

Bella's POV

"Bella." He whispered, voice laced with self-hatred and disappointment, but with an odd sense of relief and light-hearted humor. A thousand different emotions all crashed over me at that moment: anger, sadness, relief and longing to reach out and wrap my arms around his inhumanly large waist.

However, I didn't think Edward would really appreciate that

And this couldn't be my Jacob. This Jacob was haggared in appearance, the russet brown skin of his face stretched over his high-cheek bones, harder now. His hair hung long, almost past his shoulders -I unconscioussly figured he must be a very shaggy wolf- in the same ebony strands as before, but with a more wild appearance, almost layered almost. A thin, black beard had appeared around his chin, coupled with a thin mustache, making him look almost 20 years old. And he was definatly taller, but not by much, maybe only 6'8 or so. His worn jeans hung around his long legs, looking more like capris than anything else, paired with raggy old Converse.

"Jake." I whispered back, voice cracking hoarsly at the end. He smiled wearily, the edges of his lips curving upward, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

"Hey Bella! You're just in time, look who's back!" Charlie, ever oblivious to the tension (and Jake's somewhat...eviler side, though he didn't fail to still glower in Edward's direction), shouted as he rumbled into the living room, pizza in hand. I nodded absently, numbly, still gaping in Jake's direction.

"Bella, can I talk to you...outside?" Jake asked, eyes averted to the floor, eyebrows knitted in the center of his forehead. Instinctively, I turned to Edward, eyes asking him silent permission. He nodded, his face carved from stone, hard and impassive, but I could almost make out in amused twinkle in his topaz eyes.

"Go ahead, it's alright." He answered, remaining still as stone as we passed, shuffling nervously through the door. Charlie's grinning face followed us all the way out until the door clicked shut. I followed Jake through Charlie's backyard, staring in stunned silence at his back. He was so big! I traced his broad shoulders with my eyes, watching the toned muscles contract and weaken, his long back moving in perfect rythmn. He hadn't lose any of his grace, stepping nimbly over a overgrown fern. We didn't go far, just barely passing the underbrush and low bushes before he stopped and turned around, his face crest-fallen.

"Bella." He murmered my name again, as if tasing it's flavor on his tongue, seeing if it had the same sweetness. I waited for him to go on, but he just licked his lips, shuffling nervously from foot to foot.

"What is it, Jake?" I asked quietly, half afraid. Part of me wanted not to ask, to just run back into Edward's arms and not look back. The other parted was dying of curiosity. And then there was the part that still wanted so bad to hug Jacob, to hold if body against my own and feel the warmth radiating off of him.

"It's...I've...I..." He growled in frustration, shoving a hand through his wild, shoulder-length hair. The raven black strands fluttered idly around his face, masking his features. I imagined they looked angry though, the way he kept growling at himself and shaking his head. His strong jaw was set into a firm scowl and his eyes glowered at the forest floor.

"What, Jake? You can tell me." I encouraged, taking a careful step foreward to touch his shoulder. I nerely had to stand on tip-toe to reach he was so tall! Or maybe it'd just been so long since I last seen him that I'd forgotten his abnormal size. "Jake."

"No...I''s bad, Bells...real bad." He muttered, a deep aggitated sigh rumbling past his nostrils. It looked as if he were arguing with himseld. Panic whelled in my chest, my head swimming. Oh God..., I thought, my mind whirrling with all the horrible possibilities.

"What Jake...? Please...tell me." I croaked out, voice suddenly raw and hoarse, a lump swelling in my throat. I felt a hard shudder run it's fingers down my spine, making my entire body spaz. My palms were sweating. My only answer was a low growl, reverbarating through Jake's entire body. For a flashing moment, I thought he was going to change, morph into a giant werewolf, but he held his shape firm, only his hands shaking. "Jake." I pleaded, the sounded almost coming out as a whine

"I've imprinted!" He roared suddenly, whirrling around and nerely knocking me from my feet as he threw his arms up in the air. He was so quick his movements were blurred, but the next thing I knew, he was panting heavily, glaring at anything in his line of sight. I stared at him, stunned, the information taking a minute to seep into my panic-stricken mind.

That wasn't bad!

That was good!

So, why was he so angry? The way I remembered, when a werewolf imprints on someone, it means they've found their true love. Their soul mate.

"Oh! Jake! That's wonderful!" I exclaimed, suddenly wrapping my arms around him a big bear hug, face in his chest. "Who is she?" I asked curiously, bubbling with excitement over Jake's news. I was so excited I forgot all about how he ran away and never came to see me, but I was sure that would come up later. Jake was rigid for a moment before he suddenly pushed me away, gripping my shoulders and giving me a firm shake. My head lolled back and forth and when he stopped I gave it a good shake to clear my vision.

"No! Didn't you hear what I said!? That's bad, Bella, bad!" He yelled, his voice booming through the forest so loud I almost felt the need to cover my ears. I gaped at him, confused. This was suppose to be a good thing! Why didn't he want to find his...I stopped all thought.

"Oh no, Jake! You still don't think...I tried to explain it to you...we can't be together! I know how you feel and I I feel...but you shouldn't be upset because you didn't imprint on me..." He cut me off with a low snarl. Thank goodness, I was rambling.

"No! Imprinting on you would've been better!" He groaned and buried his face in his too-big hands, shaking his head sullenly. Okay, now I was at a complete loss...he hadn't imprinted on me...and that's not what made him angry...then why...? I was beginning to feel woozy from trying to understand. Jake needed to explain. Now!

"Jake...I don't understand...I thought imprinting was good." I stressed the good, trying to figure out what was going on. Jake just shook his head, murmering to himself over and over again about ridiculous and not suppose to happen. "Jake, it's not that bad." I finally said, exassperated. He wouldn't explain and I was tired of trying to understand. I crossed my arms across my chest and raised an eyebrow at him, a demanding look on my face.

"Bella, you don't understand! Imprinting on...on...Emily would've been not that bad! Imprinting...Imprinting...on a man would've been not that bad! This...this! is bad!" He roared in rage, twisting a handful of his hair in his first and stomping around a circle, growling and groaning to himself.

"Why, Jake?! Who did you imprint on?!" I asked, frustrated and just as irritated myself. Why couldn't he just spit it out already!



"A vampire!" He finally shouted, his voice shaking the entire forest. I paled and froze...a vampire ?

"Oh." I whispered, voice high-pitched in sqeauky. "That explains the twinkle."