
Alexander Young

It was raining. Drizzling was more the appropriate word, but nonetheless, water was falling from the sky. A horse-drawn carriage sped by, splashing the water from a mud puddle onto 17-year-old Hazel Cook. The brunette frowned and shook her petty coat, trying to rid it of the water. She quickly checked her package and sighed in relief when she found it untouched.

"Oh thank goodness." She whispered, laying a hand on her heart. Moving closer to the buildings to avoid being hit again, she quickly made her way back home. Her boots padded along on the cobblestone walkway. She pulled her shawl tighter around her shoulders with her free hand, clutching the paper-wrapped package to her chest. She squinted her eyes against the rain. Finally, she reached her home and quickly ran up the stairs, pushing open the heavy wooden doors.

"Hazel, there you are, have you got it?" "

Of course, M'am. It's right here." Hazel smiled and handed the package over to the woman before her. She was the most beautiful woman Hazel had ever met, also one of the kindest and most loving. Her beautiful chestnut hair was always kept in a fancy style, be it a beautiful braided twist or an elegant bun, it always looked magnificent. Her eyes were a piercing jade, but always held kindness and a gentle sweetness. Mrs. Emily James, as it was her name, opened the package and pulled the beautiful dress out, holding it up to her body.

"Oh, it is perfect! Don't you think so, Hazel?" She asked, turning to her. Hazel blinked and nodded immediately, smiling brightly. "

Yes of course, M'am! You look absolutely stunning!" Hazel clapped and smiled as her Mistress spun around in her dress.

“Do you think he will like it? I do want to look presentable, but not overbearing. Do you understand, Hazel?” She asked and Hazel nodded, fiddling with the edges of her own hand-me-down skirt.

“You will look wonderful, M’am. Beautiful as ever.” Hazel complimented and Mrs. James smiled, bringing her along up the stairs with her. Hazel spent the next few hours readying Mrs. James for Alexander’s arrival. Alexander Young was Mrs. James’ current suitor and the son of a very prominent business man in South England.

“Oh, Hazel, I cannot wait for tonight! I believe it shall be the greatest night of my life!”

Hazel’s eyes snapped toward the window, glaring at the sight of the approaching storm clouds. Lighting flashed, illuminating her ebony-rimmed irises, bright against her alabaster skin, as she turned her gaze back to the necklace she held in her hands. She closed her eyes and concentrated, swimming through the vast sea of memories before finally selecting the one she wanted.

Hazel held her nightgown up as she ascended the stairs, a strained look of worry on her soft features. She neared her mistress’s room and stopped, listening carefully. A strange sound came from within, the wooden doors cracked open slightly. Hazel stepped forward, her breathing heavy, the blood pumping in her veins, and peeked into the room. She stifled a gasp, the foul stench of blood filling her nostrils. She slapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide with fear. A flash of lightning illuminated his face and she screamed, a heavy weight on her body and a searing pain in her neck…

Hazel sat upright, her eyes snapping open, instantly calming her ragged breath, looking down at her hand. She opened her clenched fingers and sighed, picking up the now broken necklace. She stood and placed the necklace on her nightstand, looking out of the window. It was pouring now, thunder rumbling and lighting splitting the skies. A truly horrid night, she thought, but would’ve been perfect for baseball.

“Haz?” A voiced asked and Hazel turned, staring at Ella through the shadows of the night. The ebony-haired vampire came over and sat next to her, folding her legs under her and laying her head on Hazel’s shoulder. “What’cha doing?”

“A bit of recollection.” Hazel answered, smirking down at her and smiling lightly. Ella laughed and slapped her stomach.

“What have I told you about that?” She scolded playfully, her golden eyes gleaming up at Hazel. Hazel grinned and poked her nose.

“That it’s bad for my health but when you can’t sleep, what else is one to do?” She asked and Ella shrugged, falling all the way down to lay in Hazel’s lap. Ella propped her legs up on the back of the couch, her black shorts hugging her thin legs. Hazel laughed and started playing with her hair, running her fingers through the curly black locks.

