Sequel: Calling Grace
Status: Complete. =)

Break the Broken

Solemn Heir

I can't help but feel so filled with doom, I won't try to die but god be damned I'll try to fight everything I can, God help me I need you, what should I do? I lost all the friends and I fear, that I nearly fell, for a play what can I do? What have I done? Can I walk, can I breathe? Can't I live my own life without fighting so many regrets and breaking the promises I made to myself and to You (*ooh!*<<soprano choir)


I feel filled with grave and doom, it seems I'm the solemn heir to the throne of darkness on the soul, how can I fight for my right to love again? Is my heart alive? Can I breathe? The solemn heir to the dark...a touch and the spirit in the shadows...however the hell can I fall for him again, I can't understand it seems the solemn heir put a curse on me


Down with your widows eyes, come cover the night with your blood and give me something to wet my throat from all the screaming I have done, how can I live? How can I breathe? Archangel cries heard in the nights (*ahh ahh AHH!*<<bass/soprano/tenor choir) I feel untouched I will never say I need you that much those words make me feel like falling down a fire spiral but if I ever say a nice thing to your face, it will be under the greatest influence of this world

(Chorus x3)

It's wild at HEART! Come dry your widowed child's eyes and cover the body with your love, I ask of you to reward me the strength to clean up my life and never give up, can I repair everything I messed up? I feel unhearted and my head hangs low for so real, I can't win this fight but for them I'll damn sure try!

(Chorus x3)
