The Confusing and Twisted Love Life of Skye Silver

Don't Choke On It...Or Do

Skye's P.O.V. (Point of View)

The waitress lead us into the next room which was even more impressive than the outside of the restrant. There was the snow white tableclothes, tall prefect candles, a band playing romantic music. Oh yeah, the whole package.

"I kind of wish we turned around when we had the chance," Derek mumbled to me, glancing around the place.

"Me too," I replied, looking up at the ceiling, which had paintings like Michael Angelo.

It didn't take us a long time to find the soon-to-be-married couple, Courtney was in some insane golden dress and complaining about something while Connor just sat there.

"Skye! Derek!" Connor said, waving at us. I was half tempted to turn around and run out the door but Derek held me still.

"If I have to endure this, you will too," he said, smiling slightly. We made our way to the table, which had gold, actual gold, silverware and cyrstal glasses.

"Hey guys! Isn't this place great?" Courtney said, smiling.

"Great," I said, trying to sound like I was thrilled to be here. Derek simply nodded and muttered something under his breath that sounded like "blondie".

"So how are you guys getting along?" Courtney asked, obviously being extremely chatty tonight.

"Fine," Derek and I said at the same time.

"That's great! You know, because you are the maid of honor and best man!" Courtney squealed. Okay, I really wished I had turned around.

"Isn't this wedding just going to be amazing!?" Courtney said, as soon as the quiet got back to the table. I felt the sudden urge to punch her, but tried to fake a smile.

"Yes it is honey," Connor said, kissing her cheeck. I felt a stab in the heart, why oh why does he have to be so thick headed and go for Courtney, who is a total idiot?

Derek's P.O.V. (Point of View)

The rest of dinner went...well I don't think I could describe it. There was a whole lot of food that I couldn't pronouce. Courtney and Connor did that whole "oh we are so in love" thing where they feed each other food. I personally was about to gag if Skye didn't kick me in the shin to shut me up. Blondie didn't shut up once durning the whole dinner, always chatting about the wedding or herself: her two favorite subjects.

"Oh, look at the time! I'm got to go, sorry," Skye said, jumping out of her seat. Courtney finally stopped talking to glare at her sister.

"Where are you going?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. Skye looked at me, urging me to say something.

"Well, Skye and I have some plans," I said, smiling. Skye looked more shocked than before but faked a smile anyways.

"Oh, well you two have fun!" Courtney said, winking. I once again resisted the urge to gag as Skye and I rushed out of that restrant.

"Plans!?" Skye hissed as we got out of the dining room.

I shrugged. "What else was I going to say?"

"Now, Courtney thinks we are together!" Skye said, rolling her eyes.

"We could be," I said, smirking. Which in turn, got me a bag to the knee.

"Don't push your luck," Skye said, slipping into the passenger seat as I hobbled to the driver seat.

"I'll try," I said before pulling out of the parking lot.
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Hope everyone likes it! pretty please with Leonardo DiCaprio on top, subcribe and comment!