“I don’t know. Write a book, play some music, compose a symphony.” Ella suggested and Hazel laughed, laying her head back against the couch and closing her eyes. “What were you thinking about?”

“The night I was turned.” Hazel answered, shrugging lightly, picturing the face of her sire in her mind, a small frown overtaking her lips.

“Oh, that’s always depressing.” Ella commented, frowning at Hazel’s frown. “Cheer up, Haz. You haven’t forgotten about tomorrow, have you?” Hazel shook her head, grinning down at Ella.

“Of course not. It’ll be a blast.” She laughed lightly and resumed playing with Ella’s hair. The ebony-haired female laughed and wrapped her arms around Hazel’s waist.

“Of course it will! The band we’re seeing, Paramore, I hear they’re pretty badass.” Ella nodded, wiggling her eyes all weird like. Hazel laughed and turned her head to stare out of the window again, watching the rain glide gracefully down the glass.

“They are. It’ll be awesome.” She whispered, her eyes clouding over slightly, eyebrows knitted in thought. What is this feeling…

-Next Day. In the City. Around 2 o’clock-

Hazel shoved Ella out of her way and climbed from Emmett’s giant jeep thing, landing with a soft thud on the concrete. She gazed around, noting how many people there were and that they were all here for the concert. Patience and Ella stood beside her while they, Emmett and Jasper waited for Bella, Edward and Alice.

“Look at them all…” Ella murmured, gazing around. Hazel nodded in agreement and leaned against the Jeep, grinning when Alice skipped up to them.

“Okay, let’s go! I want to get as close as we can!” She exclaimed and the group made their way to the entrance, crammed together due to the mass of people trying to get in.

“Tickets?” The guy asked and Hazel immediately turned to Edward, holding out her hand.

“I don’t have them.” He said, shrugging his shoulders. Hazel’s brow wrinkled in confusion. She was sure….she turned to Bella, hand still out.

“Sorry, Hazel, I don’t have them either.” Pursing her lips, she tried Jasper.

“Nope, sorry Hazel.” Growling, she turned to Alice.

“I don’t have them either, but we get in, so you’ll find them eventually!” Rolling her eyes, she turned to Emmett.

“Sorry, Hazelnut, not my responsibility.” Grinding her teeth, she turned to her last hope, Ella and Patience.

“We don’t have them, Haz.” They said in unison. Hazel threw her hands up in the air, whirling around as the guard pulled the tickets from her back pocket.

“Here they are. Go on in,” He said, letting them through. Hazel stared at him for a moment before growling and stalking in after the others, embarrassment welling in her chest.

“Nice one, Hazelnut.” Emmett teased and Hazel punched in him the shoulder, crossed her arms and walked forward, leaving them all behind. The others caught up to her and they all pushed their way to the front of the crowd, getting close to the stage. As they waited for the band, Hazel searched the crowed, a curious feeling growing in her chest.

“Hey, Hazel, look excited! We’re gonna see Paramore!” Ella shouted, throwing an arm over her shoulder and smiling at her best friend. Hazel smiled back and embraced her, grinning.

“Sorry, I just have this weird feeling, that’s all.” Ella shrugged and turned to Patience, about to say something when the band ran out, already singing by the time Hazel faded back into the present. Everyone was jumping around, like a mass ball of chaos, and the music blared from the speakers, easily drowning the screams and voices of the crowd.

“Hazel, darling, I didn’t expect to find you here.” A smooth voice whispered in her ear. Hazel smiled, clenching her teeth to keep from whirling around the killing the man, no vampire, next to her. She looked at him from the corner of her eye, her breath catching in her throat at his immortal handsome face. It always did, not matter her hatred for him.

“I like this band.” She replied, feeling his arms wrap around her, his lips against her neck.

“How curious. Now tell me, are you happy to see me?” He asked and Hazel chuckled darkly.

“It’s always a pleasure to see you, Alexander.”