

Third person POV

"Atleast I'm not a a blood traitor!"

Rain poured from the clouds over forks, exploding in mini-fireworks on the pavement of the road by which Hazel sat. Posed indian-style, with her elbows on her knees and chin on her intertwined hands, she stared unblinking at the dark road. Lips pursed in thought, tangled hair sticking to her marble face, her stoney expression was sour. The three-quater length striped shirt she wore was soaked through, clinging to her skin, and the wet grass below her had done drenched the bottom of her pants. The bright flash of lights in the distance caught her attention, a car was on it's way, most likely speeding down the normally quiet highway. As it passed, Hazel looked up, her eyes catching the gaze of the passenger. To this innocent human, it would only seemed that her pupils had dialated to an abnormal size, overtaking her entire iris save for the tiniest rim of gold around the outer edge.

To a vampire, it meant she was hungry.

It was true, hunger ravaged her entire being, the sting of venom on the back of her throat. Her lips twitched as her mind fantasied about the flush, pulsing flesh of a human neck. Her imagination ran wild, picturing the face of the passenger in the black Suburban, his pale neck soft beneath her lips, the vivid blue veins throbbing under her tongue. Still, despite her hunger, Hazel remained seated, rain pounding away on her body, slidding carelessly down her stone-like cheeks. It wasn't the hunger, however, that had brought her. It was her argument with Rosalie.

"I don't see what you're making such a fuss about. So the werewolf imprinted on me, big deal." Hazel shrugged her shoulders, lounging back on Edward black-leather couch, her black-tinted honey eyes staring him down. The owner of the couch ran a hand through his wild hair, a low growl rumbling in his throat.

"It is a big deal, Hazel, you're just too much of a dumbass to understand why." He sneered and Hazel fell back, staring at him with slightly wide eyes. He only swore when he was really angry, really frustrated, or really annoyed. Hazel figured that now was a mixture of all three.

"I just don't see why it bothers you so much." She shot back, crossing her arms over her chest and standing from the couch, walking over the huge bay window of his room, staring at the beautiful gardens below. "It's not your problem."

"I find the entire situation amusingly ironic. Not too mention highly comical." Ella piped up, a twisted little grin on her perfect lips, as she crossed her leg elengantly over her knee, hands folded innocently in her lap. Edward sent her a sharp glare, which she responded to with a wide smirk, her eyes locked with his.

"It isn't funny. It's serious. A werewolf imprinted on her. That happens once every 300 years!" He explained, trying to emphasize the gravity of the situation. Hazel, ignoring them while they argued (laughing under her breath at some of Emmett's more humorous comments) stared out of the window at the small figure of Esme and Carlisle. Her beautiful 'aunt' was replanting her garden, the tiny blossoms surrounding her with an array of color. She crouched, in the most graceful way Hazel had ever seen, and placed a tiny bundle of half-bloomed poppies in the soil, carefully refilling the hole. When she stood, Carlisle was behind her, his hand wrapped around her trace her cheek in the softest of touches. Esme responded with a smile, caressing his hand with her own. Hazel watched, transfixed the simplistic intimacy of their acts, pulled only from the scene by Roselie's sneering comment.

"Atleast she's not technically ours if she's going to turn into a blood traitor." Hazel whirrled around, her eyes blazing.

"What did you say?" She hissed and Rosalie turned to face her, a simple but condeming smirk on her lips, her perfect features soft and calm. Hazel face her, never breaking the gaze, as she moved foreward to stand directly in front of her, a bare two inches shorter.

"I called you a bloodtraitor. Afterall, that's what you're going to turn into." The blonde vampire answered, as if it were obvious, crossing her thin arms over her chest. Hazel growled ferociously, her hands clenching into fists at her side.

"You don't know that." She replied, staring down Rosalie with venom in her voice, her now dark eyes burning with anger, a devil-like gleam to them. Rosalie, however, was unperturbed by her 'cousins' words, raising a hand to examine her perfect nails, idly shrugging her shoulders.

