

"For that last time, Edward, there's nothing else!" Hazel shouted in frustration, jumping up from the couch and throwing her arms up in the air. She'd been talking to Edward for that past hour and a half and the male kept asking the same question! Quite frankly, and slightly off topic, she was suprised he'd lasted this far away from Bella for this long.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure! There's nothing else! Do you sense anything else?!" She asked, waving her hands around her head and giving him a overexaggerated eyeroll. She groaned and shoved a hand through her messy bangs, glaring out of the giant window in his room.

"No, I don't but you could be hiding it from me. Hazel, we need to know-" Hazel snarled loudly, cutting him off, turning her feral glare to him instead of the trees outside. Her honey colored eyes blazed with annoynace and anger, the dark purple circles around her eyes heavy and dark.

"Everything! I know! You've told me a thousand times! Damn it, I regret even trying to tell you, should've just kept it to myself. But no! I had to go a be a good cousin and share the news with you! Had I known you'd be so damn annoying, I woulda kept my thoughts to myself!" She raged, pacing around the room, the anger literally radiating off her small body. Edward cocked an eyebrow and stood, ruffling his own tawny hair and sighing heavily.

"Look, I'm sorry Hazel, I just need to know. There are so many things that could happen if there's another vampire running around here. Bella, for one, could be-"

"Who gives a damn about Bella! There's some rogue vampire out there, killing all kinds of Indian kids, possibly sucking someone dry as we speak, and you bring up Bella! What the hell does she have to do with this?" Hazel screeched, not daring to back down from the glare that overtook Edward's previously gentle eyes. A low growl rumbled in his throat and he took a step toward her. Hazel snarled back, her lips curled in disgust, staring him straight in the eye.

"Everything! She's proan to vampire attacks! Everyone that's come here has-"

"Oh, don't give me that bullshit! No vampire outside of this wacked out family gives a damn about her!" Edward growled, a small spasm running through his body as he kept himself from attacking Hazel. Unbothered by his sudden intense anger, Hazel continued, a smirk growing on her lips. "She's just a human girl. Living, weak and replaceable. All humans are. There's nothing different about her, so why must we worry? Is the entire Vampire world suddenly going to become infatuated with dearest little Isabella?"

"I'll only warn you once, Hazel. Shut up." Edward threatened but Hazel just laughed and danced toward the door, humming under her breath. She grasped the door handle and opened it slowly, turning gracefully to stare back at him.

"What would it matter anyway? One of them's going to get her eventually." She said, smiling brightly before winking at him and slamming the door shut. The walls creaked and rattled from the force. Edward took a deep breath through his nose and whirrled around, glaring out the window, forcing himself to calm down.

"Damn it." He swore, shoving a hand through his bangs. "Females are so annoying."


"So then he has the nerve to accuse me of hiding something from him!" Hazel ranted, throwing her head against the headrest of the car Carlisle had let the girls use. Patience was driving and Ella was in the back, leaning up inbetween the seats with her elbows on the back of the headrests.forehead fall to the window, staring at the trees that wizzed by.

"Yeah! Stupid boy..." Hazel muttered, growling as Patience made a sharp turn causing her to slam her head on the window. Patience laughed weakly and shrugged her shoulders.

"Wouldn't he be able to sense it anyway? Hiding it or no?" Ella asked and Hazel nodded, letting her

"My bad. Almost missed it. You know, they should really mark this. Put a big sign that says 'La Push Reservation: Beware of Dog' or something." The girls laughed and Patience rolled the car to a stop, letting Hazel get out. "We'll be back to get you from this...thing."

"It's a funeral and okay." Hazel said, stuffing her hands in her coat pockets and aking her way to the big gathering a few feet away. Ella waved as they drove off, most likely headed to the only store around this place, The Thritstore, or to hunt. Hazel wasn't sure but she let it go from her thoughts and focused on finding that werewolf kid. Her trenchcoat ruffled around her knees in the wind, a crack of thunder sounding from somewhere in the distance. Her hair was down, framing her face, and she wore black jeans and converse, head to toe in black. She was sure that was what people still did at funerals these days. She couldn't be positive, the last one she'd attended was in 1907.

