

Hazel's POV

"It's just for awhile, Jasper, please!" I nearly begged him, prepared to drop to my knees and grovel if it would help, but the blonde refused to be persuaded. He merely kept his lazy pace, striding back to the house like I wasn't even behind him. It was so unfair! He wouldn't even listen to me, refusing to even ecknowledge me any longer. I can't say I totally blamed him, I'd been on him all morning, but I figured he had to give in sometime. Everyone else was gone. Everyone! Can you believe that? Edward was watching over Bella, who was classes until 1:00 (I didn't particularly mind this one, I thought it was cute), Emmett and Rose were gone somewhere (I didn't even know where, but apparently they needed the Jeep to get there because it was gone), Carlisle was at work, Alice was busy doing something (who knows what) and Esme was out as well, been shopping since early this morning. So, that left Jasper, Patience, Ella, and I. Normally, the three of us could find something to occupy us, but here it was different.

There was nothing to do!

The Cullens -plus Bella- had spent the entire day with us yesterday, Carlisle and Esme making sure we filled them in on every insignificant detail of our lives the past 25 years. That took us nerely two hours, as they insisted to know everything! Emmett, of course, beat me at that stupid wrestling match and Alice had insisted on sharing the happenings in their family since 1982. After all the details were shared and all the stories told, we quickly toured the house and staked a claim on a room before playing a rousing game of baseball (it stormed last night). Eventually, as all humans do, Bella had to go home. With nothing else to do, Patience, Ella and I kept them company on the drive to Bella's, bringing the car back when Edward told us he was staying. They're so cute together! With the remainder of our night, we unpaked our things and talked some more. I hadn't realized how much I missed the Cullens when we were away, especially Alice and Emmett...

Anyway, back to my current predicatment. With everyone busy somwhere, activities were limited. I had already convinced Jasper to take me to see the spot where they fought their some big battle a year ago, but he refused to do anything else with me. And it was horrible, the girls and I were hoping he'd take us to see the werewolves, but he was being unnecessariy stubborn.

"For the last time, Hazel, no." He finally snapped and I sighed, giving up and trudging sullenly into the house. So much for that, I thought taking the stairs two at a time back up to Patience's room. She was flopped on the bed, Ella hanging over the side, her head barely grazing the ground. I sat on the corner, shaking my bangs from my eyes.

"So...he's not gonna take us?" Patience asked and I shook my head, rolling my eyes.

"Obviously not, hun." I jabbed at her, smirking sarcastically. "We could just take ourselves. What was the place...La Push? I'm sure someone could give us directions..." I mused, lips pursed in thought. It was like this was a very big town, after all! An entire Indian Reservation couldn't be that hard to find! It was just a matter of time before we ran into it.

"Or you could just get us directions..." Ella suggested and I raised an eyebrow at her, wondering how in the hell I was gonna get directions, but she filled me in. Bless her. "Edward has been could just read his memories." I nodded at her genius and sprang to my feet, pulling Patience up with me. Why hadn't I thought of that? don't know what I'm talking about, do you?

Allow me to explain: you see, like Alice can see the future, I can see the past. Like reading a history book through someone's mind. I can see back as far as the memory reaches. It's close to what Edward can do, except I don't read thoughts, just memories. Plus, I don't need the actual person can to do. I can just touch something important, or close, to them and viola! Instant knowledge!

Now, back to the story!

We slipped silently into Edward's room and an instant smile lit up my face. It was so him! I won't go into detail though, Edward isn't that fascinating. I gazed around, looking for something that was precious to him, anything close to him. I finally found what I was looking for on the dresser. It was a bracelets -I figured it was Bella's- but that wasn't the important part. On it was a small diamond heart that belonged to his mother. I reached out and touched it with the tip of my pointer finger, the world through Edward's eyes suddenly playing in my head...wait, no

Bella's eyes!

How interesting! Edward must have given her the charm, in which case it would make it Bella's, so these would be Bella's memories. What a suprise! After a minute or two, I pulled my finger away and used it to tap my chin, turning to Patience and Ella.

"What did you see? Get the directions?" Patience asked and I nodded, smirking quite wickedly at her. I'd gotten more than that though. Suddenly, Bella became an increasingly intriguing subject. She had such an odd mind! Not in a bad way, but odd in a good way. I could see why Edward was so...attracted to her, though I knew alot of this had to do with him loving her and all.

