The Confusing and Twisted Love Life of Skye Silver

They Say Practice Makes Perfect,That is Such a Lie

Syke's P.O.V. (Point of View)

"NO! I said I wanted daisies! Not roses!" Courtney's voice sheriked. We were currently at wedding practice, or what I would like to call hell on Earth. I was starting to hate myself for not saying no when I had the chance, but whether if it was because of Courtney's attitude or because Connor's annoying friend was here as the best man.

"Courtney, baby, calm down," Connor said, puting a soothing hand on her back. I felt the sudden urge to puke and punch Courtney at the same time. "He'll get the daisies."

I looked down at my outfit, which had set off a whole round of complants from the bride. I had worn a pair of skinny jeans and a baby doll top with flats. Even though I thought it was fine, it appearently wasn't "dressy" enough for the Bridzilla. Courtney was wearing a white flowly skirt with a yellow tank top with a pair of three inch heels, even though I thought the outfit was insane, she still managed to look beautiful.

"Agh! Everyone take a break!" Courtney said before stomping out of the room with Connor following her like a lost adorable puppy...oh screw it.

"You just had to say yes, didn't you?" I mumbled to myself, running a hand though my dark brown hair.

Two Hours Later...

We were finally done after two hours of screaming, flower vases thrown and lots of tears. Courtney had left after the first hour but of course the place was a mess and God forbide my sister clean. So one hour later, we were finally done.

I walked out of the Church, getting lots of dirty looks from the nuns and priests. You know you're dead when you get dirty looks from those guys. Could I blame them? No, but it was Courtney who threw the glass Jesus out the window and was cursing like a sailor. Not me.

"I hate weddings," a voice said, scaring the living day lights out of me. I turned around quickly only to come face to face with Connor's annoying friend.

"Agh, not you again," I said, rolling my eyes. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and was just about to unlock the car when he took them out of my hand.

"You know, last time I saw you was when you were crying and now you are pissed. Are you always like that or am I just lucky?" he asked, flashing a dazzling smile. If I wasn't so madly in love with Connor, I might have been attracted to him.

"Just give me my damn keys," I said, sighing angrily.

"If you tell me your name," he said, his eyes filled with humor. I resisted the urge to smack him, which was very strong.

"Why do you want to know my name?" I said though my clenched teeth. It was bad enough I had to spend two hours with my annoying, bratty sister who was marrying the guy I loved and now I have to deal with this idiot?

"Well, it's sort of annoying to have to call you "girl who was screaming and crying in the hallway" and a mouth full," he said, laughing.

I sighed. "Skye."

"What?" he asked, smirking. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"My name is Skye," I repeated, ignoring him as well as I could.

"See? Was that so hard?" he asked, smiling again. "I'm Derick by the way."

"Okay, whatever. Just give me my keys," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Can't do that princess. The bride and groom want us to go to dinner with them and my instructions were to make sure you go," Derick said, smiling.

"Princess?" I asked but he waved it off.

"Come on, the last thing I need is to hear your annoying sister scream at me because we are late," he said, rolling his eyes. Good, I'm not the only one who thinks she's annoying.

"But---" I started to say but he threw me over his shoulder and carried me over to the passenger seat.

"Come on, look at the bright side! They are paying," Derick said, slipping into the drivers seat.

I rolled my eyes. "You wreck me car and I'll kill you."

Derick smiled and looked at me with those annoyingly adorable brown eyes. Oh Skye don't think that!

"Psh, you love me," he said, turning on the car and speeding down the road.
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Hope everyone likes it! Sorry I havn't updated in like a million years! Brownie points go out to Abby, who wanted me to start updating! Comment and Subcribe!