
Another's Dead

“Bloody amazing! That was awesome!” Ella shouted again, dancing in the backseat, her arms flailing about. Edward sat next to her, grinning and shaking his head, one arm wrapped around Bella, who was fast asleep on his shoulder despite Ella’s shouts. Patience turned and glared at her, which would’ve been very frightening if she were not a vampire, considering she was driving.

“Thank you yet again, Ella, could ya calm down?” She asked and Ella stuck her tongue out at her, flopping back in her seat and singing lightly to herself. Patience rolled her eyes and turned back to the road, sending a glance at Hazel. “You’re quiet, Hazelnut.”

“Just thinking.” Hazel murmured in reply, her elbow propped up on the car handle and her head in her palm. Her breath fanned out across the window and her golden eyes stared straight ahead, blinking only twice every few minutes.“

’Bout what?” Ella asked, appearing in between the two front seats, eyebrow raised. Hazel was about to answer, but Edward piped up for her.

“Jacob Black and Alexander.” Hazel turned and sent him a lethal glare, snarling lightly. Edward just smiled back and stroked Bella’s hair, his golden eyes twinkling. Hazel sighed and turned around, sighing heavily and letting her head rest against the seat.

“The Werewolf and your….Sire.” Ella muttered and Hazel nodded, watching her from the corner of her eye. “You think about the strangest combinations of things.” The girl added and Hazel smirked, snorting lightly.

“It’s true.”

“Why them?” Ella asked and Hazel shrugged, crossing her arms across her chest. She was staring out of the front window, her eyebrows knitted together.

“Because…Alexander was at the, Patience, watch out!” She screamed, but Patience was already swerving, having saw the same thing Hazel had. Patience gritted her teeth and slammed on the brakes, turning the wheel sharply. The silver Volvo came to a head-jarring halt and Patience whirled around.

“She okay?” She asked Edward, who was holding a sleepy-eyed Bella tightly. Edward nodded and Bella gazed around in confusion.

“What’s going on?” She asked, her voice heavy with sleep, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. Before she could get an answer, Ella’s voice cut through the air.

“Where’s Hazel?” Four pairs of eyes turned to the open Passenger door, staring at the unoccupied seat.


Hazel ran through the forest, ripping the braches from her path, eyes blazing with anger and hatred. A feral snarl escaped her lips as she his scent grew stronger, the image from a few moments ago flashing across her mind.

Hazel was about to answer Ella but the words caught in her throat. Like a ghost, Alexander stood in the middle of the street, only feet in front of them, his crimson irises gleaming in the headlights. “Patience, watch out!”

Hazel saw him ahead and adrenaline pulsed in her veins, a sadist grin on her lips as she leaped into the clearing. Only to be standing alone. Or so she thought.

“Cook?” She spun, her eyes still blazing with anger, liquid gold in the moonlight. Jacob stepped out of the trees, his eyebrows knitted in confusion. She sniffed the air; more of his kind were here. Four more if she was not mistaken. Hazel allowed her rage to settled, taking in the clearing around her. The sting of freshly spilt blood immediately assaulted her nostrils, bringing the burn of venom to her throat. She looked down and found herself, ironically, straddling the body of another young boy, very similar to the first one, Ryan.

“This is not how I want to keep meeting you. It can’t make me look good.” She mused, forcing a small smile for him. Jacob bit his bottom lip, staring at the ground. Hazel cocked an eyebrow, taking a step toward him.

“It doesn’t, so step back, bloodsucker.” A voice snarled and Hazel whirled around, her eyes narrowed, teeth barred in a growl. Another Indian Werewolf stepped out, a few inches shorter than Jacob and not nearly as handsome. Had the situation been different, Hazel would’ve scolded herself for that remark.

“Embry, don’t. She didn’t do this.” Jacob hissed, turning his gaze to his pack brother, his lips curved into a deep frown.

“We can’t believe that, Jacob. Look at what lies in front of you! She was feral when we found her and she’s standing over Luke’s body. How is this not to convince us?” Hazel stepped forward toward Sam, a finger raised, her eyes filled with annoyance.

“First, I am not feral and second, I was looking for someone. Is it really my fault I just happen to stumble upon all these vampire-killed Indian children?” She asked, shrugging her shoulders.

“It’s no longer a coincidence.” Sam growled, glaring at her. Hazel just stared back, knowing she had a slim chance of convincing him she didn’t do it. However…there may be one way.

“What if I can prove it.”

“Prove what?”

“That it wasn’t me.” She answered, bending down at the young boy’s side, gently rolling his head to the side to reveal the bite marks. Instead of the normal crescent shaped mark, there were two puncture marks. “You see, vampire bite marks are shaped like crescent moons. No distinct fangs.” She explained, touching the closest hold with her fingers, feeling a shudder run down her spine. Good thing she wasn’t starving.

“So?” Sam shrugged, bending to examine the bite mark as well. Hazel groaned and rolled her eyes.

“So, whoever bit this boy had fangs. Two distinct circle shaped puncture wounds. Fangs.” She explained, letting the boy’s head fall and standing back up.

“So you’re saying…that different types of vampires have different biting styles?” Hazel shoved her hands in her pockets, sniffing the air. She sighed heavily, no trace of Alexander.“

Sort of. Actually, there are only two types.” She held up two fingers and stared him dead in the eye. She subconsciously noticed Jacob move closer to her, staring over her shoulder at Sam, the dead boy in his arms. “The first is the crescent shaped bite. The marked left by every vampire in existence.”

“But you just said-“

“I wasn’t finished. The second puncture bite marks left by fangs. There are only three Vampires in existence known to possess fangs.” She paused and sniffed the air again, again picking up nothing but the nasty smell of Werewolf and the sweet scent of Jacob’s skin.

“And they are…” Sam asked, motioning for her to continue.

“Dante, a member of the Volturi, and Alexander Young-“ She paused and broke their stare, instead turning her gaze to the boy in Jacob’s arms. He could be no older than 10. She frowned and clenched her fists.”- along with any of his lineage.”