"I got directions all right! Let's move!" Very stealithy, we...well we snuck out to the cars. Not that it was necessary, everyone was either gone or too preoccupied to notice us anyone. So, we were able to high-jack Edward's Volvo without complications. We sped down the highway, following Bella's unwilling, mental directions all the way there. Ella sat in the passenger seat beside, chatting away like she always did with Patience throwing in her two cents every so often. It was nice, just like the old days...well, as old as you can get and there still be cars. My mind wondered, picking up bits and peices of Edward's memories every now and again, to the little place we were headed to. La Push, supposed home to a pack of werewolves. This vacation might turn out better than I-

"Hazel! Stop!" Ella suddenly hissed and my foot slammed down on the break, I was suprised I didn't crush it. I sometimes forgot about my inhuman vampire strength, what can you expect after 121 years? I glared over at her, wondering what the hell had made her scream so loud to find her snarling ferociously. I glanced back at Patience just as a growl erupted from her throat, tearing through the air. I was completely lost...until the smell hit me, making my nose curl in disgust. I turned back around, slowly, snarling instinctively.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me."

-Time Skip!-

"A day and a half! You were here for a day and a half and you nerely started a war!" Edward ranted, pacing back and forth in front of Patience, Ella and I. His bronze hair was wildly tosseled where he kept shoving his hand through it, his topaz eye alight with anger and annoyance. I just sighed again and waved a hand good-naturedly in his direction.

"Key word, Edward, nerely" I reminded him, being ever the sweetheart, and I could hear Emmett snickering from somewhere off to my left. Edward shot him a quick glare before turning back to the three of us. He seemed ready to start his rant again when Carlisle stepped in.

"That's enough, Edward, you've made your point."

"Hardly." He muttered, but retreated all the same, taking his seat beside Bella and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. The girl was staring at us, almost in disbelief, her chocolate eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. I would've laughed had Carlisle not started talking again.

"Hazel, Patience, Ella." He said sternly and we all looked up, he was very good at this "father" thing. He was giving us a look of disappointment, brow furred slightly in disapproval. We waited for him to continue. "I can't believe you three. You steal Edward's car, cross an age-old treaty line, provoke a pack of werewolves, fight one of them and then proceed to taunt them further. You were horrible today." I found now the time to step in.

"Well, when you lump it all together like that, it's gonna sound horrible. But, if you break it down into peices-" He cut me off with a stern glare.

"Enough. Now, you three now how much we love having you and we're thrilled that you've come to visit, but if you cannot be have yourselves, I'll have no choice but to send you away. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Not a problem."

"Okay, Uncle Carlisle." Carlisle nodded at our responses, placated for the moment, convinced he'd gotten his point across. And he had, trust me. There was no way Patience, Ella or I were ever going back there agian. There's no time to give you detailed explaination of what happened, but basically: We apparently crossed from "treaty line" but I've no idea what they were talking about.

I saw no line!

And then this one wolf, he was grey I think, started running his mongrel mouth at us, telling us to get the hell back on our side. Of course, Patience wasn't gonna take that, so she starts telling him off, calling him all kind of nasty names. Well, this grey wolf attacks her so of course she fight back, it's only right. Then, atleast I think, the leader starts yelling (growling rather) at me, but I just kinda ignored him since I didn't know what he was saying anyway. That's when Carlisle, Edward, Alice and Jasper stepped in.

Fun suckers.

Anyway, Jasper calmed everyone down and Carlisle explained the situations. The big head wolf agreed and let us go, apparently they owed Carlisle for saving on of their own or something. And that's how we ended up here, having this discussion and being punished for our "impulsive, reckless and thoughtless actions" as Edward has so elequently put it.

"Can we go now?" Patience suddenly asked and Carlisle nodded, waving us away with a pale, slender hand. I heard Edward tell Bella it was time for her to go as well and immediatly turned to wave to her.

"Bye Bye, Bella! See you soon!" I laughed out loud, skipping up the stairs, it'd looked like the mere thought of that scared her to death!

Bella's POV

I sat quietly in the passenger seat as Edward drove me home, his fingers laced securely with mine, the trees flashing by in a blur outside the window. He'd been oddly quiet since Patience, Ella, and Hazel returned, fuming I imagined. The way his hard topaz eyes glared through the windshield, hand clenched tight around the steering wheel. I gently stroked his hand with my thumb and he briefly glanced over at me, eyes instantly going soft.

"I'm sorry Bella, I feel like I'm ignoring you. It's just they...frustrate me sometimes." He apologized, smiling my favorite crooked smile, but his eyes held his bluff. I smiled back, leaning over to kiss his cold cheek.

"It's alright, I don't mind. They seem like...a handful." Edward laughed outloud just as pulled in front of the house. He was instantly at my door, swooping me into his arms and sauntering toward the door. I laughed all giddy-like and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shirt. He went rigid suddenly, just outside the door. I looked up with wide eyes. "What?"

"It seems you have a late night visitor." He sneered through clenched teeth, his arms tight around my body. I paled instantly, almost afriad to ask.

"Who?" Edward growled out his name just as we slipped in the door.

"Jacob Black."