The Confusing and Twisted Love Life of Skye Silver

The Perfect Sister

Important note: this part takes place about 4 months ago! Sorry to be so confusing!

I was woken up by my phone ringing, I walked out of bed and grabbed it.


"Hi Skye, it's Connor"

"Oh, hey Connor what's up?"

"Umm I was just wondering if you'd like to go get Starbucks later today"

"Sure, I'd love to! How about at 4:00?"

"Works for me, see you later. Bye"


I smiled to myself. Yaa if you havn't already found out, I'm madly in love with Connor and I have been ever since I met him. I know this is all storybook drama and such, but hey! That's life. Connor doesn't know that I like him, mostly because he's completely blind. But I just don't think I could tell him, I will someday...

I walked over to my closet anf grabbed a pair of dark jeans, a black tank-top, and a fitting red t-shirt. I took the clothes into the bathroom with me and took a quick shower.

After I was done showering I got dressed and applied some light make-up, then I put my hair into a high pony tail. I slipped on a pair of red flats and picked up my purse and drove to Starbucks.

Once I arrived at Starbucks I saw Connor waiting for me by the door. I smiled to myself as I walked over to the door to meet him.

"Hey, you didn't have to wait you know" I said once I saw his rosy face. He just smiled and we both walked in. I grabbed a table as Connor went up to the counter to order the drinks. He came back with two hot chocolates and two muffins. I smiled and thanked him as I started to eat my muffin.

"Soo what do you need? I mean, you usually don't call and ask me to meet you somewhere unless you want to talk to me about something," I said while taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

" see I need your help. The other day, as I was here, I saw this amazingly beautiful girl. She had blonde hair and green eyes, and was just perfect! She said her name was...gosh what was it???...Oh ya, she said her name was Courtney. So do you happen to know her?" Connor said nervously. I swear my mouth had to be hanging wide open. Of course I knew who he was talking about! Who else but the perfect Courtney.

"Skye? You alright?" Connor asked looking at me.

"Courtney? Courtney?" I asked slowly. Connor looked at me strangely and nodded his head slowly. I looked at him with disbelif and stood up.

"Skye! What's wrong with you?!" Connor said as he followed me out of Starbucks. I glared at him as I talked.

"That 'Courtney' you're so in love with, happens to be the fakest person on Earth!"

"How would you know!?" Connor said with his mouth wide open. I rolled my eyes at him before I spoke again, but ony to be inturupted.

"Skye?! Oh my gosh! I didn't think that I'd see you ever again!" a vocie came from the other side of the parking lot. My blood stopped cold, oh no.

"Skye" Connor whispered to me. "That's the girl I was talking about!"

"Hi Courtney" I said with a big fake smile.

Let me put it to you this way, see my sister and me are one year part. And all though-out my life I've had the "perfect sister". She was the one all the girls wanted to be friends with, she was the one all the boys liked, everyone liked Courtney. So I've lived with her my whole life. About three years ago, Courtney moved from our town in New York, to Califorina. Which is why I havn't seen or heard from her in almost three years. Not like I"m complaining though...

"Oh my gosh! Agh, I've missed you so much!" Courtney gushed. She gave me a bone crushing hug, which I'm sure will leave marks on my arm tomorrow, and looked at Connor.

"Oh! I"m so sorry! Hi I'm Courtney, Skyes sister! And you must be...?"

Connor, who was very busy staring at Courtney, didn't respond until I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Oh! Sorry, I'm Connor a friend of Skyes. Nice to meet you, Courtney"

Skye smiled, and not just any smile, this is the smile she gives to a guy when she likes him. Connor returned that smile, which could only mean one thing.

My sister and the guy I love?

This will not end well...
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 2 is out! Please, please, please comment this story or send me a message!