

Bella's POV

"I still think you should take the writing course." Edward suggested for what seemed the hundreth time, running his eyes over the courses form again. I sighed heavily and threw my head against the back of the couch, a thought crossing my mind again as to why I was with this male anyway. He was so stubborn! I glanced down at the sheet in my hand, sighing again, studying the requirements to get into the writing class Edward was so keen to force me into. We were seated on my couch, Charlie at work, the tv glowing a bright blue off his marble skin. My heart started thumping as he smiled down at me, golden eyes twinkling.

Yes, my heart

I was still dead set, no pun intended, to become a vampire...but recent events had changed my -beforehand unbreakable- plans. First on that list was my mother, Rene. I can still remember that awful look on her face when I visited her to announce mine and Edward's wedding date. She looked heartbroken, but I could tell she was trying to play it off as excitment. She didn't do a very good job. Needless to say, I felt horrible, guilty, when we left to return to Forks. I was in a right mind to go through with my plans anyway, but I couldn't shake the image of my mother's broken face from my mind.

Second was Edward himself. I know what you're thinking "he already promised", but that didn't mean he still wasn't going to try to convince me otherwise. He pressed everyother options upon me, never failing to remind me that all previous worries were over and no one was hunting me anymore. Even the Volturi had seemed to lose interest in me, considering we haven't heard a word from them since last year. I shuddered at the thought of the past spring and summer, not quite over the terror it had caused me. I felt Edward's ice cold arm slip around my shoulders, pulling my against his rock-hard side, his lips brushing the top of my head.

Third, and last, was Jacob Black. A familar pain washed over me as I thought about my werewolf best friend -atleast that's how I still considered, refusing to think about the truth- and how I hadn't seen him in forever. In reality, it was only about a month and a half, but it felt like forever in my heart. Ever since he'd healed enough to phase back into his werewolf form (and learned about the finality of my plans) he'd taken off and no one has heard from him since. Not even his brothers, his pack. I felt a tug at my heart, the part of me that longed to see him again. His goofy, half-crooked smile. His russet brown skin. His gleaming black eyes. I sniffed back a few tears, hit again with a wave of sadness.

"Bella, love, are you alright?" Edward asked, concern glowing in his topaz eyes, his beautiful face creased with worry. I nodded and snuggled into his side, burying my face in his tan sweater, arms around his waist. Edward kissed my head again, ice cold fingers stroking my back with a gentle touch. I felt the blood immediatly start to pound in my veins, my heart thumping wildly as it always did when he was near. Even after all this time.

Yes, I was still human.

And attending Forks Community College with Edward.

It didn't bother me as much as I once thought it would. Sure, I was nineteen, but not even close to pushing twenty yet, so we had time. And I realized -with no threat of danger- that I enjoyed being the human me. And that I would miss it terribly. Besides, Edward had promised. And the fact that I was still mortal didn't change anything between us. We were married and every night progressed alittle further with the more "intimate" part of our relationship, though we've to make it all the way. Edward says progress is all that matters and we should be taking it slow anyway, not wanting to force his self-control or anything. I'd scoffed at the idea, but complied anyway, seeing as I was getting my way.

"I still say you should take the writing course."

"Ugh, no! Why do you keep pushing that?" I asked, poking his chest with a frustrated growl. Edward laughed and lifted my chin, cold lips pressing against mine.

"Because you'd enjoy it." He answered and I glowered at him, internally knowing I wouldn't. I already knew what went down in that class and I shuddered at the mere thought. They made you read things. Outloud! In front of the class. The mere thought was horrifying.

"Speaking of tonight..." Funny, I don't remember anyone speaking of that, but I let him continue without protest. "Would Charlie mind if you came over?" I thought it over, chewing the inside of my cheek, before shaking my head.

"Probably not. Not that there's much he can do about it." I replied airly, a smug smile playing on my lips. I was legal adult and married, so Charlie had a little less say so in my life. Though he demanded to keep some, considering I still lived under his roof.

"True." Edward mused, staring thoughtfully out of the window, his fingers absently playing with my hair. I craned my neck to look up at him, wondering what he was thinking about.

"Why do you ask?" I finally said, breaking the irritating silence that had fallen over us. Edward looked down at me and smiled my favorite crooked smile, arms tightening around me.

"Some...cousins of mine are coming to visit. The family wants you to meet them." He replied, unable to supress his laugh as he stumbled over the word "cousins". I raised an eyebrow. Cousins? I never heard of anyone of Edwards family that didn't live with them. Maybe that's why he said cousins and not sisters/brothers.

"Oh!" I said, lips pursed in thought about meeting more vampires. That usually didn't go well for me. Edward must have caught the look on my face, for he laughed and lightly brushed his lips over mine.

"Not to worry, love. They'll love you. And they'll be on their best behavior." He assured me, kissing me once more before urging my again to fill out the writing application. With a heavy sigh, I took up my pen and started filling it out, mind buzzing with worry.

It wasn't his cousins I was worried about.

