
Cliff Diving

Hazel's POV

[words] = flashback
[[words]] = flashback in a flashback...

[ "Llillian, you are not coming." I said for what seemed the thousandth time that morning, glaring at the little blond girl. She was bouncing around me, begging to go see the "dogs" but there was no way I was taking her down there. She was the one killing them!

And she was annoying.

"Please! Please! Please!" She begged and I growled, clenching my jaw as I tried not ti rip her perfect little head off her body. I grabbed my jacket and yanked it on, Lillian mimicking my movements. She sat down and pulled on her brown boots, smiling up at me. I glared down at her and yanked away the umbrella she was holding.

"NO!" I practically screamed and Patience came down the stairs, twisting her hair into a long, french braid. Lillian smiled and ran over to her, clinging onto her waist like a leach.

"Hazel is yelling at me and won't take me to see the dogs!" She whined and I turned, glaring coldly at her. Patience caught my glare and stroked Lillian's back.

"Maybe we should call them Werewolves, dear and you can't go with Hazel." Lillian pouted and turned her pathetically sad gaze to the floor. I smiled in triumph and went to leave, catching the last part of Patience's words. "Because I'm taking you shopping."

I sang softly to myself as I walked down the long, gravel road to La Push (well, the "Line" but why be technical), staring up at the sky. So much time had passed, not that time really meant anything to me, but it just seemed like so long ago. I barely held thing in my memory for longer than a couple days, in yet I could now recall things from centuries ago. I reached up and fingered the dented, broken locket around my neck, instantly teleported into the past.

[[ "Mrs, James, Mrs. James, do I get to go to this party with you?" I asked her, twirling around in the new dress she'd bought me. I smiled into the mirror and imagined myself dancing with a handsome suitor at Mrs. James' party. She smiled at me and took me by the shoulders, setting me down at her vanity stool.

"Yes, Hazel, you'll be joining me tonight!" She replied and I laughed with joy, fidgiting around on the stool as she did my hair. She often treated me as her own daughter, since she had no children of her own, and took me shopping and to cafes with her all the time. "You'll have a wonderful time, dear."

"Oh, thank you so much for taking me, Mrs. James'!" I said, standing and kissing her cheek lightly. She smiled and kissed my forhead, twirling me around as my dress danced around me feet. "Tonight will be wonderful!" ]]

That was the night I was turned by Alexander, after he'd murdered Mrs. James when he sucked her dry. I growled and pulled my hood up around my head, releasing my locket. It seemed odd to the others that had to hold my own belongings to remember my own past. I always laughed when she mentioned that, seeing as they didn't understand how hard it was t separate your memories from everyone else's. They all became jumbled into a confusing mess and sometimes it was hard to remember which were yours. Once I had thought for an entire week that I'd won an eight grade Science Fair until I realized I'd been wearing a little girl's ankle bracelet.

"Bought time, where have you been?" Jacob asked, pushing away from his car and grinning at me. I smiled back and shrugged.

"Is that your normal greeting for me now or something?" I asked, raising a curious eyebrow. He laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"If you weren't late all the time..." He let the sentence fall and I leaned against his little car beside him, shaking my head. I could remember things from centuries ago and every moment I spent with Jacob. "Anyway, how's the little blood sucker?"

"So annoying." I replied, growling at the thought of Lillian and the torment she inflicted upon me for the past few months. "I wish I'd just killed her that night."

"Then you wouldn't know about him." Jacob reasoned and I nodded, he had a point. More and more time had passed and still Alexander had not made himself known to me. Not since the concert. Why was he hiding? Why wouldn't he come out?

"Sometimes I wish I didn't know about him." I replied and Jacob gave me a sympathetic smile. I gazed up at him, he was so different from the Jacob I sometimes saw in Edward's memories. "How about things on your end? Good?"

"Yeah, not so bad. No more deaths, which is a plus." He answered and we lapsed into silence, a slow drizzle falling from the sky. Jacob suddenly looked down at me and grinned. "You know how to swim?"

"Yeah...why?" ]

And that was how I ended up here, gazing down at the ocean from a hundred foot cliff, the waves crashing against the rocks below. I glanced over at Jacob, who was standing next to me in his black swim trunks, grinning like a crazy man.

"Ready to jump?" He asked and I sighed, giving my bikin strap a tightening pull. I nodded and he grabbed my hand. Time stopped as I felt the blood pulse under his skin, his heartbeat thundering in my ears and I felt venom sting my throat. Before I could turn to him, fangs bared, he jumped, pulling me with him.

We crashed into the water, sinking to the bottom like rocks, before Jacob starting pumping his strong legs, breaking the surface with a huge gasp. I followed shortly behind him, surfacing calmly and floating, standing out against the dark water like an ice burg. Jacob howled with laughter, shaking his head to remove his hair from his eyes, and grinned madly at me.

"What'd you think?"

"I think you're insane and I have no idea why I spend so much time with you." I muttered, laying back in the water and closing my eyes. I floated there, thousands of things running through my mind, as Jacob floated beside me.

"I like being with you." He said and I glanced over at him, eyes narrowed in thought. It had been almost a year since we had arrived her (there's been a lot of time-skipping since the beginning of this story) and I'd discovered a few note-worthing things about Jacob Black.

One, he Imprinted on me the day we arrived here and was hopelessly in love with me

Two, I couldn't smell him because of said Imprinting and according to destiny he was my soul mate.

and Three, I may have loved him.

"Any man in his right mind would." I shot back, smirking slightly as he rolled over and dove into the water. I laughed out-loud and swam a few inches away, just as Jacob broke the surface of the water, his hands out-stretched.

"Man, do you have to ruin my fun?" He asked and I nodded, walking up and settling down in the sand. So much time had passed, I couldn't get that thought out of my mind, and so many things had changed. So many of us had changed.

I hardly ever saw Edward anymore, I believed he and I had lost the relationship we once had, and he spent nearly all his time at Bella's (who I didn't see either, but didn't really care).

Patience and Ella had become distant and I hardly knew who they were anymore, seeing as I spent most of my time away from them. With Jacob.

And the rest of the Cullens treated me the same, but it always seemed forced. Jacob's pack was surprisingly more accepting of everything. Jacob's imprinting, my vampirism, and the time we spent together.

"Jacob, would you get out of the water already. I mean I know your body temperature bests everyone else's by a thousand, but you're going to catch your death out there." I hollered and Jacob sent me an over exaggerated sigh and started swimming toward the beach. I smiled in satisfaction and smiled at him.

"Man, you're just like my-!" He disappeared under the water and I dashed forward, having caught the blonde hair that disappeared under the water with him. I could see Jacob's face, laced with anger and panic, struggling to free himself from the stone-hard grip that held him under water. I saw his muscles ripple with the need to transform, but he knew it would do no good underwater. I grabbed the attacker's arms and wrenched them away from Jacob, how swam as hard as he could up to the surface. The man and I exchanged a glare and surfaced, me between him and Jacob.

"I was wondering when you'd show up again, Alexander."