The Confusing and Twisted Love Life of Skye Silver

Some Party Huh?

Once I was in the party room, I wish I didn't even go in there to begin with. There were pictures of Courtney and Connor everywhere! There were pictures of them on dates, at parties, and there was even one of him proposing. I'm sure my jaw dropped to the floor when I walked in there, but I quickly recovered.

"Everyone! This is my sister Skye!" Courtney said into the microphone she was holding (I have no idea how she got one). I smiled and waved the the crowd that all had their attenion on me.

"Skye! Oh my God it's so nice to see you! Thank you so much for bringing us two together!" Connor said giving me a hug. I rolled my eyes, and gave him a fake smile.

"Oh! Well you two are perfect for each other!" I said to Connor and Courtney. They smiled and gave each other a quick kiss before going back to the party. I sighed and went over to an empty table and sat down. I scanned the room looking for something to cheer me up but there was nothing. I sighed again and started to do a crossword puzzle I had stored in my purse.

This is gonna be a long day...

Derick's P.O.V. (point of view)

Here I am at one of these stupid engagement parties for my friend Connor. I still don't understand why he wants me to come, I'm not the one getting married he is! Still here I am, sitting at one of the empty tables bored out of my mind.

See, I'm not one of those heartbroken people who don't believe in love because it doesn't work out for them. No, I don't believe in love. End of Story.

"Hey Derick! Dude, go do something please!" I shook my blonde hair out of my brown eyes to see Connor standing over me.

"Hey, you asked me to show up. You didn't say I had to do anything," I told him, smirking. Connor rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but never got the chance because his soon-to-be wife came over.

"Agh! I can't get Skye to do something!" the blonde said, clearly annoyed. I rolled my eyes at the both of them. I hate these formal parties.

"Ya, well I can't get Derick to do anything either!" Connor said glaring at me. I gave him a fake smile and he just rolled his eyes at me. Again.

"Maybe we should have these two sit together and ignore us!" Courtney said glaring at a girl at the other side of the room. As the two lovebirds complained, I took this chance to check out this "Skye" girl.

Her head was lowered down towards the table and she seemed to be doing some sort of puzzle. Her chocolate brown hair covered her face like a mask but you could still see her icy blue eyes shine from under-neath. She was short, even in heels, but it worked for her. She wasn't fat but she wasn't 'I'm so fat I need to starve myself!' skinny. Her skin was lightly tan and she looked good.

"Aww Derick likes Skye!" Connor said, breaking me from my trance. I looked up to see that he was watching me check out Skye. I rolled my eyes.

"Psh, ya I don't even know the girl and I"m madly in love with her! Dude, I think all those chick movies that the blonde makes you watch is going to your head" I said to him. Connor just shook his head and walked away with the blonde.

I couldn't be falling for a girl I just met....could I?

Skye's P.O.V. (point of view)

I looked up from my crossword puzzle and smiled proudly. All done! I glanced across the room in search of Courtney but stopped when my eyes landed on a guy Connor was walking away from.

The guy had dirty blonde hair that fell into his light brown eyes, but he didn't seem to care. He was pretty tall, but then again most things are taller than me, and pretty good-looking. He was wearing some black dress pants and a white button down shirt, even though he had on fancy clothes, he didn't seem fancy at all. He was kind of tan and looked as bored as I was.

I stopped looking at the boy and started to search for my sister again. Finally I found her by the punch bowl with one of her many blonde friends.

"Hey Courtney? I've got to go, sorry I could only be here for a while but I have to go" I said, trying to seem sorry.

"Oh it's alright! I'll call you later, I need you to go dress shopping with me later this week" Courtney said, proabaly not caring if I was here or not.

"Sure thing, okay bye. Congrats again!" I said giving her a hug. Then I slowly walked toward the door, once I was in the hallway I lost it. I started cursing and just getting ticked off. Luckly the party room had soundproof walls so no one could hear me.

After about five mintues of just letting out my anger, I slid down the wall onto the floor and just sat there. Why me? Why does everything bad happen to me?

"Agh! I hate my sister!" I yelled. Suddenly, a vocie came from the door.

"Wow, it's even louder out here than in there!"
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Hope everyone enjoys this 1! If you don't know who Derick is, go 2 character info and read about him! If you still are confused, Derick is one of Connor's friends. Oh, and I know this may not be the right way to spell Derick but this is how he spells it just to avoid confusion okay?
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Also, check out NJluver77 's stories!