
Join the Pack

(Hazel's POV)

It's been three months.

Three months and nothing has happened

No more dead Indian kids

No sign of Alexander

No strange flashback dreams


I was growing restless, my eyes constantly darting this way and that, searching for anything, something, that would break this uneventful streak. I needed something to happen. I prayed for something to happen.

I would've accepted anything at this moment.

"Hazelnut, phone's for you, it's the dog again." Emmett announced, throwing the phone my way with one lazy swing of his beafy arm.

Except that.

I didn't want him as my distraction

With a slight groan, I placed the phone against my ear and held it there with my shoulder, returning my hands to the drawing in my lap.

"What?" I hissed and I heard him murmur something along the lines of "damn unpolite vampire" before answering with the assumed reason for calling. Not that I didn't already know why he was calling. I had a very good guess and, if it was anything like the last 50 phone calls I'd recieved, my guess was dead-on

"Why won't you tell me!?" He demanded and I smirked, shading in the shadows on his jaw-line. Bingo.

"There's nothing to tell. I told you, Alexander isn't here anymore." I sighed heavily, telling him the same thing I told him everytime he called. Alexander moved on, he had to have, I couldn't sense him anymore. You couldn't still be here and me not know.

"But-" I interjected, not needing to have this conversation again.

"But nothing, Black! This isn't going to detor from any of our other conversations! Alexander Young is gone, okay? He probably got bored and moved on to another small town with tasty Indian kids." I could almost hear the flinch of his muscles and instantly regretted my not so amazing choice of words. "That was harsh, Black, my apologies."

"Yeah, your bad." He hissed and promptly hung up. I rolled my eyes and let the phone fall, studying the picture I'd finished. It was of him, Jacob, of course. I drew him constantly now. I couldn't get the blasted Werewolf off my mind. It was started to grate Edward's nerves, the way he glared at me all the time now. Of course, that could be of what I'd done a few weeks ago. Now that was an interesting night.

"Don't you ever get scared?" I asked Bella, sitting across from her at the kitchen table. We weren't eating, but Esme had cooked the human some food anyway. She glanced up at me and shook her head.

"No, why should I be?"

"You're only sitting at the dinner table with 10 Vampires. That would frighten most people." I continued and Alice interviened.

"Bella isn't move people." She piped up, in her sickly sweet voice, smiling at me with a smug grin. I shot her a grin back, onyx tinted eyes twinkling.

"That's for sure." I sneered, not so sneakily poking fun at the girl. Bella looked up, her hair hanging in her face to hide her blood-blushed cheeks.

"Hazel, I don't have a reason to be afriad. None of you would hurt me, I know that. I've been here long enough to understand you all." I turned to her, eyes blazing, fists clenched tight at my side. I leaned foreward slightly, only a fraction of an inch, but it enough for Edward to inch foreward as well.

"Really now? You understand us?" I asked, a sarcastic sadist grin on my lips. I inched foreward again, watching Edward from the corner of my eye, inwardly laughing at the glare on his face. "Do you understand what it's like to want to kill every human you pass? Every blood-blushed face you come in contact with? Do you understand the sting of venom in the back of your throat whenever a human passes? Do you understand what it's like to be stuck in this purgatory Hell?!" I shouted, slamming my fists down on the table, on my feet in the flash of a second. Edward was standing as well, Bella staring at me with wide, frightened eyes. I calmed myself and smirked. "Do you?"

"N-no...I don't. But...I want to be like you!" She argued as if it had anything to do with the matter at hand. I laughed humorlessly and licked my lips, the venom on my fangs gleaming under the artifical light. "I...I am not afriad."

"Aren't you?" I whispered in her ear, the tips of my fangs brushing her neck before I was roughly yanked back by Carlisle. I glanced around, everyone else had risen, and Emmett and Jasper help back Edward. "Oh let him go, like he could hurt me."

"Hazel enough. You're excused." Carlisle said, as if I needed his promition to leave. I smirked and walked around the table, laughing again before climbing up the stairs in two graceful leaps.

"Hazel, I said we're going out, are you coming?" Patience asked and I nodded, putting aside my sketchpad and standing. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed some money, figuring I might buy something, and skipped out after her. Recalling that incident, I honestly don't know what came over me, but it was a strong. And it was familiar.

It was bloodlust.

