"Syke had to leave, something came up," she said, shrugging and began to talk to Nikki about the wedding. I looked at Skye's seat and saw that she had planned this. She played a random ringer on her cell phone and grabbed her bag and left, all because of me.

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Sorry if it was short! Subcribe and Comments??