

Hazel's POV

"You're going to what?!" Patience nearly screamed in my face, her perfect nose inches from my own. I stared calmly back at her, blinking a few times before answering her rather rudely askwd question.

"I'm going to help the Werewolves." I replied nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders and turning away. It didn't seem like that absurd of an idea.

Alexander was killing little Indians boys who would become Werewolves

The Werewolves couldn't find him

I what was wrong with me helping them?

"But...but...why?!" She asked, being completely irrational. She was blowing this way out of porportion and it was starting to frustrate me. I didn't see why I couldn't help them track Alexander.

"To stop the killing." I answered, turning to her with a heated glare. I could care less whether she and Ella supported my decision, I was doing it anyway and there was no one who was going to stop me.

"Haz, you don't even know where he is." Ella piped up from her place on the bed, her voice soft and meek, a tone it only had when she was worried or upset. "How are you going to find him?"

"I don't have too. He will come to me." I assured them, slipping on my shoes and lacing them up with ease. I pulled on my jacket and lifted the hood, it was raining outside today. I grabbed some fingerless gloves and saluted my friends before leaving, jumping down the stairs two at a time.

"This will not end well." Patience muttered, falling onto the bed next to Ella, who just smiled sadly and returned to her book.

"Where are you going this early?" Edward asked and I shrugged, casting him a simple glance.

"It's not really early when you don't sleep." I countered, smirking lightly. I grabbed an umbrella from the little holder thing and flipped it over my shoulder. Edward snorted and crossed his arms, in front of me before I could blink.

"Where are you going?" I looked up at him and smiled.

"Don't you know?"

"Yes...but I wanted to be polite and ask." I chuckled and side-stepped around him, pulling open the door, the sound of rain instantly asaulting my ears.

"They need me. My help and...I'm going to give it to them."

"Them or him?" He asked and I spun around, my fingers rested on his smooth, marble cheek. I traced my thumb over his liips, standing on tip-toe until our lips were inchest apart.

"Don't you have a human to fawn over?" I whispered, licking his bottom lip before skipping out the door. Stupid Edward, getting all in my business. I hope Bella gets his by a bus on her way home. I big bus. Full of dancing Mexicans. That'll teach him, I laughed outloud, my shoes crunching on the rocks as I walked down the road.

The rain pelted down on me and would have been a nusience to any human, but I was perfectly at ease. I lifted the umbrella and swung it around a few times before popping it open, laying it over my shoulder. They rain was very...calming, It was kinda nice, just walking down the deserted road, with not a care in the world.

As if!

Jacob's little hunk o'car appeared through the rainy haze, the headlights bright in my eyes. I stopped and stood still, in the middle of the road, betting on whether he'd stop or not. Maybe he wouldn't see me. Maybe he'd run right into me. At the last moment, I stepped aside and he slammed on the breaks, coming to a screeching halt. I chuckled as he literally jumped from the car, slamming the door behind him.

"What the hell!? You just stand in the middle of the road like that?! Are you insane?!" He growled, hauling me up by the front of my shirt, the rain bouncing off his nose as his shoulders heaved with the great breaths he took in. I laughed and shrugged carelessly.

"You wouldn't have hurt me and it's not like I would've let her run into me." I murmured and he dropped me, growling as he shoved a hand through his rain-soaked hair. I handed him my umbrella, grinning. He knocked it away and I shrugged, putting my hands in my pockets. "So...any more dead kids?"

"No, thanks for asking." He snarled and I smiled back, shrugging again. He sighed and stared down the road. I followed his gaze and frowned, groaning as my shoulders slumped/

"Aw man...are you serious? You brought them all?" I asked and Jacob smirked, nodding lightly as three wolves ran toward us. They apparently didn't trust me in their human forms. Didn;t they know Vampires don't like dogs?

"Of courrse, they wanted to help and Sam doesn't like you. Neither does Paul. Or Embry." I sent him a glare, lip curled up in digust.

"I knew that." I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest. They wolves stopped in front of us, their fur wet from running in the rain, the one's tongue hanging out. Ew..."Alright, so since I'm the only one whocan find him, I'm in charge.

The big grey one growled and shook his head, Jacob laughing lightly.

"He says not on his life. He's in charge." I shrugged and held up my hands in surrender, turning away toward the forest. Jacob started talking again, but I wasn't listening, taking a few steps toward the forest. :Haz-what?"

"I smell something..."

"What? What do you-" He stopped, his face contorting into disgust. "I smell it too. It's-"

"Blood." I whispered, the familiar sting in my throat, fangs dripping as I licked my lips. I turned to him and nodded, disappearing into the forest. It must have been a straing sight, I suppose, four giant wolves following a scrawny pale Vampire through the woods, jumping and leaping over trees. I stopped suddenly and one of them crashed into my back, whimpering at his crsuhed nose. I turned and shushed them, he growled back.

Jacob growled and I turned in his direction, eyes narrowing into a heated glare. My limbs twitched, the smell of blood painfully strong in my nostrils. I stood without moviing, and I'd stopped breathing, watching, waiting for the Vampire to finish feeding. It wasn't Alexander but maybe-there!

I sprang out like a bullet from a gun, pining the unsuspecting vampire under me, snarling and growling. I held her tightly, slightly charged up from the way she struggled, her fangs snapping at my face.

"Quiet!" I commanded and she fell silent, whimpering, her eyes flashing back an forth, blood on her lips. "Who are you?"

"Lillian." She replied and I nodded, trying to pick up and trace of Alexander on her. It was faint but there. "Who are you? Are you her?"

"If by her, you mean Hazel, then yes." I replied coldly, watching her flinch at my harsh tone. "Did Alezander send you here?" She didn't answer, just stared at the dead boy a few feet away. "Answer me."

"I don't know."

"Tell me!":

"I won't!"

"Tell me! Did Alexander send you?!" She smiled at me, her eyes twinkling with laughter, laughing merrily. I snarled and bit her, my fangs peircing her marble hard flesh. Of course, it did nothing, but it was insanely painful, I'd been bitten by a newborn once before, hurt like hell. Lillian screamed and writhed beneath me, When I pulled back, she whimpered painfully.

"Yes." She finally answered and I nodded, standing up, holding her by the back of the neck. I turned to Jacob and the other wolves. He nodded and turned back, lifting the boy into his arms, blood driping staining his shirt. I sighed and glared down at Lillian.

"I hope you don't mind coming to my house for visit. There are some other people I know you're dying to meet."