The Confusing and Twisted Love Life of Skye Silver

First Time We Met

Important note: this part takes place 1 year ago okay! hope it doesn't confuse you!

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned as I rolled over on my side to turn off my alarm. I did a quick glace at my clock to see that it was 7:30 which only gave me 20 mintues to get ready. I jumped out of bed and ran to my bedroom to take a quick shower.

Ten mintues later I rushed out of the shower and changed into a pair of dark wash jeans, green flats, and a white-button down shirt. I applied some light make-up, nothing much just mascara and some eyeliner and let my dark hair down.

"Ta-da!" I said with a smile as I looked at myself in the mirror. I picked up my bag and left for work.

"Mrs. Johnson! Mrs. Johnson, I'm here!" I yelled as I walked into the old libray. Yup, that's right. I work in a libray.

"Skye? Oh thank goodness, I was starting to think that you weren't gonna come!" the old woman in her mid 50s called from behind the counter. I smiled at her, she has always been a very nice lady to everyone. Her husband had passed away a couple of years ago so she runs this place by herself.

"Aww, you don't need to worry about me Mrs. Johnson. I always show up don't I?" I said with a smile. Mrs. Johnson just smiled and shook her head before giving me my duty for today.

"I"m gonna need you to put books back today okay?" Mrs. Johnson said pointing to a large pile of books.

I walked over to the large pile of books that needed to be put back to their places. I sighed and began my long day of work.

At 3:00 my shift ended so I said goodbye to Mrs. Johnson and got into my car. I paused to look at myself in the rearview mirrior. I wasn't that pretty, my dark brown hair went to about mid-back and my blue eyes sparkled sometimes, but besides that I really didn't look all that great. I sighed and started my car, wondering where to go to eat.

I smiled to myself as I stopped in front of Starbucks, I parked my car and went inside. There were people everywhere, most of them on labtops or reading a book. I walked up to the counter and ordered a hot chocolate. As I waited, I noticed a boy around my age reading a book by the fireplace. His black hair went into his light brown eyes as he bent his head down.

"Miss your order is ready," the cashier told me. I looked back to see that it was, I smiled and thanked her as I sat down at one of the vacant tables. I started to drink my hot chocolate when someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around to see that it was the boy by the fireplace.

"Um..sorry to bother you, but did you happen to drop a book?" the boy held up a book as he talked. I glanced at the cover for a few seconds then turned my attenion back to him.

"No, I didn't. But thanks for asking," I said smiling.

" you mind if I sit here?" the boy asked. I smiled and nodded my head, he gave me a small smile and sat down across from me.

"My name's Connor," the boy, who I now know as Connor, said.


Connor and I talked about the usual stuff, school, jobs, favorite things, how's you day and all that kind of stuff. But, like all good things, they have to end. Soon it was getting dark and I knew I should be getting home.

"Well, it's been real nice talking with you but I have to go," I said gathering up my stuff.

"Oh, alright but before you go can I get your number?" Connor said getting up with me. I smiled and wrote down my number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. Then we both said our goodbyes and I walked out of Starbucks and drove myself home.

Thank God for Starbucks...
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Yaa, this is just kinda a filler chapter but it will get better! Also, just to tell you, this part takes place 1 year ago. Next chapter should be out soon! also, speaical thanks to Chloe3956 for helping me with the character names! Read her story!