-Still Bella's POV...Just later-

The mansion was just as I remembered it, nothing ever changed around here. It was as immortal as the people who lived in it. We were gathered in the living room, waiting for the Cullen's cousins to arrive -which Alice had predicted to be in about 5 minutes- me at Edward's side on the sofa. I used the intricate details of the room to keep myself from twitching with nervousness, studying the place I already knew by heart. High walls and ceiligs, all a white and cream color, as beautiful as Esme, who I was sure decorated the place. Dazzling pictures hung on the wall, all at ease in their ornate wooden frames. In the fireplace, a fir cackled and roared, warming the room to a comfortable degree. Finished with the room, I turned to it's occupants. Alice was seated comforable at my other side, humming happily to herself. Her pixie hair cute was spike out at the end, sparking with the light of the fire and her golden eyes were bright. She fidgited anxiously now and again, foot tapping impatiently. At her side, half sitting on the arm of the couch, was Jasper. The blonde vampire had his arms folded across his chest, head tilted lazily to the side, feet crossed at the ankles. His charcoal grey sweater was almost taunt over his toned chest, the crisp white shuirt barely peeking out above the collar. I turned from the blonde moviestar and studied Edwards's other brother, Emmet. He seem annoyed, he was always getting fiesty when made to sit and do nothing, his sour expression almost scary. He hadn't bothered to put on any decent clothes, just his normal jeans and t-shirt and I figured he found the cousin's visit nothing spectatcular. Rosalie was perched in the chair beside him, her hand resting in his much larger on. She wore a simple black dress, but pulled off stunning with little effort. Last was Esme and Carlisle, Edward's parents. Both were beautiful, stunning in their simple attire, holding hands in the rooms other couch. Carlisle blonde hair swept elegantly around his face, his features calm and beautiful. Esme looked just as amazing, with her hair tied in a dazzling fashion, clad in a cream-colored dress. I jumped in anxious shock when Alice suddenly jumped up and ran to the door, her graceful steps never making a sound.

"Finally! I thought you'd never get here!" I heard her exclaim, her melodic voice echoing through the house, high pitched with excitment. I paled when another voice answered, just as beautiful as Alice's.

"Don't be silly, Alice, you knew were coming! You had us timed to the minute!" The voice answered, thick with laughter and good-natured teasing. No other voices sounded and the thought flashed across my mind I thought he said cousins? Alice kept chattering and soon they appeared in the living room. Alice...and three others.

I shouldn't have been so supirsed, I already knew vampires females were exquisitely beautiful. I still had to stifle a gasp of shock.

The first girl was the one chatting animatedly with Alice. Dark chocolate brown hair was pulled into a loose pony-tail on the back of her head, but the band couldn't hold the stubborn bangs that framed her face, the strands swaying as she moved her head in conversation. Her golden eyes were bright, liquid gold under thick black lashes, eye liner highligting them even more. Her rose-petals lips were plush and full, curved into a smile over her perfect white teeth, quivering with laughter. Flawless marble skin, like all the others covered her body, or what wasn't hidden by clothes. She wore a pair of bleached, form-fitting jeans that flared out over a pair of bright red Chuck Taylors with a studded silver belt. Over a long-sleeved black and white striped shirt, a matching red polo covered her torso, accented with three beaded necklaces. She pulled off simple with beautiful excellance.

Behind her came another girl, as beautiful as the first, but with ebony hair rather than brown. She kept her eyes downcast, avoiding my studious gaze, her curly locks falling over her face. She was dressed a bit more conservative then the first girl, in dark jeans and a jade green sweater, alabaster skin bright against the dark green. Her hair cascasded over her shoulders, in gentle onyx waves, to end just above the small of her back. She seemed intently focused on her black Chuck Taylors, but when she finally glanced up to smile at me, I gasped softly, but managed a smile in return. Her eyes were two different colors, a deep sapphire and bright emerald, but still as beautiful as expected.

The third and last was like a cross between the first too, but she held an air of dignity about her, her golden eyes glowing with firelight. She had hair similar to the second girl, wavy with a little curl, but chesnut in color and shorter, reaching only just below her shoulders. She wore a cream-colored tank-top with a knitted black jacket over top and, like the others, wore jeans with a brown, threaded belt. She, however, wore brown boots with a tiny hill that made her just barely the tallest. She looked the oldest, I thought wearily, eyeing them all again. I was about to compare them to the Cullens when the first girl's voice interrupted me.

"You must be Bella!" She greeted, suddenly in front of me, hand extended in a gesture of hello. Stunned, I stared at her with wide eyes, unsure of what to do, but she just stared back in curiosity, hand never wavering. Shake her hand, Bella! I screamed at myself, panicing at what she would think, You look like an idiot! Shake her hand! "Did you pick a slow one, Edward?" She asked suddenly, watching as I seemingly argued with myself on what to do. Edward just snarled playfully, nudging me with his elbow. It was like I was kicked out of a trance. I reached up and shook her hand.

"Yes, that's me, a pleasure to meet you..." I paused, not knowing her name, hoping she'd fill me in.

"Hazel. Hazel Cook." She filled in before gesturing to her friends. "And that's Ella. You're names are basically the same, so it'll be easy to remember!" She pointed to the black-haired girl and then the other brunette. "And that's Patience, you'll just have to remember that one on your own."

"Nice to meet you too." Suddenly, Edward stood and twisted Hazel away so fast that the motion was lost to my eyes.

"I told you not to do that." He said sternly and Hazel just laughed merrily, shrugging her lithe shoulders and skipping away to greet everyone else. Edward shook his head and sat back down beside me, pinching the bridge of his nose, mumbling something about "vampires never listening". I looked up at him, a frown on my face, what had she done? "Hazel has a habit of...well, she can read people memories...she has a habit of being curiously rude sometimes." I nodded, not really bothered by what the girl had done, it's not like it hurt, I felt a little violated though. Edward just seemed annoyed.

"Oi, Hazelnut! You still owe me a wrestling match!" I heard Emmet's booming voice yell from somewhere deep in the house. Hazel laughed, the sound melodic and velvet, turning to look at me before she skipped off.

"This shall be a very fun visit. Very fun indeed." And then she was gone, followed by the other two girls and the rest of the Cullens. Edward stood and suggested we watch and I nodded absently in reply, thinking about Hazel's words.

Maybe it was the cousins I was worried about.