The Confusing and Twisted Love Life of Skye Silver

The News

Important note: this part is in the present time and probably the rest will be in present time!

One year ago, I met the man of my dreams. Four months ago, he fell for my sister.

"Oh my God Skye you're not gonna believe this! Oh my God!" I heard my sister scream from the other room. I groaned and got out of bed, as I entered the living room I saw Courtney jumping up and down screaming about something.

"Calm down Courtney! God, what is it?" I yelled over her screams and squeals. She stopped jumping at once and grinned widely at me.

"He proposed! He proposed! Oh my God, I can't believe it Skye! I'm going to get married! Ahhh! In three months, I will be Mrs. Courtney Smith! Oh my God! Skye say something!" Courtney squealed as she flashed that ring.

I couldn't believe it, my sister who is a year younger than me, is getting married to the man I love.

"Wow! That's....wonderful Courtney! Congrats...wait did you say three months?" I said slowly, trying not to loose the only sanity I have left. Courtney started to nod fast.

"Uh huh! We decided that we couldn't wait so we're getting married in three months! Oh my God Skye, I'm so happy!" Courtney said, I smiled at her.

"Well...congrats! I'm so happy for you. Well I have to meet up with some friends. Congrats Courtney!" I said, making up fake happiness as I did. I grabbed my coat and rushed out of the apartment.

I started to drive, I don't know where I'm going but I don't care at the moment. I just need to get out of here. He proposed! He freakin' proposed to her! After four months of dating, he proposes! My life is over...

I drove for a good four hours, not anywhere far, just around and around in circles. I couldn't believe it, my perfect sister gets the perfect guy. This is like a soap oprea, only it's real.
I finally drove up to my apartment and got out of the car.

My legs were numb from sitting in that car for so long but I didn't care. I opened the door to my apartment, expecting courtney to come flying out squealing about how he proposed to her, to find that no one was home. I sighed in relief, then I noticed a note taped to the front of the door. It said:

Dear Skye,

I still can't believe it! Ahhh! I'm hoping that you can be a bridesmaid at my wedding! It would mean the world to me! Connor and I went out to dinner, if you were wondering where we went to! Tomorrow at 2:00pm we are having a get together at this country club, I hope you can be there! Connor and my friends will be there so it won't just be us three!

I still can't believe it!

The soon to be,

Courtney Smith

" 'The soon to be Courtney Smith' " I quoted, I felt my anger rise as my heart dropped. "My life is so screwed up"

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I was woken up by my alram clock ringing, I looked up at the clock to see it was 11:00am. I sighed and got out of my bed, wondering what to wear. I had no idea what kind of party this was, formal or casual...Finally I just decided to call Courtney.

"Hey Courtney! What kind of party is this?"

"Huh? Oh it's kind of formal, so I'm wearing a dress. You proabaly should wear a dress as well. Oh well I have to go, see you there bye!"


I groaned. A dress?! I looked though my closet until I found the perfect dress. It was a black strapless dress with some pink beading (Link in the Author's Notes). I took the dress into the bathroom and I took a long, hot shower.

Finally, I got out and put the dress on. When I finshed styling my hair the way I like (Hairstyle link in Author's notes!), I put on some light make-up. I glanced at the clock, it was 12:30pm. I quickly grabbed my purse and phone and left to go to the party.

I arrived at the country club at about 1:30-ish. I walked into the beautiful front room. I started to walk though random hallways looking for my sister. Now, normally I could find Courtney anywhere! But this place was huge! I swear there had to be at least a hundred rooms and those are proabaly the only ones I've seen! After searching though what seemed to be the ninth hallway, I saw a girl in a blue sequined dress. Yup, that's Courtney.

She was the most beautiful girl here, her long blonde hair was straightened (Haristyle link in Author's notes!), and her dress was amazing. It was convered in sequins, the top was a light blue and getting lower they turned darker and the bottom puffed out (Link in Author's notes!).

"Skye! Oh my God it's so nice of you to come!" Courtney yelled from the other side of the room. I smiled fakely and waved back to her. I slowly walked over to the room where the party was going on.

I took a deep breathe and walked in...
♠ ♠ ♠
This is Skye's hairstyle (but her hair is a dark brown not blonde!)

Skye's dress

Courtney's hair

Courtney's dress

Hope you like! (you may have to copy the links and paste them in a new tab!)