The Confusing and Twisted Love Life of Skye Silver

The best man? The maid of honor?

Skye's P.O.V. (point of view)

I turned my head towards the door to see the guy I was looking at before. He was leaning against the door and smirking at me. I glared at him and slowly got up from the ground.

"What were you doing?" the guy asked, with an eyebrow raised. I didn't answer him, instead I gathered my stuff and started to walk towards the door. I heard footsteps behind me, so I knew this guy just wasn't going to give up. Great.

"Hey! Why were you out in the hallway yelling?" he said, getting angry now. I kept walking, hoping he wouldn't realize it was me, the brides sister. I was almost at the door, when he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back.

"Let go! Why does it even matter to you anyways?!" I said, trying to pull my wrist out of his hands, but with no such luck. He had a killer grip on it.

"Look, I just wanted to see if you were alright! The blonde was talking about you over by my table saying you wouldn't do anything. So when I saw you leave, I decided to follow you out to ask why you weren't doing anything," he said, his temper slowly fading.

"Well, I don't like this kind of things alright! Now let go of my wrist!" I said. Why couldn't he just leave me alone! What does it matter to him.

"Why won't you tell me?" he asked, looking right at me. I looked up at him as well, searching for a responce.

"I can't. Now let me go," I said, as calm as I could. He loosened his hold on my wrist and I pulled it back. I glared one more time at him before I ran out the door, tears threating to slip out. I held them back as long as I could, but once I was in my car I couldn't hold them back anymore.

Derick's P.O.V. (point of view)

I watched her run into the parking lot and jump into her car. I had a feeling she was crying, because every few mintues she'd wipe her eyes. I actually felt kind of bad for the poor girl, but she did look fimiler. But I couldn't remember where I've seen her before.

I went back into the party room, only to be pulled away by the "happy couple" and dragged into a corner.

"Um, ow! What do you want?" I asked, rubbing my arm they had grabbed. They both looked at me, smiling...Uh oh.

"Derick, I was would you like to be the best man?" Connor asked, still smiling.

"Sure...? Wait, something's not right here. You'd never ask me to be the best man. What are you planning?" I asked, looking at both of them.

"Nothing, I just thought it would be nice to ask you. Please?" Connor said. I nodded slowly and the two smiled even wider.

"Great! Practice is tomorrow, at noon. We have to make sure everyone's here and such, you know. The usual," the blonde said.

"What? Oh, ya sure whatever. I'll be there," I said, still looking at both of them.

"Well I have to get going, but I'll see you two tomorrow?" I said. They both smiled and nodded. I gathered my stuff and walked out of the party room, confused.

Me? The best man?

What were they planning?

Skye's P.O.V. (point of view)

I was nearly home when my phone rang. Quiclkly I calmed myself down and wiped away any tears that fell and answered it.


"Skye? Hey, it's Courtney and I was wanting to ask you something"

"Umm...okay? Go on"

"Well, how would you like to be the maid of honor?!"

"What! The maid of don't think I can"

"Of course you can silly! It would mean the world to me and Connor!"


"Oh my God, thank you Skye! Well I have to go now, but we are having practice at noon tomorrow so please be there okay?"

"Ya sure thing"

" 'Kay, see you tomorrow! Bye"


The maid of honor? Me?

What were they planning?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope everyone likes this one! Also, the more comments I get on the chapters, the faster I'll update.

Also, check out NJluver77 's story! I love it!