I sat in the back of car, humming to myself, while Patience drove us into town. We weren't allowed near the school, or Bella's house, since I'd been temporairily banned from being withing 10 feet of her. Like I cared, I didn't like her anyway. She was so boring!

"What did Black want when he called?" Ella asked and I shrugged, putting my forehead against the back of her seat.

"Same thing as usual. Alexander has their tribe all in an uproar. Locking kids in houses, putting up ancient charms, hanging garlic on the walls. It's kinda comical is you think about." I chuckled lightly and Ella grinned, leaping out as we pulled into the Thrift Store parking lot.

"I want some new shoes." She mused and I rolled my eyes, making my own to the trinkets and junk side of the store. I browsed the litlte knick knacks, amused by their simplisity and peace. I picked up a little porcelaine wolf and held it in the palm of my hand, watching it twinkle under the light.

"I thought you didn't like dogs."

"I said I didn't eat them, not that I didn't like them." I corrected Jacob Black, replacing the little figurine on the shelf. "Do you stalk me now?"

"No, just follow you around like vampires on bleeding corpse." He smirked and I grinned up at him, hands stuffed in my hoodie pocket.

"Or fleas on a dog." I shor back and his grin faded momentarily, only to pop back up a few moments later. "What do you want?"

"Just to talk to you. Actually, I'm on business."

"Of course."

"You wanna do this here?"

"As opposed to where?"

"By the beach." I sighed and shrugged, waving to Patience and Ella on the way out. I followed Jacob to his..

'What is that?" I asked, staring at the little red...thing he climbed into. He glared at me from behind the glass and I shrugged, climbed in and smirked. "Cozy."

"Shut it, Cook." I laughed and gazed out the window as he drove, to the Beach I recalled.

"Am I allowed here?" I asked suddenly and he nodded, his hand gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles lost their color, turning a ghastly white. "Easy there, don't break it."

"I won't and yes, you are, seeing as it concerns the well being of our tribe." I nodded, in a 'whatever you say' kinda fashion and we lasped into silence again. I could hear his heart beat, rapid and strong, beneath his muscles chest. I could see the blood pumping in the veins that stuck out under his tanned flesh. I could hear his breath, deep and rugged, his nostrils flaring every so often. I could smell him, the scent overtook everything in this dingy little car, including me. It was almost...intoxicating. I tried describing it once, but now I believed I could never come close to naming it. It was...warm, sweet but musky, spicey yet...calming.

"We're here." He said and I instantly jumped from the car, stalking all the over to the edge of the water and sat down before he'd even moved an inch. He blinked and approached me, standing behind me and gazing out onto the water. "Where is he?"

"I don't know." I knew how he meant, I didn't need to ask.

"Are you sure it's him. Couldn't it be the Valtari guy?"

"Volturi and no." I replied, standing and brushing the sand from my bum. "Dante is very old. Far too old to make the journey here and then kill two heathly young boys all on his own."

"Maybe they're working together!" He exclaimed and I could see the frustration in his eyes, hear it in his voice, felt it in the rapid beat of his heart.

"Alexander doesn't work with anyone." I replied softly, turning my gaze from him, honey eyes focused on the sand below my feet. I could pick out each individual grain, tiny tiny grains lost in a sea of grains just like them. Jacob growled and shoved a hand through his hair, tossling it into an even wilder mess.

"Then...then...what?! Why did he kill them?!" He asked me, but I remained silent. I didn't know. "They were just boys! What harm could they have done!?"

"They would eventually turn in Werewolves. He taking out the problem before it begins." I stated, hoping to ease him, if only a little. I didn't know if that was true, but it sounded like something Alexander would do. And Jacob didn't need to know it wasn't the truth.

"That makes sense." My eyes snapped up, confused. I'd expected anger from him, in yet...he was suprisingly calm. "I'll kill him. I'll find him and kill him."

"Don't be a fool, Black. Alexander would tear you apart in seconds." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, shaking my head. Jacob smiled and started back toward the car.

"You don't know that and there's only one way to find out." I followed him, but not because I cared.

"I think I would know. Alexander is not a vampire to be messed with."

"Says who?"

"Says me." I hissed, grabbing his arm and yanking him around to face me. He growled and bent down until our noses touched, his eyes blazing beneath heavy black lashes. "You can't do it alone. You need someone of his lineage. Someone who knows him."

"And where do I find them?" He asked and I smirked, revealing my fangs.

"Look no further then what's in front of you face."