"Cook...?" A voice said and Hazel turned, coming face to chest with Jacob Black. She looked up and met his eyes, watching his lonigish ebony hair blow around his strong jaw, his onyx eyes swimming with confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to pay my respects on behalf of my kind. Despite what you may think, even we are not heartless." She smiled sweetly and shrugged her collar up higher, turning away from some of the curious glances coming her way. Jacob snorted but, as she'd anticipated, did not send her away. Instead, he grasped her by the shoulder and led her to the farthest corner of the gathering, to where the gravesight was still visable, but they were downwind.

"They'll smell you."

"So? As long as I don't attack them, they can't attack me, right?" She asked him and he shrugged, turning his attention back to his people as the service started. Hazel watched in a mix of subtle amazement, interest, and boredom. She cocked an eyebrow and elbowed Jacob gently. "Why are they doing that?" She asked as one of the elder Quileute people tied a band of feathers and bone around the deceased boy's head.

"In order to assure him peace in the afterlife. The feather represent serenity and freedom while the bones stand for strength and good fortune." Jacob explained, casting a quick glance down at Hazel, only to find her staring intently at Ryan's pale face, the barest hint of sadness in her honey orbs. Jacob felt his heart pang as it called out to her and he had the sudden urge to embrace her. He nearly slapped himself as he snapped his head back up to watch the ending of the ceremony. As his people started to disperse and head back to Ryan's home for the grand last meal, Jacob grabbed Hazel's shoulder and started hauling her away.

"H-hey! What are you doing?! I wanted to-"

"You can't, if they find you here, the'll flip."

"If who find me-"

"Hey Jake! Where you going? Aren't you coming to the-" The voice stopped and Hazel turned around, yanking herself from Jacob's iron grip, glaring at the man in front of her. "What is she doing here?"

"I came to pay my respects to the child." Hazel replied, cutting Jacob off when he tried to answer for her, her voice cold and hard. Sam Uley, the Alpha Male of Jacob's little dog pack, sent back an equally chilling glare, his arms crossed over his toned chest.

"You're not allowed here. It violates the treaty." He replied and Hazel shrugged, turning to study the funeral site, putting her hands up behind her head.

"As long as I don't hurt anyone, I don't see a problem." She smiled at him, her teeth glittering beneath her lips, giggling as a low growl was heard from one of the boys behind Sam. Hazel ignored him and kept talking. "Besides, someone of my kind did this to that little boy and I feel responsible." Sam studied her carefully and Hazel could sense the discomfort in his gaze, but she acted as if he didn't bother her.

"You're still in violation of the treaty. I think it best if you leave." He stated and Hazel shrugged, stuffing her hands in her pockets as a soft drizzle began to fall from the clouds above. She brushed past Jacob, sending him a subtle glance before disappearing into the woods. Sam turned to Jacob and threw his arm around the younger boy's shoulders. He roughly hauled him away, slapping him a few times on the chest. "What am I gonna do with you, Jake?"

"What?" Jacob asked, shrugging off Sam's arm and shoving his hands on his pockets and staring at the sky, feeling the rain on his cheeks. "She didn't really do anything. She seemed kinda...sad."

"Vampires don't feel, Jake. They just pretend. You can't feel with a dead heart." Sam shrugged and patted Jacob's shoulder, jogging ahead to meet Emily. The two climbed into Sam's car and headed off to Ryan's house. Jake stopped and turned his gaze to Ryan's grave, watching the raindrops glitter on the flowers the Elders had left. He sighed heavily and licked his lips, shaking his damp bangs from his eyes before starting his walk to Ryan's house.

"Sure you can."