Sequel: Calling Grace
Status: Complete. =)

Break the Broken

Break The Broken

You broke the dying soul, I have no family beyond my fairytale, forever and ever I regret stepping into your life, whatever I did wrong can I please just be told what it was? I don't want to make this mistake again (*they still think I'm leaving myself I'm not dead I'm still beating alive again*) Au mein gott I thought I fell for you, I thought I'd never feel for you the way I did before you stole the heart I head and shattered it alive


You just ruined my whole life, as I didn't think anyone could break the broken heart I had which was made broken in pieces, you shattered it worse you should feel remorse for yourself, I thought I liked you and in return I get a part in your latest one night stand, how does it be on the other end of heartbreak? I didn't think that you, of all people YOU, could break my already broken soul, well you didn't have to try to break the broken spirit I had, it died a long while ago with the criminals of my past


Once I reached from within, I found out that you're really not for me so have some fun whoring yourself around on the globe- why'd I ever fell for you I'll never understand (although they think I'm mental) It's the truth that needs the exposure you lied lied and lied again to my face and said you liked me, well I know that that was an impossible to face fact maybe next time you'd grow the HELL up...

(Chorus x3)

I've not been the same, I've only bled myself once/twice/more times than before, your face it clouds my mind, you're the one that automatically chose to break the broken, falling spirit I had working up, twilight sun come and take me home, solemn sea kill me as i can't take it here with him any longer, my sister she's the one that smiles, her radiant face glows in happiness around her friends...

(Chorus x3)

♠ ♠ ♠
For my Vanished Amaranth story which I gotta update! :( xD

Guys....God must be playing tricks on me. I NEVER wrote lyrics this freakishly well!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D