"We'll see. Oh, wait, Alice already has." She faked laughed and Hazel spun to face Alice, the shock in her eyes unable to be hidden. The small vampire hung her head, nodding once, before looking back up at Hazel, her lips forming an apology. Hazel eyebrows furred with thought as she started shaking her head, staring at the floor now, hands trembling. "That disgusting mutt sealed your Fate for you, Hazel. You'll betray us."

"Shut up, Rosalie!" Hazel screeched, lunging, invisble to the human eye, at the blonde female, only to be caught mid-strike by Emmett. The stronger vampire held her firmly in his grasp, her feet dangling above the floor, her body thrasing around. She let out an animalistic snarl, lips curled back to reveal her venom coated fangs. "Let me go, damn it! Put me down!" She screamed and when Emmett finally complied, she turned sharply on her heels and promptly left the room, slamming the door right from it's hinges as she left. The only sound that followed was a satisfied laugh from Rosalie...

The sudden scent of blood caught her off guard, her head snapping to the forest across the road, eyes alight with a wild, animalistic hunger. Her entire body shuddered, muscles taunt below her skin, as she rose in one fluid motion. It wasn't the animal blood she'd become accustomed too, no this was better. Sweeter. Human. Hazel felt herself drawn to the smell, her instincts forcing aside her consciouss mind, leaving only a raw drive to feed. With blinding speed, she chased the scent through the words, damned and determined to find it's source. It's sweet, sweet source. She was stopped dead in her tracks when she finally found it.

It was indeed a human, laying sprawled-eagle in the middle of a small clearing, a puddle of blood beneath their body. Hazel grinded her teeth together, ignoring the burning in the back of her throat and forced herself to focus only on the face. The face of a small boy, about the age Hayden would have been when she was turned, contorted into fear and pain. Hazel knelt at his side, looking for any sign of puncture marks, studying his neck closely. A familiar cresent moon-shaped mark was fianlly found, still fresh and dripping blood. Hazel stopped breathing, almost unable to handle the smell this close, the liquid coating her fingers.

"Who bit you..." She wondered aloud, bending her head to smell his neck, searching for a scent, just as a thunderous boom echoed throughout the entire forest. Hazel found herself skidding backwards across the ground, falling deeper and deeper into the rut her body was creating, held down by a giant, heavy...furry thing. Her body came to a sudden halt, slamming against a tree and knocking it over. With a growl, she shoved the beast off and stood, brushing off her clothes in obvious disgust. "What the hell was that for?!" She asked, glaring at the beast with gleaming ebony eyes, the deep purple rings under her eyes vivid against her skin. It wouldn't be much longer before she would have to feed, she'd be unable to keep it at bay.

The beast growled at her, jerking it's head toward the dead boy, then turning it's malicious glare back to Hazel. With a dismissive snort, Hazel waved a hand at him, secretly studying him from the corner of her eye. He was huge for a wolf, this instantly telling her was a werewolf, and his fur was a thick, russet brown. His eyes, hard and angered, focused on her, held a familiarness, but Hazel dismissed this and answered the wolf.

"I didn't kill him. A vampire did, but not I." She stated, instantly under the impression that he didn't believe her, not that she cared. It was the truth. "I don't care if you don't believe me." The wolf grunted in response to this, bearing it's sharpened fangs and started circling her. Hazel followed it's movements with a calm patience, keeping their gazes connected. "Who are you werewolf ? Why don't you change back and we'll talk this over like civilized beings." Hazel sneered, adding extra emphasis to the world civilized, a smirk on her lips. The wolf growled and tightened it's circle around her and this time Hazel stopped, standing still and closing her eyes. "I won't peek."

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" A deep, male voice asked, filled with childish annoyance. Hazel kept her word, keeping her eyes closed (and keeping her distance), while laughing lightly.

"It didn't seem to keep you from complying, did it-" She paused and she heard him snort loudly, a raw disgruntled sound, before adding one thing to the end. "-Jacob Black."